Holy Blood


the Bahá'í Jihád

Recall one of the many tales of Bábí heroism from 19th Century Írán:

Unsheathing his sword and spurring on his charger into the midst of the enemy, Mulla Husayn pursued, with marvellous intrepidity, the assailant of his fallen companion. His opponent, who was afraid to face him, took refuge behind a tree and, holding aloft his musket, sought to shield himself. Mulla Husayn immediately recognised him, rushed forward, and with a single stroke of his sword cut across the trunk of the tree, the barrel of the musket, and the body of his adversary. The astounding force of that stroke confounded the enemy and paralysed their efforts. All fled panic-stricken in the face of so extraordinary a manifestation of skill, of strength, and of courage. This feat was the first of its kind to attest to the prowess and heroism of Mulla Husayn, a feat which earned him the commendation of the Báb.

- Nabíl's Narrative, pp 330-331.

The Bábí religion was a militeristic Shi'ah sect that gave birth to the Bahá'í religion. Bahá'ís defend the warring ways of the Bábís, claiming that the Bábís had to fight to survive in Írán. Strange then that the Bahá'í call to pacifist martyrdom was deemed appropriate so few years later:

O SON OF MAN! Ponder and reflect. Is it thy wish to die upon thy bed, or to shed thy life-blood on the dust, a martyr in My path, and so become the manifestation of My command and the revealer of My light in the highest paradise? Judge thou aright, O servant!

- The Hidden Words (written at Baghdád)

In prayers written for Bahá'ís, Bahá'u'lláh shows the believer what to pray for:

Every moment of my life my head crieth out to Thee and saith: "Would, O my Lord, that I could be raised on the spear-point in Thy path!" while my blood entreateth Thee saying: "Dye the earth with me, O my God, for the sake of Thy love and Thy pleasure!"

... were it not for the blood which is shed for love of Thee, what else could tinge the faces of Thy chosen ones before the eyes of Thy creatures?

I swear by Thy might! The ornament that adorneth the countenance of Thy dear ones is the blood which, in their love for Thee, floweth out of their foreheads over their faces.

And were the infidels to slay me, my blood would, at Thy command, lift up its voice and proclaim: "There is no God but Thee, O Thou Who art all my heart's Desire!" And were my flesh to be boiled in the cauldron of hate, the smell which it would send forth would rise towards Thee and cry out: "Where art Thou, O Lord of the worlds, Thou One Desire of them that have known Thee!" And were I to be cast into fire, my ashes would--I swear by Thy glory--declare: "The Youth hath, verily, attained that for which he had besought his Lord, the All-Glorious, the Omniscient."

Oh, that my blood could, this very moment, be shed on the face of the earth before Thee, and Thou wouldst behold me in the condition in which Thou didst behold such of Thy servants as have drawn nigh unto Thee, and those of Thy righteous creatures as have been chosen by Thee!

- Prayers and Meditations

Elsewhere, Bahá'u'lláh elaborates on the the rewards of martyrdom:

This is a Revelation, under which, if a man shed for its sake one drop of blood , myriads of oceans will be his recompense.

- Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

It was the highest honor among Bahá'ís to refuse to recant one's faith and thus expose oneself to the accusation of heresy. To submit to execution rather than recant one's faith was now the highest form of heroism.

Bahá'u'lláh, in the following passage, cites an Islamic prophecy, and the large numbers of Bahá'í martyrs, as proof of his claims:

"He shall manifest the perfection of Moses, the splendour of Jesus, and the patience of Job. His chosen ones shall be abased in His day. Their heads shall be offered as presents even as the heads of the Turks and the Daylamites. They shall be slain and burnt. Fear shall seize them; dismay and alarm shall strike terror into their hearts. The earth shall be dyed with their blood. Their womenfolk shall bewail and lament. These indeed are my friends!" Consider, not a single letter of this tradition hath remained unfulfilled. In most of the places their blessed blood hath been shed; in every city they have been made captives, have been paraded throughout the provinces, and some have been burnt with fire.

Imagine pressing your followers toward martyrdom for the sake of fulfilling a prophecy! Or perhaps also to prove the power of your influence over them? I have heard Bahá'ís use those many martyrs so many times as validation of their beliefs!

Bahá'ís, though encouraged to be "living martyrs", are still pressed to refuse to recant their heresy in Islamic countries. This is held up to the world as proof of the strength of their conviction, but they remain oblivious to the fact that such fanaticism is not universally admired. The Bahá'í faith, despite its many efforts to modernize itself, still bleeds Shi'ite blood. It fails to realize that passionate conviction, even unto martyrdom, is not unique to Bahá'ís.

The best lack all conviction; the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming

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