Through out history many people have given us understanding about what we need to do to establish FREEDOM and PEACE on our Earth Mother. Many of those have gone the way of the circle, their times on earth have past, and still our Earth Mother groans under the weight of the bondage of her children. It has become our responsibility to live worthy of their sacrifice and live in Peace.


It is no longer good enough to try peace,

we must act peace, live peace, and live in peace.


The People are a capricious and stupid beast that doesn't know its own strength and bears burdens and blows with patience;�.. it knows not what fear it inspires, or that its masters have prepared a magic potion to stupefy it.

What a fantastic situation!

The people beating and tying itself up with its own hands; fighting and dying for a few pennies from the king,�totally unaware that everything between heaven and earth really belongs to it and stoning to death anyone who would remind it of its rights.

Thomas Campanella

1600 A.D.

Is it possible that a few rich men, a small class of men, have persuaded a million poor men to attack and attempt to destroy another million men as poor as they, so that the rich may be richer still?

They told them that this brutal war was the destiny of the race; it was for the glory of the emperor; it was for the honor of the state; it was for their king and country. FALSE! False as hell! They make war to capture markets by murder, material by rape. They find it cheaper to steal than to exchange, easier to butcher than to buy.

This is the secret of war. It is the secret of all wars. PROFIT! Business, profit, blood money. Threaten a reduction on the profit of their money and the beast in them awakens with a snarl. They become as ruthless as savages, brutal as mad men, remorseless as executioners.

There can be no permanent peace in the world while they live. Such an organization of human society as permits them to exist must be abolished. These men make the wounds.

Dr. Norman Betheune


For there to be world peace the people must incorporate in their government an instrument to tear down and remove leaders who would send the Nation into a war to gain power or profit over another people.

Talking Turtle

My American Indian lineage

My Indian lineage comes from my mothers side of the family. My blood comes from the Esopus on my GGGGrandmothers side, and the Onondaga on my GGGGrandfathers side.

Most of the Esopus were absorbed by the Munsee as they felt the pressure from the incoming euoropeans. The euoropeans took over the land in the Hudson River Valley by what ever means they could. By 1830 most of the Munsee had moved westward into Ohio, and Indiana eventually ending up in Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin and Kansas But, from what I can gather my grandparents may have been living (or perhaps visiting) with the Mohawk or the Mahican. From what I have learned the Esopus spoke Mahican and they may have been with them. Although my GGGGranfather had strong ties to the then Five Nations of the Iroquois of whom the Mohawk are a part. My GGGrandmother was born in Washington County, New York in 1831, and both Nations should have been represented there at the time. I have as yet not been able to find any birth records for her, but since records for Indian births are few and far between it does not suprise me.

As I understand my GGGrandmother Arzubah took the Christian name of Sopha Stone. I believe she did this because Sopha sounds something like Esopus and Stone because the Munsee were known as the People from the stoney country. She married my German GGGranfather George Swager in Ohio in the year 1851.

Although, I am also Danish,and German Jew I use my traditional name because that is who I am, and I believe that we need to break the stereotype image of who an American Indian is.

My name is sacred to me and my friends understand this. Sometimes I meet someone who does not understand,and they poke some fun at me, but rather than feeling hurt I try to use it as a teaching moment. Once they understand they usually apologise. I think it is important for us to teach what we can to as many as we can. Knowlege is power and what you give away you get back ten fold.

I feel and think that to be Indian is as much in your heart and the way you walk your life as it is in your bloodlines.

I have some strong feelings about living the Peoples Law of Peace and understand that in order for us to be truly soverign we must break away from the WASICHU'S PARADIGM. As long as we continue in their economic grip we will remain their slave. I realize that this is not an easy thing but if we come together and do away with these economic chains we can truly become a free people. It is my hope that when we do this we will find new ways to improve our human condition without polluting our Earth Mother.

Before the europeans came my people were growing food on plots of land some of which were as large as 200 acres. They bartered for what they needed and were a happy contented people. I believe we can go back to that lifestyle but it is important to come together in order to help one another.

Please remember "To teach is one of the highest most noble things we can do. But, if we are easily offended by the ignorance of others our capacity to teach has ended."

I would very much like to hear your thoughts and opinions Please feel free to E-Mail me Talking Turtle

Who Are my People?

My people are the old ones who walked in a sacred gentle way upon the face of our Earth Mother, and those who are called to walk that same way in this time. We come from many bloods all mixed into one. We accept the old and simpler life showing respect to all the Creator grants to us. We do not take from the bounty of the Earth Mother without giving something back. Nor do we seek to get gain from, or to enslave our brothers and sisters. Our wish is to only provide for our needs and help all people to find a better life.

Our music has not yet been played, and yet it has, it comes from simple gentle things like the human voice, drums, flutes, and rattles, and perhaps instuments that have not yet entered into the minds of men.

Our poetry has not yet been written, and yet it has, because it comes from living in a sacred gentle way like our people who have come before.

Our clothing and our homes have not yet been made, but they will bring us comfort and shelter from the storm. Will we wear feathers in our hair as those who have gone before? This I can not specify. It is certianly posssible but you see--

Our history has not yet been written and this is the most exciting of all. Because the best is yet to come and we are part of it all.

Our time was then, and is still yet to come, we are the future, and we hope when our time is past that man may remember us as a people who walked in a sacred gentle way.

Aho, All my Relations, Talking Turtle


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Talking Turtle

Walk in Peace

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at [email protected] or If you wish further information and do not have E-mail please contact;

Talking Turtle

P.O. Box 321

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