Adonis, Aegina, Alemene, Anchises, Coronis, Danae, Europa, Iasion, Io, Maia, Orion, Pleione, Semele, Thetis, Tithonus.

ADONIS: in Greek myth, the youth beloved by Aphrodite. He died of a wound inflicted by a boar in the hunt, and the inconsolable Aphrodite made the Anemone grow from his blood. In Hades, Persephone fell in love with him, but in pity for the great grief of Aphrodite, Zeus decreed that Adonis was to spend six months of the year in the underworld and the other six with Aphrodite in the upper. The myth and ritual of Adonis, with the weeping for the slain youth and joy at his resurrection, was imported from Syria, where he was identified with Tammuz. His name is also Syrian, from the Semitic Adom, "lord, master," and has the same meaning as Baal.

AEGINA: daughter of the river-god Asopus, from whom Zeus carried her off to an island in the Saronic Gulf off Attica. The island was named Aegina after her. She became by Zeus the mother of Aeacus.

ALEMENE: wife of Amphitryon of Thebes. While her husband was away fighting, Zeus visited her in Amphitryon's guise, and she became by him the mother of Hercules.

ANCHISES: legendary prince of Troy who, because of his beauty, was beloved of the goddess Aphrodite and became by her the father of Aeneas. He boasted of his intercourse with the goddess, and was stuck blind by a flash of lightning. During the destruction of Troy, Aeneas carried his old blind father on his shoulders from the burning city.

CORONIS: legendary Thessalian princess, and by Apollo the mother of Aesculapius. She was killed by Artemis for her unfaithfulness to Apollo, but the latter snatched the unborn Aesclapius from the flames of her funeral pyre and had him brought up by the Centaur Chiron, who instructed him in all the healing arts.

DANAE: daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos. An oracle had predicted that Danae would bear a son who would kill his grandfather. Acrisius therefore confined her within a brazen tower, but there she was impregnated by Zeus, who visited her in the form of a shower of gold. Thus she became the mother of Perseus. Acrisius shut up Danae and her son into a chest, which was thrown into the sea. The chest was borne to the island of Seriphose, and its king, Polydectes, later attempted to force Danae to marry him, sending Perseus off on his adventures in order to get him out of the way.

EUROPA: daughter of Agenor, king of Tyre in Phoenicia, and sister of Cadmus�. She was loved by Zeus who assumed the form of a beautiful white bull and came forth from the waves as Europa and her maidens were sporting on the shore. Europa, beguiled by the charms of the bull, jumped upon his back, where upon he rushed back into the sea and swam with her to Crete. There she became, by Zeus, the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon.

IASION(Iasius, Iasus): son of Zeus and the Oceanid Electra. He was loved by Demeter, who bore him Bootes and Plutus. In jealousy, Zeus slew him with his thunderbolt.

IO: daughter of the river-god Inachus, first king of Argos. She was loved by Zeus, who changed her into a heifer in the fear of the jealous wrath of Hera. Hera, aware of the metamorphosis, had her pursued and guarded by the hundred-eyed Argus, whom Zeus then had Hermes slay. Hera then sent a gadfly to pursue her and drive her into a mad frenzy, and she fled through Asia, swimming across the Ionian Sea and the Bosporus ("cow food") until she came to Egypt. There she recovered her human form and gave birth to Epaphus, her son by Zeus.

MAIA: on of the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas and Pleione. She was the eldest and most beautiful, and by Zeus became the mother of Hermes.

ORION: a giant hunter, variously stated to be a companion and/or lover of Artemis, or slain by her arrows when attempting to rap her. After his death, he became a constellation in the sky.

PLEIONE: one of the Oceanids, and by Atlas the mother of the seven Pleiades

SEMELE: daughter of Cadmus king of Thebes, and sister of Ino and Agave. She was beloved by Zeus, and at the jealous instigation of Hera, forced him to appear before he in all his splendor. Zeus appeared to her with thunder and lightning, and Semele was consumed in the flames. Zeus, however, snatched her unborn child by him from her body and sewed it into his own thigh, whence it was later born as Dionysus. Dionysus later conducted her out of Hades to Olympus and made her immortal.

THETIS: one of the Nereids. Her affections were sought by Zeus, but when the latter was told of the prophecy of Themis that Thetis's son would become more powerful then his father, he married her to Peleus. By Peleus she became the mother of Achilles.

TITHONUS: son of Laomedon, king of Troy, and brother of Priam. He was beloved by Eos goddess of the dawn, who obtained the gift of immortality for him, from the gods, neglecting to ask for eternal youth also. As a result, he grew extremely old and decrepit and, by some accounts, we finally changed into a grasshopper.

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This page was created by Megan Louise Estella Ross. Last updated on April 22, 1999 1
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