How to use the Internet

How to move around the page:

A scrollbar is shown on the right side of the computer screen, with an arrow pointing up and one pointing down. Click on either arrow to move up or down. The box in-between the arrows indicates how far through the page you are.

How to move around the Internet:

Finding your way around the Internet is generally done by using your mouse to point, and then clicking on underlined words, to visit the site the word indicates. If you have a site address (a url), you can type it into the Location Box, and then press [enter] to find it.

To search the Internet for information, click on one the icons to the left of this text.

To return to our Startup Page, click the "Home" button, above.

Internet Tutorial:

To take an Internet tutorial that others have put together, click on one of the following links. To return to the Palmerston North City Library Page, click the [Home] button (above) at any time.


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