Upper 6 German Programme



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Upper 6 2004/2005


 UNIT 2664  Speaking and Reading: - Discussion of an unseen article (20 marks) 5-6 mins
General conversation on current issues (40 marks) 10-12 mins
15 -18 minutes (60 marks)
 UNIT 2665  Reading, Listening and Writing 2 Comprehension questions in German and English + an English text to be summarised and commented on in German.  2hrs 45 (80 marks)
 UNIT 2667 Culture and society: Written coursework - Discursive essays on a chosen aspect of a German speaking country totalling 1400 words.  60 marks

You will have 8 lessons as follows:

MCGP Topics: Listening/Reading/Guided Writing 3 periods

WJC Grammar/Use of Language/Transfer of meaning 2 periods

CW Oral 1 period

Coursework: MCGP/WHJC 2 periods

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In addition to individual Project materials (Fri 1 and 2), you will need for:

CW's Oral lesson (Mon 2): Exam materials as issued
Wort für Wort

WJC's Grammar/Use of language (Mon 1 & Wed 2):
Aktion Grammatik
Alles Klar
Exam questions adapted from English Newspaper Articles

MCGP's lessons General Topic lessons (Tues 3+4, Wed 5):
Durchblick and Überblick
Neue Perspektiven
Wort für Wort
Past Papers

Further detailed material for project work is available in the German Resources Room but MAY NOT be removed! Arrange photocopying with one of the German staff. For projects you will be expected to write away for your own materials and use the Internet and the UEA library.

Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries are available for use in class and in the library but you are strongly advised to buy your own bilingual dictionary and we can obtain these in bulk at a discount.
You will not be allowed to use a dictionary in the examination however.

Listening facilities are available in the German Resources Room and the Reynolds library but you are advised to use your own walkman as far as possible and you will need to bring a walkman to the examination. You will be encouraged to make your own copies of listening material for home use. Video material is also available to be viewed in the German Resources Room and MAY NOT be removed. We recommend that you store Essay/Project work and material for Talks on computer and you will therefore need a disk.

TOPICS from which THREE to be chosen for detailed ORAL discussion in Spring 2003 and a different one to be chosen for detailed COURSEWORK study in Autumn 2002 (NB Both must be different from your oral topic for AS):

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Topics introduced last year:

General topics: - Examples by no means exclusive:

Menschliche Verhältnisse - Freunde/Partner/Familie

Alltag - Wohnen/Haushalt / Schule

Freizeit - Sport/Interessen

Kultur - Filme/Künstler/Musiker

Medien - Presse/Fernsehen/Werbung

Tourismus/Reisen/Verkehr - Tourismus/Gegend/Stadt

New topics for A2 Modules:

Politik/Geschichte (D,A,CH) - Spaltung und Einheit - die Stunde Null
die DDR - die Wende
Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung und Folgen der Wende
die Schweiz 1939-45

Gesellschaftsprobleme - Probleme der Jugendlichen - Ausländerhass
Vorurteile - Wohnungsnot ­ Arbeitslosigkeit
Kriminalität - Großstadtleben -Ausreißer

Bildung/Ausbildung Schulsystem/Berufliche Ausbildung/Studium

Finanz/Wirtschaft - Euro / Bundeshaushalt/ Teuro

Industrie und Umwelt - Verschmutzung / Alternative Energiequellen

Technik - Internet/Satellit/Handy / Fernmeldetechnik/Gentechnik

Literarische Themen - Kind/Frau/Krieg/Gesellschaft

THREE of the above A2 module topics are to be chosen for detailed ORAL discussion in Spring 2005. (NB these must be different from your oral topic for AS or your A2 coursework)

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You will be required to complete ONE piece of Coursework by the end of the first half term in the Autumn and the SECOND piece by the end of the Autumn term. The work will be planned in the Coursework lessons and further research done in private study and at home and then written in class over 8 periods. Each piece will be between 500 and 700 words.

One lesson a week will be devoted in the Autumn term to the preparation and discussion of unseen passage. In the Spring term the COURSEWORK lessons will be used to further research and prepare the discussion topics.

EXERCISES will be set after the other lessons as appropriate. You must continue with daily reading and listening to build up your VOCABULARY and practise TEXT MANIPULATION


Weeks 1-5
Coursework preparation (Fri 1 and 2),
Politik/Geschichte ctd from last year: das politische System der BRD/Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung/die Wende/die DDR/ Stunde Null/ WW2/Nazidiktatur/Spaltung und Einheit in der Geschichte
Finanz und Wirtschaft/der Euro

Weeks 6-7
Coursework WRITE UP of 1st piece
Finanz und Wirtschaft/der Euro ctd

Weeks 9 - 11
Coursework preparation (Fri 1 and 2),
Folgen der Wende/Gesellschaftsprobleme / Ausländerhass & Vorurteile /
Kriminalität / Großstadtleben / Wohnungsnot / Arbeitslosigkeit
Probleme der Jugendlichen

Weeks 12-14
Coursework WRITE UP
Wed 5 &6, Fri 1 and 2
Folgen der Wende/Gesellschaftsprobleme / Ausländerhass & Vorurteile /
Kriminalität / Großstadtleben / Wohnungsnot / Arbeitslosigkeit
Probleme der Jugendlichen ctd

Weeks 14-15
Umweltschutz: Industrie und Umwelt

Weeks 1-4
Umweltschutz: Industrie und Umwelt ctd

Weeks 5-7
Schule/Universität/Berufliche Ausbildung/Wehrdienst/Zivildienst

Weeks 9-10
Technik/Fernmeldetechnik/Gentechnik/Medizinische Fortschritte

The Oral exam will take place fairly early on so there will be further intensive preparation of texts and topics for discussion in oral lessons.

Weeks 1-2 Mock Orals Technik/Fernmeldetechnik/Gentechnik/Medizinische Fortschritte ctd

Weeks 3­4
Mock Reading, Listening and Writing paper
Technik/Fernmeldetechnik/Gentechnik/Medizinische Fortschritte ctd

Weeks 5-8
Nachtrichten/Aktuelles plus catch-up sessions of topics missed plus general revision ctd.

A2 Paper after half term?

MCGP July 2004

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