We are still investigating why artists select the subjects they do and paint the way they do?

Yes, it is their background, experiences, and moods they bring into the act.

The Taoist thought of the day:
If you want to be enlightened you must live toward enlightenment. Man processes no permanent self! Change is what life is! Self is but a sequence of perceptions. Each is but a slave to their desires.
Is it possible to have a blackbelt in Kama Sutra? Only if you are an artist, right?

My choice of where to live came early. I choose to teach first in El Paso and then in Tucson, Arizona.

My second child was a son that we named Mark. Here you see him with Linda, his sister.

Teaching gave me the opportunity of summer travel. What better than to paint scenes in such places as Venice.

Being of Dutch decent I thought it great to dress as the Dutch use to dress.

After the Netherlands and France, we went to Germany. Hitler's former Eagle's Nest in Bavaria, Germany.

Why is it wives never believe in traveling light? This is how we left Europe for the U.S.

I looked a little serious after that 1963 summer in Europe. Traveling with a wife and child can be very exhausting. This was about the time I found how unresponsive a partner could be with a child along. It almost ended our marriage. To save it she quickly had another baby. That was it. I immediately got "fixed"!

Then there was Hawaii. Hawaiians are a super friendly people. I must admit to having a very close friend (we do have a long distance love for each other even today)in Hawaii. She is the Hawaiian-Chinese named Beatrice from the page before this one that you visited. We began our childhood pen-pal friendship in 1942 and have kept our love alive for over sixty years.

This was taken during my summer school classes at Claremont College in L.A. where I studied Advanced Psychology under a National Science Foundation Grant. It was great to be paid for taking advanced courses that make better teachers. Thank you President Lynden Johnson and a Democratic Congress for the NSFG!

Another summer and another National Science Foundation Grant. This time it was to study the geography and economic situation of the USSR at the University of Washington in Seattle. Fifteen of the best students from that class would be chosen to take part in a trip to that country the following summer. We all worked frantically to make the best scores possible on our tests and essays. I got picked.

Ah yes, the opportunity of summer travel. Think of the places one can go! Thanks to another grant from the National Science Foundation, I traveled the Soviet Union from one end to the other. Emperor�s palace in Tokyo. I was with a group of 15 high school teachers. We left Japan and went by boat to Siberia first.
About several thousand miles later, we got to Moscow. I got out of Russia by bus to Finland. So I got to see the Kremlin, Lenin�s tomb and St Basil�s Cathedral in Russia.

Speaking of Russia, can you believe this Russian rodent hunter?

Being into jogging for exercise, a few days before this picture was taken I jogged from one end of Leningrad to the other.

One summer I took the family to Colorado where I did some graduate studies at the college in Greeley. We got to see snow one weekend high in the Rocky Mountains.

The summer after traveling communist Russia I got another National Science Foundation grant to study International Relations sponsored by John Hopkins University at the University of Bologna in Italy. On weekends I took a train up to Venice and painted several canvas paintings along their canals. What a great way to spend a summer. Six weeks of classes and I had an opportunity to travel with three friends to Tunisia. I wanted to see the remains of Carthage.

I am in front of the oldest church in Tucson and the west. It is called San Xavier and was built to convert Indians back in the sixteenth century. I just got back from Russia and am wondering if my marriage is worth the trouble I am having with a wife gone cold. Because of the children, I decide to continue on and spend my time in working harder and buying more properties to rent out making more money for family. That right, when your marriage goes sour you fill your life with work, work, and more work.

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