


The number '666' is considered to be sacred by many.
The New Age Movement believes that
"the more this number is repeated,
the sooner will the world be consecrated to Lucifer"
- their light bearer.

Contents of doc. - "666"


By Terry Watkins


        "Omni magazine, June 1991, (p.59) made this surprising statement, "Cash and credit cards will soon be obsolete." "Information Week, Oct. 11, 1993, boldly trumpeted on its cover, The cashless society, It's in the Cards. The article dogmatically stated, (p.4) "Bet your bottom dollar: The United States is becoming a cashless society…" The fastest growing movement in the financial world is "smart cards". Smart cards, which resemble ordinary credit cards, contain tiny computer chips, capable of storing data such as bank accounts, medical information, etc. Already widely used in Japan and Europe, according to Information Week (p.4) "By next year, cards will be used to pay for health care and insurance to receive government benefits and to buy items in vending machines . . .Newsweek magazine July 31, 1989 (p. 54) said smart cards, "may make the old science fiction notion of a cashless society real."A pilot program is already being tested at the Marine Corp's Parris Island training base in South Carolina According to Newsweek "On payday, recruits receive smart cards rather than cash. When a marine makes a purchase on base, he plugs the card into a small terminal and the sum is automatically deducted from his pay." Newsweek says, "The base is infact a cashless economy -- even the telephones take smart cards."
The Birmingham News of August 24, 1993 (p.1B) report on smart cards said, "Before long, you'll use this electronic check to pay for groceries, gasoline taxes, stamps, fast food -- virtually any business where you now use checks or cash. " Robert McKinley, president of RAM Research Corp. says, "You've heard about the cashless society…. it may finally be on its way." Infosecurity News, Sept Oct 93 (p.27) writes, "An extraordinary effort is now underway to build an infrastructure for the wide scale use of smart cards in electronic data interchange, national healthcare systems, financial transaction systems and interactive home services . . ." Pilot programs, utilizing smart cards, are already being tested in Minnesota, New Jersey, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Dayton, Ohio. And according to Lawrence Rudmann, USDA Director of Public Affairs, "It's only a matter of time before all federal programs are brought into compliance.. " US news and World Report, told of a frightening reason for smart cards. "To keep closer watch on individuals, engineers have devised a forgery proof National identity card - the smart card… "
President Clinton has repeatedly, on national television, held up before the American people -- the National Health Care Card. And for the very first time in history, every man, woman, and child will be numbered and required to carry a card. No exceptions! No excuses! everybody! In the book, Putting People First by President Clinton, outlining the Clinton agenda page 22, reads: "All Americans will carry 'smart cards'…" An article in Investor's Business Daily, (Nov.16, 93, p.1), titled "The Dark Side of Health Reform", stated. "Privacy rights advocates are also concerned that the health ID would end up being used by the government for far more than just determination of health benefits." PC Week magazine (May 9, 1994 p.1) had an article titled, "Postal Service, IRS developing national identity cards; Clinton may give OK" The article stated, "The Clinton administration is working on creating an identification card that every American will need to interact with any federal government… Sources close to the administration said President Clinton is also considering signing a pair of executive orders that would facilitate the connection of individual's bank accounts and federal records to a government identification card the Postal Service is prepared to put more than 100 million of the cards in citizens' pockets within months of administration approval, which could come at any time... " The major concern of the smart card is security. Credit card fraud costs $1 billion dollars a year! And if you think we've got problems with credit card fraud -- what do you think will happen when your "financial -healthcare -identification-everything-smart-card" is stolen! A side-article in InformationWeek (p.36), asks the" 10 million Dollar question." "What if a thief Swipes Your Card?". Infosecurity (p.28) also asks, "The standard question is: 'What happens if a user forgets his or her smart card?"

