A bright sunny day for the 30th of October. The young man they called "Hobbes" was dragging a comb through his sleep tossed hair. It was strange that they called him Hobbes, because his real name was Mike. It must have had something to do with the fact that he looked strangely similar to that tiger in the comic strip. It was also purely coincidence that his friend Jon looked like..

"Hey Calvin!" he said, as his friend walked into the bedroom. "Are you ready yet or what?"

" I just have to straighten the doo man." Jon replied.

" You're going to need a weedwacker and we just don't have the time." Mike chided. " Come on."

"Okay, okay I'm done. What do you think?" Jon asked, as he emerged looking exactly the same as he had when he went in... maybe a little worse.

Mike inspected the damage with great glee. "You are going to need about a pound of moose and Several hundred dollars to get that mess looking good. Let's go." And with that they headed for the garage.

Jon's car was not your everyday High School teenager's set of wheels. A 1973 Porsche 914 in mint condition. At least it was when he got it.

"I still can't believe your old Grandfather gave you this car." Mike said.

"Yeah. He said an old friend of his gave it to him for $500 because it belonged to his son who was mysteriously murdered while working on it in his garage."

" Oh man, Gross! He died in the car?" Mike was fidgeting in his seat as if it had suddenly gotten to hot to sit on.

" No you imbecile. He died in the garage." Jon snorted. " Know how he died?"

" No." Said Mike warily. " How?"

"He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, then hung.

"What? That's the most ridiculous thing I think you've ever tried to get me to swallow, Calvin. Just one of those things are enough to kill you.why would someone go to all that time and trouble?."

" I don't know." Jon said shaking his head. " I guess who ever did it was really pissed at him.

"You're sick, man." Mike said.

"I know." Jon said with glee.

Suddenly, the car lurched backwards and began to roll down the driveway and into the street.

"Whoaa Calvin. What did you do that for?" Mike shouted. The boys took off running after the sportscar.

"I didn't do anything. Hobbes. I thought you started it. " Jon said as he jumped into the drivers seat and engaged the brake.

"Man!" Mike sighed. "That's why you use emergency brakes."

"The emergency brake was on , you idiot." Jon took stock of thesituation. " In fact. The car couldn't have been running."

It had to be, Calvin.. The engine is running now, isn't it?

With that Jon took the keys out of his pants pocket and held them up for Hobbes to see. "Whoaa!" was all they said.

" Don't you think that's kind of weird, Calvin?.

" Don't bother me now bonehead. I'm concentrating." Jon said. A few seconds later he just shook his head and said. "Get in." and they left rubber on the road in front of Jon's house.

They were driving down the residential back roads of their neighborhood at a bit more than the posted speed limit. The route Jon usually took to town would take 30 minutes less than this one.But that way did not go directly past Kim Hendricks house.

"So what are you concentrating on, Fatwad? Mike asked. "Kim?"

"You're damn right. It's still warm out. she may be doing her aerobics in the front yard again."

Whoaaa! The two young men screamed as the sportscar skidded from 65 to a complete stop.

"Calvin, you maniac! You could have killed us. "

"There she is, Hobbes."

" There's who moron?" Mike asked.

"Kim Hendricks. Oh man. She has that bikini on again , and look what she's doing! Some sort of Tai Chi or something. Holy smokes! Do you think their real?"

Of course they are, vomit lips. She's a natural goddess. Oh my god. She's coming this way.What will I do? What will I say?"

" Hi Jonathan. Hello Michael.

"Daaaa!" Was all Mike could say

"Don't mind Hobbes Kim. We just narrowly missed a small animal walking across the street and he's choked up with emotion from relief he didn't hit the poor thing."

" Oh, Michael. Is that true?" Kim asked with a sly pout.

"Daaaa!" Mike sputtered.

"Oh, that was so thoughtful. Most guys would have run the poor thing down. You deserve a reward." Kim leaned forward and gave Mike a kiss on the forehead.


Well. Bye guys. I have to go into town and pick-up my costume for the party. See you tonight, right?"

" Oh, we'll be there Kim. See ya." Jon said

" Daaaa!" Repeated Mike in agreement.

" Hey knucklehead? Earth to Hobbes? She's gone.You can breath now."

Oh man. I can not believe I was a zombie."

" Yeah. You were pretty pathetic." Jon agreed

"Oh bite me, Calvin."

"Bear it, Hobbes."

"As if you would."

"Yeah you wish" .

The boys insults waffed in the back draft of the speeding car as Jon put his foot to the floor..

