Man today is not making an attempt to recognise the innumerable faults in him,instead he is magnifying the minutest faults in others.In fact,he is searching for mistakes in others with thousand eyes.This is the sad state of man today.Man is losing his true identity because he has allowed the evil qualities to enter his heart.People today are more interested in findings others faults rather than seeing their merits.He is a true human being who sees only good in others.

      Even a millionaire has to be content with ordinary food,He cannot live on a diet of gold.When time is not favourable,a stick may turn into a snake,While,when it is favourable,dust may turn into gold.The wheel of time can turn a scholar into a fool And a fool into a saint.A wealthy man may become a plaything of adversity at some time.Whatever your efforts may be,You cannot get what you are not destined to get.O man,don't be overambitious,Lead instead a noble life making proper use of the intellect.


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