It's going to have to be -

Automatic I.D. News, March 1992 (p.E40), says, "Automatic Identification plays an important role in the emerging cashless society. " Automatic I.D. News, Sept. 1990 (p.37), says, "The fastest-growing segment in the access control market, . . . is biometric sensors. These devices identify people by fingerprints, retina patterns and other body based methods ... " Already in Spain dogs and cats, are required by law, to have microchip implants injected into their skin. The system is also used in the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Great Britain, Belgium, Ireland, New York City and California. And, to stop baby swapping, kidnapping-- it is being considered for use in identifying children! In 1991, while America's attention was absorbed in the Gulf War Crisis, the House "silently" passed a little known bill, called The Federal Telecommunication System 2000 (FTS 2000). At a cost of $25 billion, it is the single largest money appropriation in U.S. history. FTS 2000 requires by law, all computer and phone lines, connected via high-tech computer network. According to a published study of FTS 2000, by Craig Hulet, of KC & Associates, "The system is quite real:there is no question that once it is in place, one will 'neither buy nor sell' without being very much a part of the system. " Revelation 13:17! What do you think President Clinton was referring to in his State of the Union address, on January 25, 1994, when he said. ". . . we must also work with the private sector to connect every classroom every clinic, every library, every hospital in America into a national information superhighway by the year 2000." How serious are they? In the book, Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less by Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore. (p.114), calls for ". . . the rapid development of a nation wide system to deliver government benefits Electronically. . . develop an implementation plan for electronic benefits transfer by March 1994." According to Gore, the process is well under way (p.114), "There are test sites in Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming." In 1974 a strange, new mark began appearing on products. Until today, virtually every product is now marked with that familiar UPC barcode. And there are three embedded numbers on every UPC bar-code.

What are the three hidden numbers?

All of the marks, of bars are associated with numbers at the bottom, except the marks at the first, middle, and end. Notice the marks for the number "6" are "||". And these marks are the same marks at the first, in the middle and at the end!
Here's the other numbers removed.

The number "666" is hidden in every UPC bar code!

Something else mysterious has appeared. In the last few years, some UPC codes have appeared with additional boxes underneath the bar code. Beside the boxes are 2 letters - the letter F and the letter H!
Bar codes, such as these, have already appeared in some Midwestern stores. According to researchers: the F - is for FOREHEAD, and the H - is for HAND! And according to researchers, the purchaser must have a mark in their right hand or forehead before purchasing! One party moving rapidly in bar-code identification is the Federal Government. Automatic I.D. News, April 1991. says, (p.46) "Everything that is being used in the military system has been - or will be-marked with a bar code… even down to individual soldiers - everyone gets a bar-code." At least 15 high schools in New York City are participating in a pilot program using bar-coded identification and scanners to "keep careful tabs on the students"
Esquire magazine of March 1990, (p.89) asked the obvious question, ". . .will we all be tagged in the end?" In 1935, the Social Security program was enacted as a simple retirement system to be funded by payroll contributions. But in 1974, the Senate Finance Committee voted to issue a Social Security card to every child entering the first grade. Time magazine of March 13, 1972, commenting on the action said, (p.16) "Such a system would further enable the Government to amass information on citizens amid store it in a central computer under a single identification number." Then in 1989, a law was passed that every child, over two years of age, must have a Social Security number to qualify as a dependent on tax returns. Now a program has been implemented, that when the baby is born, the hospital will automatically apply for the social security number! The name of the program -- enumeration at birth! To Enumerate means to "assign a number!"

The American government is establishing a universal identification number!

An amazing fulfilment of prophecy is presently taking place - the merger of the European Community. According to Bible students, this incredible political-economic development, is nothing less than the revival of the once great Roman Empire, prophesied in Daniel. The Bible teaches the Anti-Christ will head up this 10-nation, Revised Roman Empire. And on January 1 1993, the Revised Roman Empire officially began, called the United States of Europe. The Wichita Eagle described its uncanny birth, "… Since the fall of the Roman Empire, there has been the dream of a unified Europe. We are seeing a brand new Roman Empire reconstructed." Standardization News, February, 1991, told of some unbelievable developments. "The European Community has decided to utilize an identification mark." Page 30 of the report reads. "... one cannot market or sell a product unless it has the EC mark." Revelation 13:17 reads almost identical. 'And that no might buy or sell, save he had that mark…"

2,000 years ago, the Bible foretold of these events, and they're being fulfilled to the smallest detail!