Outside of Harley's drug store the guys met up with the rest of their gang.

"So?" asked Jon. " Who we gonna get to buy the booze?"

" All we're gonna get is beer." Rick said. "That's all we ever get!"

"What's this booze stuff?" Gary asked.

" Well. That's booze man." Mike said, pointing to the bottles in on the rack in the drug store.

"Okay." Gary said " I'll get my brother to get it for us."

"Great!" exclaimed Jon. " We meet at the usual spot at 7:30 tonight and then drive to the house, right?"

They all nodded in agreement and Jon and Mike drove away.

The usual spot was a clearing just outside of town off U.S. 1. But tonight at the clearing, they would be surprised to find that all is not as it usually was.

In the bushes with the empty beer bottles and used condoms lay a force to be reckoned with. A force so pure in it's evil that it would turn the most saintly person to commit murder. Tonight was the anniversary of it's existence. And it had waited for centuries for this one crowning night of achievement It's hideous form obscured in the dark shadows of the brush. All that could be heard was the rush of air hissing through it's fangs when it breathed. The cold air soiled by it's tainted breath. The puffs of smoke hovering in the air as it waited patiently for it's coming victims.

What was a few hours after 300 years of waiting?

Mike was just finishing his costume when Jon walked up the stairs. Jon was the spitting image of Capt. Kirk. His red and gold uniform came at a heavy price. He had gone without for a very long time. The man who sold it said, it was a original from the series. Jon doubted that. But it was by far the best one he had ever seen.

Mike on the other hand was dressed as a ninja. He did not go to much expense. And it showed. The one thing that helped complete his costumethough, was the authentic Japanese samurai sword he had borrowed from his father. It was beautiful. Precise, balanced, and remarkably sharp. It could castrate a fly in flight, he was told.

They were prepared for the great night. They had planned this since last years Halloween party. This would be the best one ever. How could they miss. Because this year, they were having it at old man Houchin's place.

On his property was an old antebellum mansion that was once the governors of the state. It was worn and decimated now. But not so much so that it would be dangerous to have a party in. Just enough, to make the scene macabre. The old story about the place didn't hurt the effect either.

It was said that the last man who owned the house, had been embarrassed by his friends and family somehow. He invited them all, 115 souls, to a great party one evening; and while the people partook of the merriment he had provided, he snuck out a secret passage and proceeded to burn the house down.

The house was gutted and they tried to rebuild it from scratch. But no one would buy the house of death. And so it stood as a monument to a twisted figure of a man bent on revenge. The name stuck: "Revenge House" as it was known by the locals. Most people in town were too young to remember why it was called that. The fact was, everybody who was alive back then, had died a long time ago.

For some reason, the smell of burnt flesh lingered in the air of that old mansion. Barely a hint of it, mind you. But still noticeable to some.

Our young friends could care little of that tale. Off to the clearing they started. The two boys from the drug store were already there with the beer.

"Did you hear that?" Gary asked with a start.

Hear what? Rick asked.

"I'm not sure. Sounded like when you get something stuck in the lawn mower. A kind of grinding noise."

Rick held up a beer and laughed. "How many of these have you had already?"

"I'm not kidding man." Gary insisted.

"Well, I didn't hear a thing." Rick said "You're just trying to get me going for the party."

The two boys laughed and thought no more about it. But deep in the bushes it lurked. After all this time. Human flesh once more would be his.

He steadily moved closer to the clearing. Barely able to contain himself any longer. He reared back on his back hooves and was about to spring when....Lights approaching. A heavy vehicle cutting through the heavy underbrush.... Unwanted visitors.

As Jon and Mike pulled into the clearing they were still talking about the form they saw dart into the woods.

"Hey, did you see that? Looked like a dog. " Mike Said.

"A big dog. And man was it fast." Jon replied

Suddenly all four boys scrunched up their noses as if someone had hit them square between the eyes.

"Whew! Man what have you guys been doing out here. You have pork and beans for dinner?" Jon asked.

" Man I thought it was you guys." Rick said, holding his nose against the stench.

"Maybe it's your car, Calvin?" Gary added, "You use it like a garbage dump."

" Hey! My car doesn't smell like dead muskrat burning man. You should have taken a shower before you left home."

The stench was overwhelming. A residue of evil, left behind in it's haste to get away.

"Let's get going." Mike said, " I'm getting sick."

" Yeah, it's getting late. Help us with the beer huh?" Rick pointed to the beer case by the tree.

Unknown to them. They would have an un welcomed visitor tagging along.

