Ketchup Song



Ketchup song is just too saucy for the Chancellor

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Der Steuer-Song ...

Ketchup song is just too saucy for the Chancellor

From Allan Hall in Berlin

THE German Chancellor may take legal action over a spoof version of one of Europe's bestselling records of the year that mocks his record on taxation, unemployment and social security. Gerhard Schröder, who successfully sued a news agency this year to stop claims that he dyed his hair, is said to be taking legal advice after Elmar Brandt, a satirist who has made a career out of imitating Herr Schröder's voice, reworked The Ketchup Song with lyrics that deride the Chancellor and has taken it to number one in the German charts.

The record, a number one in Britain, originated in Spain and proved a huge hit with Germans in the Spanish resorts in the summer.

To accompany Brandt's version, which is called The Tax Song, there is a video reminiscent of Britain's Spitting Image, with a latex puppet of Herr Schröder portrayed as a thief who steals from a Red Cross collecting tin and throws the country's Basic Law book down the lavatory. He also snatches medicine from hospital patients and is seen stuffing money into a large safe which falls on top of him at the end of the video.

The lyrics, which rhyme in German, say: "I am as beloved as athlete's foot and I want the best from you, your money! Dog tax, tobacco tax, car and environmental tax, did you really believe there wouldn't be more? "With wealth tax and drink tax now I'll make your beer dear. But still it's not enough for me! What you can promise today you can break tomorrow, and now I'll take your notes, your washing powder, your dosh and your piggy banks. I,ll raise your taxes, a vote is a vote, you can't fire me " that's the wicked side of democracy!". It is all very risqué stuff for a country that does not usually poke fun at its elected officials. It was too much for the conservative Bild am Sonntag, which had a front-page story headlined "Can the Chancellor be mocked like this?" The answer seems to be "yes".

As protests against the country's ailing economy spilt on to the streets, with doctors and nurses marching against health service cuts and the Chancellery rebuked by the European Commission for breaking budget deficit levels, laughter is proving the tonic that a depressed people needs.

The record was officially released on Monday and was number one 24 hours later. Herr Schröder is maintaining a public silence and letting his political allies speak for him. Dieter Wiefelspütz, parliamentary spokesman for his Social Democrats, hinted at legal action when he said: "There are limits even to political satire " both legal and concerning good taste. We will take a look at the video and the Chancellor will have to examine what steps to take." Nearly three years ago a soundbite of the Chancellor recorded when on a tour of eastern Germany " "Get me another beer or I'll die of thirst here" was turned into a number one hit by the entertainer Stefan Raab. But that was seen as good clean fun and was not an attack on the Chancellor's fiscal policies or his sudden about-turn on a "no new taxes" promise during the run-up to September's general election. This latest hit is unlikely to make it into the Chancellor's CD cabinet. Rudi Carrell, a fellow television entertainer, defended Brandt yesterday. He said that he believed "everything is allowed" in satire.

Brandt, who is studying German literature, has sold 300,000 copies of the record. He said he hoped that the Chancellor was not angry with him. In his best Schröder voice, he added: "Perhaps we can have a beer together and talk about the issues."



Fragen zum Text

Warum hat Elmar Brandt dieses Lied neugeschrieben ?

Warum ist dieses Lied ein Skandal in Deutschland ?

Ist die wirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland wirklich so schlimm ? Finden Sie Beispiele !

Warum hat Stefan Raab keine Probleme mit dem Kanzler gehabt ?

Soll man Spass über Politiker machen ? Warum oder warum nicht ? Erklären Sie Ihre Meinung !



Der Steuer-Song ...

 Das ist ja wohl mal der Hammer Leute!
Kaum braucht man von euch mal 'n bisschen Kies für Vater Staat,
schon ist man beliebt wie Fußpilz !
Dabei will ich nur euer bestes, euer Geld !
Hundesteuer, Tabaksteuer, KFZ- und Ökosteuer,
habt ihr echt geglaubt mehr kommt nicht ?
Umsatz- und Getränkesteuer machen zwar das Bierchen teuer,
doch das ist mir noch zu wenig !
Denn jetzt habt ihr mich gewählt und jetzt habt ihr den Salat,
ich bin noch mal 'n paar Jahre euer Kanzler !
Was du heute kannst versprechen, darfste morgen wieder brechen,
und drum hohl ich mir jetzt jeden einzelnen Geldschein,
euer Pulver, eure Kohle, euer Sparschwein
Ich erhöh euch die Steuern, gewählt ist gewählt,
ihr könnt mich jetzt nicht mehr feuern,
das ist ja das Geile an der Demokratie !
Ich greif euch tief in die Tasche,
jeder von euch Spackos bunkert irgendwo noch Asche
und die hohl ich mir, die find ich schon egal wo sie liegt !
Ich zieh euch aus, yeah , ihr Flaschen, ihr werdet euch noch wundern,
denn ich weiß zu überraschen, buh
keine Steuern die es für mich nicht gibt ! HAHAHA
Liebe Steuersklaven, kennt ihr schon den Unterschied
zwischen mir und nem Hummer ? Der Hummer wird
beim Abkochen rot ! HAHAHA
OK, aber jetzt mal im Ernst:
Erdoberflächennutzungssteuer, Atemaufschlag, Luft wird teuer,
und ich bin noch lang nicht fertig !
'n Zeit Tarif Essen kauen, Biosteuern ausverdauen, nix ist mehr
für laut, das geht nicht !
Ich mach geile Politik, Qualität hat ihren Preis,
wer die Gerdshow sehen will, der muss auch zahlen !
Wie ein Einkommenspirat drehe ich am Steuerrad !
Willste sparen kauf doch öfter mal bei Lidl oder Pennymarkt,


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