Friend, If you've never been saved, don't wait another minute! FRIEND, YOU CAN BE SAVED THIS VERY MINUTE! It's simple to be saved. Just pray this simple prayer and mean it with all your heart.

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I am lost forever.
I thank you for dying for me at Calvary.
I come to you now, the best way I know how, and ask you to save me.
I now receive you as my Saviour.
In Jesus Christ name, Amen."



 An article by CHRIS BEARD

    "AFTER YEARS of planning research, and development the world's financial institutions are announcing the much anticipated GLOBAL CASHLESS SOCIETY. The ability to conduct all manner of monetary exchange is now being replaced by microchip technology and electronic currency.
MONDEX is the company providing this cashless system and has already franchised over 20 major nations. This system was created in 1993 by London bankers Tim Jones and Graham Higgins of NATWEST/COURTS, the personal bank of BRITAIN'S ROYAL FAMILY. The system is based on SMART CARD technology which employs micro chips concealed in a plastic card which stores electronic cash, identification and other information. All transaction systems are being made secure by adopting SET protocols (Secure Electronic Transaction) and will display the SET MARK.

MON-DEX- A compound of the words MONETARY & DEXTER. Webster's Dictionary Encyclopaedia Edition defines these words as:

monetary - pertainingto money

dexter - belongingto or located on the right hand

SET - the Egyptian god of evil or Satan

Along with the cards you may use a PET device (Personal Electronic transfer). This wallet sized calculator-like device allows you to conduct personal currency exchanges with other card holders. The cards also works with the NORTEL/BELL VISTA 360 phone, MILLENNIUM pay phones, ATMs, your PC, the INTERNET, and online businesses and institutions. This cashless system has been tested extensively in the city of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada, and in the U.K. and U.S. All Canadian banks have signed up to MONDEX and will be promoting it soon. Plans are to have it widespread use by 1998. The CIBC (Canadian International Bank of Commerce) has even set tip a model cashless branch inside NORTEL in Brampton, Ontario. Over 250 corporations in 20 countries are involved in bringing MONDEX to the world and many nations have already been franchised to use it; the U.K., Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Hong Kong China Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize. The European Union is expected to adopt the MONDEX system as their unified currency solution. Other SMART CARD systems are quickly being put aside in favour of MONDEX, especially since MASTER CARD bought a 1% stake in the company. NATWEST will still maintain directorship in it's open and implementation.

"This is the final stage in becoming a global reality,"
said Robin O'Kelly of MONDEX International
"With Martercard's backing,
there's nothing to stop MONDEX now from becoming
the global standard."

Eventually the idea of carrying a card will become obsolete as people soon discover that it has its security limitations-namely, being susceptible to damage, loss and theft. The final solution will be to have the microchip simply placed inside the human body as they do now with microchip pet identification systems. INFOPET is one of several companies that provide a syringe gun implantable bio-chip that is injected under the skin of an animal the chip can be read by a scanner and the code identifying the owner and pet will bring up a file on a computer. The system boasts that it can track over 1 billion pets by satellites and cellular towers. MOTOROLA, who produce the micro chips for the MONDEX SMART CARD, has developed several human implantable bio-chips. The BT952000 chip was engineered by Dr. Carl Sanders who was directed in seventeen NEWWORLD ORDER meetings to develop the device for global use in humans for economic and identification purposes. The bio-chip measures 7mm long and 0.75mm in width, about the size of a grain of rice. It contains a transponder and a rechargeable lithium battery The battery is charged by a thermo-couple circuit that produces voltage from fluctuations in body temperature. They spent over 1.5 million dollars studying where to place the chip in the human body.

