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FROG LEVITATION - A clue that electricity may be harmful to us?

scifrog.GIF (665 bytes) Last year man levitated small rocks and other non-living material by magnetism and electricity.

This year he has started levitating living organisms.  It appears that grown frogs have had no ill effects however 50% of frog embryos had changes in their development.  I have had no luck finding 'what' these changes are, perhaps you may have some information to share.

According to the Brown University News Bureau report distributed May 8, 1997 the "technique used creates a magnetic field inside a large bagel-shaped solenoid - a cylindrical coil of tightly wound insulated wire through which a powerful electric current flows.  The magnetic field actually picked up every single molecule in the embryos, mimicking the type of cell-by-cell levitation of astronauts that occurs in the weightless conditions of space",

This leads me to wonder if electricity may be causing a lot of our current (no pun intended) diseases such as cancer, allergies, auto-immune etc.   If so what can be done - remove electricity?  Not really a practical solution.   Wait until a resistant generation of humans is reached?  Not a fun thing to watch.. As with anything else the problem needs to be identified before a solution can be sought.

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