This Girl's Life

Goodbye Mr Wrong

Kiki, Scott, Gwen and Joe sat around Kiki's dining room table, talking and laughing on the humid Thursday night. It was the first time in nearly four weeks that all four had time off together. Joe and Gwen had quickly accepted Scott as part of the group and the four friends went out as often as they could. Yet, Scott and Kiki had managed to go out on their own a few times.

As usual, Gwen's pager buzzed in the middle of the conversation. Kiki and Joe were not surprised to learn it was Neil. When Gwen left to return the call, Scott asked, "Why don't Gwen and Neil ever go out? Aren't they a couple?"

"They're not really together," Joe said as he stood to pour himself another glass of iced tea.

"I've heard you guys talk about him a lot so I thought..."

"Gwen wants a relationship with him," Kiki explained. "Right now they're really good friends who can talk about anything and they have sex every once in a while."

"Oh," Scott answered, trying to sound like he understood.

"What did Mr. Not-So-Wonderful want?" Joe asked Gwen as she returned.

"He wants to see me," Gwen answered with a reluctant sigh.

"When are you going to tell him to get lost?" Joe questioned bluntly.

"Or that you want more than what the two of you have now?" Kiki added a little more sympathetically.

"I want to," Gwen answered with whine. "I just don't have the courage."

Gwen wore a defeated and unhappy expression as she gathered her things and prepared to leave. Kiki rose and walked her friend to the door.

"Tell him tonight," Kiki urged as she opened the front door.

"And what if he doesn't want more than what we have now?" Gwen countered.

"Then you can come back here, cry on my shoulder and tell me how awful he was in bed," Kiki replied, hoping to make her friend smile.

"But, he's not," Gwen said, a mischievous smile curling her lips.

"Lie - it'll make you feel better," Kiki remarked.

Gwen forced a giggle and a smile before she gave Kiki a quick hug before making her exit. Kiki watched her drive away before returning to Scott and Joe.

"I still don't understand Gwen's relationship with this Neil guy," Scott said.

"Well, they started off as really good friends," Kiki began.

Joe continued, "They met in college and basically helped each other survive. After graduation, they stayed in touch and got together every now and then for drinks."

"One night when they were both drunk out of their minds, they had sex," Kiki resumed. Neither one was sure what to think of it but decided not to let it hurt the friendship. Before either one knew it, there was an understanding between them that they weren't really in a relationship - they just had sex every once in awhile."

Joe picked up the story. "Somewhere along the line, Gwen fell in love with the jackass - I mean Neil - and has been trying to figure out a way to tell him she wants more than just sex."

Scott could only force out an �ooh' and nod his head. The situation suddenly made sense to him and he understood why her friends had encouraged Gwen to do what they all knew she should.

Time past and soon Joe announced it was time for him to leave. After a hug goodnight and a sly wink, Kiki and Scott were left alone - but not for long. Twenty minutes had past before there was a knock at the front door. Scott, naturally being protective of those he cared about, escorted Kiki to the door.

With Scott standing behind her, Kiki opened the door and was a little surprised to see Gwen standing there, tears streaming down her face. Ushering her friend inside, Kiki closed the front door then turned to Gwen and hugged her tightly for a moment.

Once they were all seated on the couch, Gwen began explaining.

"I told him I wanted more than just sex from our relationship. And how with everything know about each other and have been through together we should really be something more than casual sex partners. He said it would never work out because he doesn't love me and didn't think he ever would."

Kiki turned to Scott. She didn't have to say a word, her expression said it all. Scott stood and looked sympathetically at Gwen.

"Look, Gwen," Scott said. "I don't know if it would make you feel any better, but I think any man who would do that to you is a damn fool."

Gwen forced a smile and a thank you to Scott for his comment before he made a gracious exit. Turning back to Kiki, more tears rolled down her face as Gwen told her friend all the horrible details of what had happened.

COMING JUNE 20, 1999: Down So Low

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