They found only 2 suitable and efficient places
- the FOREHEAD just under the hairline,
and the back of the hand, specifically the RIGHT HAND.

The Greek word in the Bible for 'the mark' is charagma, which means a scratch, or etching, stamp, insignia, or mark of servitude. The number 666 is the Greek phrase Chi Xi Stigma, meaning to stick or prick a mark incised or punched for the recognition of ownership. The industry name for the advanced smart card developed by GEMPLUS and the U.S. DOD (Department of Defence) is the MARC (Multi-technology Automated Reader Card). The code name for it's development was 'TESSERA'. A tessera was the Roman insignia of ownership placed on their slaves which if removed would result in the slave being branded with a mark. In November 1996 an agreement was made by which GEMPLUS will supply smart cards for the global implementation of MONDEX.

AT&T/Lucent Technologies purchased the franchise for MONDEX USA. Their logo is the symbol of the Solar Serpent or RED DRAGON who is Satan. LUCENT is compounded from LUCIFER - ENTERPRISES. They seem to he quite flagrant in naming their products STYX (a river in Hades), JANUS (2 faced god) and INFERNO promoted with a quote from 'The Inferno', a story about LUCIFER in the bowels of hell. The "ring of fire" is the ancient Pantheon. This company deliberately chose to move their new offices into 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

"Day was departing, and the darkening air called all earth's creatures
to their evening quiet while I alone was preparing as though for war"
- The Inferno, Dante, Canto II."



        "This global police state apparatus was designed to monitor every man, woman, and child once issued a UNIVERSAL BIOMETRICS CARD just like the MARC or MONDEX. The system was designed by Jean-Paul Creusat., M.D. and UN-INEOA representative (United Nations International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association). An article appeared in NARC OFFICER magazine, that describes the system. It appears to be closely related to the UN GLOBAL SECURITY PROGRAMME. Author Texe Marrs has written an entire book on PROJECT LUCID. In it he tells of the refusal to disclose the project's acronym leading him to believe LUC-ID may stand for LUCIFER's IDENTIFICATION.

PROJECT L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System - Texe Marrs [224 pages, US$10.95, Canadian$15.35] "Now there's no place left to hide. In this stunning expose, noted author Texe Mars unravels the secrets of Project L.U.C.I.D., the chilling program destined to devour the whole world. Soon, says Marrs. every person on earth - even newborn babies - will be issued the universal biometrics I.D. card. Resisters he asserts, will h av e a mind control biochip surgically implanted in their brains. The ISO 9000 program requires that all manufactured good s be marked with the number of the Beast, 666."

"Project L. U. C. I. D. empowers America's hidden SS establishment to use its massively powerful, computer databases to control bank accounts and purchases, and to monitor intimate details of people's lives, spy satellites; hidden miniature video cameras; and interactive TV sets will be watching our every move. Our telephone cards will be wiretapped and recorded by remote computers. All data will be linked, networked and processed by a central Gestapo, where faceless bureaucrats give orders to police, military and intelligence agencies. This is the new global police state, made up of the FBI, KGB, C.I.A, DEA, DIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, OSHA, NCIC, USDA, FDA, NRO, BATF, FINCEN, INS, DOJ, WTO, Europol, Interpol, Mossad, and the MAB." "Project L. U. C. I. D. ",writes Marrs, "the Universal Human Control System, is a nightmarish reality. A rough beast is slouching toward us, and our lives will never again be the same!" Many proponents of the NEW GLOBAL ORDER are occult, Masonic, or anti-christian and they seem to take delight with their veiled expressions. With LUCID the global law enforcement authority, will be able to track your every move. transaction, and acquaintance - it's that intrusive. Simon Davies of PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL investigated MONDEX's anonymity claims and found that they were monitoring all transactions in the trials breaking specific trade laws. Many if not most of MONDEX's original 17 or so financial backers are from the London banking district belonging to the CLUB OF THE ISLES, a HOUSE OF WINDSOR banking cartel that has a major choke hold on GLOBAL economics Through secretive meetings and strategic alliances these powerful MASONIC institutio ns influence world politics, finances, resources, and even the policies and structure of the UNITED NATIONS. Their goal is a NEW WORLD ORDER based on one global government, one global religion, and one global electronic economy. There is a MAN who is the BEAST spoken of by the prophets and the number of his name is 666. He is the LORD OF THE ISLES, a world figure whom many adore but he is also a man of intrigue and his power and influence have been grossly underestimated. He and his family were the first to publicly receive the microchip implant/mark which was broadcast around the world on CNN in March of 1996 But because the whole world is asleep, deluded, too busy and unaware and the god of this world continues to work in secrecy.

