A FRIEND OF mine keeps telling me I suck because I've never finished this Links page. So to placate him, I'm throwing things into this file and ditching the original presumed structure. But something is better than nothing, I'll presume.

Tolkien Links Once you hit these sites, you can find a Tolkien Ring somewhere, no doubt. These are a few of the better spots, though. It's kinda hard to tell. There's some real gushers out there -- fanboys who like the stuff but can't talk intelligently about it.

Electronic Music Links Being a composer and computer freak, and having just gotten a nice pay increase, I'm researching equipment and software in order to set up my own home music and recording studio, as feasible. Here's some online shop-stops and other related materials.

Other Assorted Candy Here's stuff I didn't organize yet. Good stuff.

Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" Gaiman's 75-issue "the Sandman" written for DC Comics has got to be one of the best arcs in comics history, alongside other noteworthies such as Miller's Dark Knight and Moore's Watchmen. Here are some fairly noteworthy sites from which you can glean more information.

Personality Tests Get tested. And put yourself away if you're deemed "dangerous to society." (If prison isn't good enough, try an art school instead).

Save the Dragons Campaign

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