Thoughts on Love, Self and Soul


Love is a feeling or emotion stronger than any other emotion humans are capable of. We use the term love to mean so many things that I think it often becomes confused in our minds with the act of liking or caring, or the desire for the continued existence of someone or something in our lives.

The word in its object form, "my true love" is a way for we as humans to define our bonding with someone. In its active voice, "I love you" it is a way for us to tell someone we care about that we feel strongly about that person.

In it's active voice, the word is all too often overused. People mean to say something a little stronger than care or like and so they say love when it's sometimes just caring a great deal.


The self is a compound and complex idea. The self is made up of the heart, mind, and soul. The heart having to do with emotions; the acts of love and caring. The mind being the center for logic and reasoning. The soul having to deal with connecting the two (mind and heart), and defining our own individual reasons for being.


As we looked up the definition in the dictionary to get a better idea of what the soul is, we found that none was a satisfactory definition of what the soul is. It's not tangible, it's not visible, it's not able to be defined. I can tell you what I think it's purpose is, but I can't define the word soul itself.

The soul is the part of the self that is looked at as our driving force. It's what motivates us to get up in the morning and what drives us to get through the day. It is our way of getting in touch with our higher power.

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