20. SPECIALTY Whatever your dog is good at, like bringing home dead cats or chewing the walls.

19.  BALANCE  Ability to hold coffee, danish, leash, treats and entry form all at once.

18.  CRABBING  What you do when the judge doesn't like the way your dog moves.

17. FORCE FETCH  Dog drops the toy under furniture, scratches at the carpet till you're force to "fetch" it.

16.  BLIND RETRIEVE  When you can't see the toy under the furniuture.

15.  DOUBLE BLIND Finding two toys under the furniture.

14. PEDIGREE  Dog food with lots of great coupons.

13.  MULTI-GENERATION PEDIGREE   Something you should have read first.

12. CGC  Canine Gastrointestinal Catastrophe (aka gas)

11.  DISTEMPER  Shown by those hot headed competitors.

10.  TYPE  What your dog has ..... if you turn down the lights and squint a little.

9.  UTILITY  The kind of vehicle you need to haul around your dogs.

8.  FLY BALL  Neutering.

7.  QUALIFYING SCORE   Justifying the 170.5 you got in obedience today.

6.  HEEL What you feel like when your dog won't heel during the exercise.

5.  RIBBONS What you want to cut the other exhibitors into, after their "pet" wins.

4. BITCH  To complain heartily.

3.  DOG  To chase a judge from show to show in an effort to attain more breed wins.

2.  GUARD HAIR  An activity in which one watches intently as the dog's hair falls our, in clumps, just after entries are mailed.

1.  OVERSHOT  Running so fast as to pass the 1st place ring marker and plow into the judge and the stewards.


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