WEBSTERS DEFINES "THINK" as follows: To "exercise the powers of judgment, conception, or inference... or to engage the mind in reflection."

Thinking is sometimes diff... diff... um, real HARD. Never a day goes by when we're not buried under a surplus of excess information, junk mail, and telemarketing calls. Arbitary social structures, soda companies, and sitcoms remove the need for strict reasoning. Independent thought is often anathema to our social independence: It killed Plato, menaced Galileo, and made Ghandi into a Hollywood blockbuster.

Forest Gump only got away with it because he pretended to not have it, and because he was only a character in a movie, played by perrenial favorite Tom Hanks.

Those who don't move with the herd get run over. And if you avoid getting tiretracks across your midsection, it's usually only because you're now watching from the sidelines.

Don't give up! Fight for your independent thought! The reasons are many:

Support thought! Get rid of fluff! Know why you believe what you believe! And do EXACTLY what I say, because I know what's bes... Wait. I mean, "Think for yourselves!"

Here some things I thought I thunk. Hope it's interesting.

Logical Fallacies

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