They drove down the road without a care in the world; 19 and single.Indestructible. They thought.... As they pulled into the old mansions long circular driveway, all that was on their minds was music, food and merriment. Probably the same way the guests of that ill fated party, so long before, had felt.

The house was already alight from portable lanterns used on summer camping trips. Now they were used to illuminate the empty structure that housed the young band of partiers. While in the dark confides of the basement,the devil thing was lurking.

Where once was row upon row of imported wines and champagnes. Now was the home of rats and bugs. And now those vile creatures ran for ant nook or cranny with shock at the sight of this un living being in their midst. the creature could stand it no longer and grabbed a passing rat. shoved it into its gaping orifice and crunched down with one mighty bite.

He scooped up a pile of maggots squiggling through a mouses carcass and slurped them up with one motion. A tasty HoursDouve it thought. A prelude to the feast about to begin.

While upstairs the party raged in full gear. Couples dancing, talking, laughing without a care in the world. The unholy monster now inched it's way around the front of the house. as he looked through the hundreds of specks that resembled eyes, he could not believe it. So many bodies. Not just two or four. But maybe a hundred. Young, tasty morsels. Not like those old worn ones well... never mind.

He almost could remember the last young one he had had. Small but tasty. Very tender and it's blood was so sweet. But the experience was rushing back over him. Heightening his pulse. Quickening his step. Now was the time to act. He could descend on them so fast they wouldn't even realize it until it was too late.

He formulated a plan. He would leap onto the second floor landing and dispatch 5 or 6 of them at first. Which was really a shame. The humans were so much tastier alive and fighting as they slithered down his throat.But he would have time later for that.

"Now for the first course". he thought.

Just then, the boys were arriving with the kegs of beer. They were trying to hoist them up through the second floor window because the curious green ooze on the stairs, made it almost impossible to climb them while carrying something.

They had the first keg up and the second was half way up when the rope started to break. At the same moment, the hideous thing made his move. The rope broke and the keg fell. At that exact moment, the two obstacles met in mid air. They crashed in a heap with a vicious thud on the ground. The thing was dazed but had the presence to run out of sight.

The boys ran outside to check and were amazed at what they found. Not only was the keg okay. It seemed to have not hit the ground at all. There was no imprint in the soft earth. How the heck did that happen? asked Jon.

"Don't know. Don't care." Mike said. "The kegs okay and we need more beer. That's all that matters"

The monster was stunned but unaffected. Did the humans do that on purpose? They couldn't have seen. And what form of weapon was this? He had decided by their actions that it was a accident and he would waste no more time. These puny children were no match for his evilness. He walked to the front of the house once more. This time not stealthily. But with pure power and determination. He didn't care if he was seen this time. They were no match for his viciousness. No one would escape. Why worry about this? He would dine on humans for days.

His hunger was growing as he laughed to himself. Once to the door, he pushed it aside like it was made of matches. No one heard the thunderous crash because of the load music inside.

Slowly now. Climbing the first staircase. Having no problem navigating the green slime. He had seen this substance before though.Around 1755 at a Indian village he invaded. He remembered that after the rampage, several of the braves had fallen into the fire and had been cooked. He did notparticularly care for cooked humans. Although the inner organs like the liver, heart and kidneys tasted better when they were soft and warm. This green slime was the residue left over from that.

As he ascended the second landing and started up the next, he could hear the beings laughing. How the blood curdling sounds thrilled him after the hunt. That first bite, flowing with the adrenalin rush of blood almost always choked him at first. Oh, what a pleasure it would be. He liked to drink the blood from the chests cavity right before he was done. It was the richest and sweetest. His head began to swim with anticipation of it all.

His animal instincts were stirred to a fever pitch. He could wait no more. as he walked to the last step and turned the corner of the hallway, he could stand it no longer. He leapt with all his mightiness and stood in the middle of the room. Boys feel to the floor, girls shrieked at the tops of their lungs and the creature almost had a smile on what you would call its face.

As he was about to grab a particularly fat young human with his claw. He suddenly heard something behind him.

"Hey Freddy. What a bodacious costume dude!" A young man said, and slapped the creature on the back. The monster jumped sideways six feet.

Whoa! Good trick dude. Do you have pogo sticks in your pants or something?"

The monsters mind was reeling. What form of terror was this? Why were they unafraid of him? Reeling back on his back hooves and expanding his chest to full capacity. It made it appear to grow additional 3 feet higher and 2 feet wider. The whole room began to clap.

