ONE BIG MYSTERY of life would seem to be this: Why does it have to end so soon?

Those galaxian library cronies are pretty stingy with their browsing privileges: If the universe is the Library of Alexandria, then your library card is stamped to expire tonight, at midnight. There's a lot of books in this existence of ours. Where do you start? How far do you read? Do you try to sneak out the back window with a stack of bestseller hardbacks, or hole up in the library bathroom with a Time-Life series? And what do actually you DO with all the expert knowledge that you gain?

After all, according to Benjamin Stolberg (who I have not heard of before, and no doubt will never hear from again), "an expert is a person who avoids small error as he sweeps on to some grand fallacy."

There you have it: Knowledge is useful in ensuring that our mistakes count for something! So let's go for it...

Personality Theories
Cystic Fibrosis
Thinkers Throughout Time

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