Undertake service activities in villages and slum areas.Provide the basic
       necessities of  life such as food,clothing to the poor and needy.It amounts
      to greatest service.

   If you have total faith in God,you will be able to overcome all difficulties.
      There may be a few difficulties in your way,but do not be unduly perturbed.
      You should face all hardships with courage and conviction.Only then you will
      attain true happiness.

   Self-confidence cannot be purchased or obtained through learning.It is based
      on deservedness.Develop the divine thoughts to attin deservedness.

   Do not give scope for bad feelings and bad thoughts.Do not criticise anyone.

   If you have total faith in this truth,you will never have difficulties.When your
      faith is defective,you find it difficult to achieve anything.Hav faith in God and
      Love Him.Love is God.You are bound to be successful in all your endeavours
      if you have faith in God.Any task,however difficult it may be,can be accomplished
      with God's grace.

  People may deny God,but none can deny Truth.You cannot fragment Truth
     by saying ,this is Pakistani Truth,this is American truth,this is Indian Truth
     and so on.Truth is uniform for people of all nations and all religions in all
     periods of time.Truth is one,so God is one.

  You need food,clothing ,shelter and some money to purchase medicines if you
      were to fall sick.That is why I say "O man ! Never be Overambitious , lead
      instead a noble life by making proper use of the intellect."Happiness
      lies in contentment .Dissatisfaction will lead to misery.In order to experience
      peace,keep your desires under control.Misery is the birthplace of all desires.
      In this journey of life, desires can be compared to luggage."Less luggage.more
      comfort make travel a pleasure."So, reduce your desires.This is called
      vairagya(renunciation) .As the desiree for the world decreases ,the desire for God


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