What form of ritual were they performing here? What were these clothes they were wearing? All this noise, jumping and stomping. The noise from the strange box was almost overwhelming. And he was useless in this bright light. His eyes could not adjust properly.

Suddenly a beast with six arms and antennae walked towards him. He reacted with animal senses and sprang at the creature coming towards him. With one mighty swipe of it's lightning quickness and strength he decapitated the creature. The crowd fell back in shock and horror. Ah Yes. These were the emotions the monster could understand. Fear, horror, death, blood. Oh yes. All that delicious blood. He would...but what was this? Where was the blood? Why had the humans stopped screaming?

He looked up and was surprised to see the creature he had just relieved of his head, grow another in it's place almost immediately. And a human head at that. How could this be? This monster had more powers than even he.

" Hey Freddy! What's up?" The head was speaking. "I paid $100 for this getup man. You want I should lose my deposit? Take it easy man!"

Meanwhile, across the room. Jon and Mike were witnessing all the excitement.

"Man, Freddy and Monroe and really pputting on a show. It's prett awesome. Hey Jon. Want to see the neat sword trick my old man taught me?" Mike took the sword from its sheath and swung it a few times.

" Hey Mike. Be careful with that thing.You remember the last time you messed with that? I'm surprised your father let you use it again."

"Don't worry. I've been practicing." And with that, Mike sprang into a scissor leg kick. He bolted upright and began to do a somersault. As he jumped backwards and was completing his second turn though, he lost his balance and the sword went flying from his hand.

The creature was standing next to Monroe still somewhat perplexed but gaining his faculties in haste. He reared back on his hind quarters again. This time he would not falter. Just as the creature was about to lunge at the unsuspecting teenager in front of him. He caught the glistening blade of the sword in the lanterns bright light just in time for it to bury it's full length into the chest of the monster.

From behind him, he could hear the collective gasps from the humans. Girls begin to drop like flies in a bug zapper. Boys vomited profusely. To the creature, it all seemed to be happening in slow motion to . He can not believe his wickedness could be destroyed by mear children.

He began to lose his balance and staggered toward the window. There he teetered slightly and fell through the open sash. He fell to the ground with a sickening thud, like a wet bag of cement.

His being began to leave him quickly. All of his glorious evil was being sapped as if from a vacuum. The very aura of his life force was released into the cool damp air. It would find another host. It knew it had to begin it's quest immediately or perish forever. This time it would be perfect. More hideous and evil than before, if only it could....

The young men and women gapping out the window saw a strange florescent wisp of smoke hovering over the body, and then suddenly it vanish into the woods.

There was shocked silence as they gasped for words to say. Their little party marred in such tragedy.

"Hey guys. What's everybody doing at the window?" A voice from behind them asked.

The crowd, as one, straighten, and seemed to formulate as a single line.

" Some party this is." the voice continued. " I had to bribe my parents to let me come and here you all are looking out the window."

They all turned collectively as one.

"What's the matter with everyone?" the voice asked again.

As they gasped together as a whole, you could almost feel the air beingsucked from the room. It was little Freddy. Dressed as batman. One of more than 10 already at the party. Everyone turned again to the window and looked out. Nothing..... No hulk of a thing. No mysterious smoke. Nothing that even showed the monster had existed at all.

The boys were leaving the house the next morning, still a little numb from the happenings of the night before.

"What a night? You think someone spiked the beer with something Jon?"

"I don't know Mike. All I know is. It was one great Halloween party." Jon said, rubbing his stiff neck.

" Yeah." Mike agreed, then he turned his attention to the car pulling up to the side walk. " Hey, there's Norman." He said " Hey Norm. Think I can I get a ride down to the drug store with you?"

" Sure my man." Norm said.

Mike got in the car and slammed the door. " Hey what happened to you last night? You missed all the excitement."

My car broke down about a mile from the mansion." Norm said. "I had to walk the rest of the way."

"Yo. Something the matter Norman? You look a little green behind the gills dude." Jon said.

"Yeah. I don't feel just right. I guess it's left over from the party, you know?"

"Yeah. It'll go away soon." Jon smiled. at least he wasn't the only one with a hang over.

" I hope so." Norm replied. " It feels kind of weird. Like a bunch of things crawling all under my skin."

"Whoa! Maybe we better get you some thing for that." Mike said. " Come on, lets go to the drug store."

As Norm and Mike pull away. Norman turned his head to Jon and smiled a devilish smile.

Jon was taken aback by the, sort of, fluorescent glow in Norm's eyes.

" Son of a bitch is worse off than I am," he said to himself.

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