'AS' Debrief

L6 Briefing sheet for Reading and Writing Paper Mock 2002

Well done on the timing of the mock paper - everyone finished and with time to spare. However you must ensure you use all the time when you are in the exam room. Watch the clock in conjunction with the instructions. If you have spare time at the end, once you have checked your grammar in the letter, check the cloze test and the reading again. It can be easy to miss things here. NEVER leave a gap! Guess if necessary. If you change your mind, cross out your old answer clearly.

Q1. Reading Comprehension

Try to eliminate distracters and check for fine detail. Make sure your answers make sense in the rereading part of the paper. Problems were:
Q1 2: H
Q1 8: I

The meaning of the word - peinlich

Q2. Reading Comprehension

Was generally well done. However always be careful with times (if you put pm / am your answer will be marked wrong), and with qualifiers like fast - these are often needed to get full marks.

Q3 Written Response

It wasn't bad. What you all have to aim at is a mixture of Charlie's or Chris' work for the personal response and Becky's work for the finding of information in the passage. Look at their answers. Do write on alternate lines and do keep it legible !!

Q4. The Cloze Test

Getting full marks here can help you up to two grades on this paper.

There were no disasters but for Charlie, Becky and Chris, getting 3 extra right would have pushed you up a grade !

Major grammar mistakes were : Cases and prepositions, especially those with an identity crisis in the dative
in der Zukunft
Word Order - Not everything goes to the end and remember YCHIAU and YCHIAA
Da = because
Wegen = because of
Ob = whether
Obwohl / obgleich = although
comparitives = ist anders als - is different to
Not every verb is STRONG !

Some Useful Expressions for letter writing and opinion giving

Ich bin sicher, dass..................................... verb
Es steht ausser Zweifel, dass ........................... verb
Ich denke dass,........................... verb
ich meine dass, ........................... verb
Ich stimme mit ......... überein, als er gesagt hat, dass..... +subj
Meiner Meinung nach +Verb)
Anscheinend +Verb)
Möglicherweise (+Verb)
Ich bezweifele, dass .................................... verb
Es ist fraglich, ob .................................... verb
Trotzdem glaube ich, dass .................................... verb
Wir sind nicht in der Lage, .................................zu + verb
wegen + GEN, weil and da clauses

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