Love Symbolises Divinity

        Attributeless,unattached to actions,eternal,beyond all thoughts,ever pure,
        unsullied and formless (Brahman) is accessible to all liberated souls.

        With unflinching faith and selfless love,think of God continuously.God will
        certainly manifest before you.Today man chants the name of God and desires
        to see Him.But as he lacks steady faith,he is not able to experience Divinity.
        Faith is most important.

        The man who studies and studies without discrimination fails to understand
        himself.Why should one waste one's life in the pursuit of useless learning?
        Better acquire such wisdom that confers immortality.

        First  and foremost,man has to kill the Thamas(sloth) quality in him.Though
        water has no colour,it appears red when poured into a red bottle.Similarly,
        the Atmic Principle,which is pure and unsullied,appears 'red' in a person with
        Rajasic quality,'dark' in a person with Thamasic quality and 'bright' in the
        heart of a person with Sathwic quality.

        The Atma is the fundamental principal,which is pure,immutable and unsullied.
        It forms the basis of the entire universe.Without the basis of the Atma,
        the universe cannot exist.The same principle of Atma is reflected in all beings.

        Just a a Mariner's compass always points towards the north,likewise under all
        circumstances Love is directed towards God.Time,space and individuals do not
        affect Love.Love is the true sign of Divinity.

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