There are hundreds more companies and people involved with the implementation of the GLOBAL CASHLESS ECONOMY but presented here are a few of the main players. This should give you a brief introduction to what the mark of the beast is and how it is being implemented. I have also included a few explanations of the MONDEX symbolism. MONDEX's logo contains 3 interlinked rings, a symbol only found in occult MASONIC orders. It's general meaning regards three gods or the Egyptian/pagan trinity especially in the Enochian Temple Magick rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, namely Isis, Osiris, Horus, but originally in the Bible Ashoreth, Nimrod, Tammuz/Baal. The Pagan trinity are three gods manifested in one way whereas the christian trinity is one gid manifested in three ways. This symbol was also used by the Grand Lodge of England and the Order of Odd Fellows founded by NERO in A.D. 55."

"Hi Michael,
Thank you for your comments on the web site.  You can research Mondex at
www.MondexUSA.com as for making the card more personal i.e. like an I.D.
their are many campus cards (student I.D.) type programs in the U.S.
currently, search Washington University in St Louis that might be a good
start.  As for inserting the chip beneath the skin, I believe this process
is being tried on live stock in areas around the world, this will require a
little more effort (research) on your part. Hope this helps, let me know how it goes.

Best of luck,



"He who has an ear, let him hear.
If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
with the sword he will be killed.
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness
on the part of the saints."
(Revelation 13:9-10)



        Since it is not practical to place a microchip in every product that is to be bought or sold, a UPC BAR-CODE does the job nicely. What most people do not realize is that this is the "mark of the beast" for the products we buy, use and dispose of everyday. You will find two versions of the mark. The most common has 10 numbers divided into 2 parts. The other will have 6 numbers. Each individual number is represented by a pair of lines on top of it. It is strange though that three identical pairs of lines present in the bar-code are not numbered. That is, the numbers are there as they are represented by the lines, but are not printed together with the other numbers. The first pair is at the beginning, the second in the middle and the third at the end of the bar-code. If one of these pairs of lines is compared with any other numbered similar pair of lines it is noticed that this pair of lines represent the number '6'. So putting together the hidden numbers, formed by these three hidden identical pairs of lines, we derive the number - 666. These lines are called guard bars, they tell the scanner when to start, divide and stop the reading. Criminal prisoners in America already have their own bar code number about them and there already exists today the technology of mind control by the insertion of a chip in the brain.

"Microchips to help L.A. keep track of lost pets

        The city of Los Angeles wants to help find Fido by implanting a microchip under its skin. It will do the same thing for your cat. In a city housing the world's best-known pet cemetery, the council added a new service for animal lovers Wednesday. The council approved a pilot scheme to implant tiny identification microchips to be placed between the shoulders of a cat or dog adopted from one of the city's pet shelters. The city will recover the cost of the chips by raising shelter adoption fees from $74 to $89 for dogs and from $50 to $65 for cats."




Above - Toth (an egyptian deity) holding in his hands
the Ankh and the Resurrection rod,
between the two figures can be seen the
'flower of life' symbol.

        This symbol is called the 'flower of life', according to the New Age Movement, this symbol is the blue print of all creation. It would thus enclose everything - even our individualistic DNA pattern. The New Age Movement also says that the number '666' is (numerically speaking) the highest point of spiritual evolution the human being can attain.

The 'flower of life' symbol is directly linked to the Triquetra logo found in the (NKJV) bibles. This symbol is also popular with many masonic/occultic organisations. Texe Marrs writes:- "In a startling video expose of the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, renowned researcher and Bible scholar Gail Riplinger discusses the triquetra logo found on each issue of the NKJV. She demonstrates that the NKJV logo is strikingly reminiscent of the symbol employed by pagans and occultists for their unholy, Luciferian trinity of deities. The same unified - yet three-part logo, or symbol - is also connected with the theology of top New Age leaders, and with the dark initiation rites of high-level Freemasonry. The publisher of the NKJV, Thomas Nelson Publishing, may claim that their bible's logo represents the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But, if so, why is the same design found dominant in New Age and occult circles? Why does a revoltingly blasphemous Masonic ritual also employ the same symbol?"

Above - the 'flower of life', an enlarged part of the flower of life symbol, and the triquetra symbol as seen on a New Age book cover.

Above - the three 666s seen clearly in the Triquetra symbol.


A symbol of High Tech Control
by Texe Marrs

        But perhaps the ultimate use of this strange, ancient symbol of foreboding evil is found on - of all places - a high tech smart card. Gail Riplinger sent me a prototype of a new smart card just unveiled by MasterCard, Visa, Citibank, and Chase Manhattan. I was utterly shocked to find the triquetra symbol emblazoned repeatedly on the card. As Gail told me in her letter, "The latest smart card has the NKJV's logo all over the face of the plastic so that when a picture goes under it, you have '666' on your forehead." In other words, the image on the prototype smart card is that of a man, the bearer or holder of the card, who has this dreadful symbol splattered all over his face and head.

This technology leads towards the future prophesied by St. John
in the last book of the bible - THE REVELATION.

UK Prisoners prepare for tagging 

Electronic tagging is a "higher level penalty" says Jack Straw Thousands of prisoners are to be electronically tagged beginning from next week, enabling them to serve the last weeks or months of their sentences at home.The new scheme, Home Detention Curfew (HDC), begins in England and Wales on28 January. The Home Office estimates that once the scheme is established about 4,000 prisoners will be tagged at any one time. The scheme will save the government a significant amount of money and help ease prison overcrowding, but a Home Office spokesperson told BBC News Online: "If money is saved, that is an advantage, but the primary purpose is to ease the transition from prison to the community and thereby help avoid re-offending. "HDC provides a more structured environment than most prisoners experience when they first return home, but less structured than inside prison."
Re-offending rates not known - The Home Office says that research shows that strictly monitored curfews can introduce a level of discipline into people's lives which can help them to avoid re-offending. However, no figure is available to compare with the re-offending rates for criminals serving prison and community sentences. Only prisoners serving sentences between three months and four years are eligible for HDC. They must also pass a risk assessment which considers the individual's suitability and the suitability of the curfew address. The Home Office say that those convicted of sexual offences will only be considered in "exceptional circumstances". Prisoners considered to pose a risk to their victim will not be allowed on HDC. 30,000 a year eligible - The Home Office estimate that about half of the 60,000 prisoners eligible for HDC each year will be allowed onto the scheme. As the maximum time an individual can participate in the scheme is two months, about 4,000 are expected to be taking part at any one time. The terms of HDC will vary but generally will require participants to be in their home for around 12 hours overnight. They will have a tag, the size of a large watch, attached to their arm or leg. A monitoring unit connected to a telephone line will alert staff at privately run monitoring centres if the person is absent without authorisation or tampers with the tag or the monitoring unit. A telephone call or visit would then be made. Serious violations of curfew will result in the criminal being returned to prison. Less serious violations may give rise to a warning. Provisions for the HDC scheme were introduced in last year's Crime and Disorder Act. The Home Secretary Jack Straw described electronic tags as "harder than prison" and said that the technology required was now "absolutely reliable". The Home Office estimate the scheme will cost around £35m a year. However, keeping 4,000 prisoners in prison for one year costs £100m.



Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:00:44 -0500
From:  "Roger C. Thibault" <[email protected]>
To: (Recipient list suppressed)

From The Desk of Roger Thibault At Yellowstone Information Services

Dear Friends:

Just a few quick notes today. 

Phillip Hudok, a physics teacher at Elkins High School (Elkins, WV) has been fired for refusing to wear a BAR CODE ID around his neck.  Many of you have read his story.  All students and teachers have been ordered to wear the tag visibly around their neck.  Only a few dozen students refused. Only one teacher - Phillip refused.  Phillip took a stand for Jesus Christ and he was fired.  The Rutherford Institute is defending him in court. I would like to show support for Jesus Christ, Phillip Hudok, and all the students and teachers at Elkins High School by shutting the school down for a day, through prayerful Biblical protest and the Rosary.  If such action against Christians is undertaken when the wood is green, what will happen when we are under executive orders and martial law?  What kind of mark will YOU be told to wear THEN.  I am not trying to run an end-around regarding the book of Revelations - just trying to do what any Christian should do - say no to evil.  Let us defend Phillip and the good students who refused this preliminary mark of the beast, and in the process thereby defend our families and ourselves.  As I am sure you must be thinking, West Virginia is only the beginning…Please drop by the website (http://www.yellowstoneinfo.com ) and leave ane-mail, or just drop me an e-mail now [email protected] and letme know whether you would be interested in participating. 

In other news… Some of you are aware that I went off-the-air for a brief period a few weeks back.  After consultation with a few priests, I came back on-line eight days later.  Finally, if news comes across my desk that we have words of importance from the visionaries of Garabandal or Medjugorje concerning the events of the day, I will use the e-mail list to reach all of the subscribers.

Thanks and God bless,

Roger Thibault



"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast, or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." (Revelation 13:16-18)


The Number of the Beast
Milan, June 17, 1989 (Saturday)
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Father Gobbi

Chapter 407 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"


    The Announcement of
the Three Angels
Milan, October 2 1992
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Father Gobbi

Chapter 478 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"


"A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice:
"If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name." This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."
"Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor,
for their deeds will follow them.""
(Revelation 15:9-13)


The Mark on the Forehead
and on the hand
Dongo (Como), September 8, 1989
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Marian Movement of Priests
The Blessed Virgin to Father Gobbi

Chapter 410 is found in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons"

Matous Losuta

IN A related message, Our Lady explained more about a sign on the foreheads of the faithful. In this apparition, Our Lady appeared to Matous Losuta, a forester in the village of Turzovka, Czecoslovakia, in 1958. For his faith, Matous was imprisoned for three years by the communist authorities. Mary has told Matous,

"All my children will receive and carry the sign of the cross on their foreheads.
This sign only my chosen ones will see.

These chosen ones will be instructed by my angels how to conduct themselves. My faithful will be without any kind of fear during the most difficult hours. They will be protected by the good spirits and will be fed by Heaven from where they will receive further instructions. They will fall into a deathlike sleep, but they will be protected by angels. When they awake they will be like those newly born. Their bodies will be beautiful and their souls will be steeped in God. The earth will be beautiful and my chosen ones will se how God takes care of them." And so a different perspective is seen which has not been understood previously. The devil and the Blessed Mother both sign all they call their own. We must listen to such visionaries if we expect to understand the times we are living.


"I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years." (Revelation 20:4-6)










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