Sai Baba returned to Puttaparthi.He sat on most evenings with the devotees,on the sands of the Chitravathi River and created from the sand Images,Pictures,idols,sweets and fruits.He used to climb the hills, and used to pluck from the branches of the Tamarind tree growing on the hill,apples,mangoes,bananas and grapes and used to distribute them to the devotees. He showed them himself as Krishna or as any one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, or as Siva.

Baba also gave guidance to many,who were struggling along the hard path of Spiritual Sadhana.Baba wrote to his brother "I will not give up my mission,nor my determination , I know I will carry them out ,I treat the honour and dishonour, the fame and blame that may be the consequence with equal equanimity. Internally Iam unconcerned.I act but in the outer world.I talk and move about,for the sake of the outer world and for announcing My coming to the people;else I have no concern even with these.I do not belong to any place,Iam not attached to any name.I have no 'mine' or 'thine'.I answer whatever the (GOD) name you use.I go, wherever Iam taken.This is my very first vow. I have not disclosed this to any one so far. For me the world is something a far,apart.I act and move only for the sake of mankind.No one can comprehend My glory,whoever he is,whatever his method of enquiry however long his attempt .You can yourself see the Full Glory in the coming years.Devotees must have patience and forbearance.(what a letter this is.This is only some part of the letter wrote by Baba to his brother).

No wonder hundreds,thousands and lakhs flocking to the village of Puttaparthi to have the Darshan of Sai Baba and to derive the benefits that the Grace of God can bestow on the meck,the lonely and distressed.

The Mandir was built in the initial and in later ,The "Prashanthi Nilayam".

BABA's creation of Vibhuthi is a Miraculous remedies of all Diseases.One single Glance of Swamy(BABA) removes all kinds of Obstacles.

swami creating vibhuthi

Baba came in to this world in the form of Human Body to establish SATHYA,DHARMA,SHANTHI,PREMA & AHIMSA, and he always wants each of us to Love the Mankind.Devotees, nearly from 170 countries are coming to visit (Divine Darshan of Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba) in Puttaparthy.

Baba has worked for the benefit of all mankind both rich and poor.He has established deemed university called as Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning. he also established many colleges and schools.They are the Temples of real Education.Baba has given opportunity to study from K.G. to P.G. to all the students freely.

One of the magnificent miracle of Swami is TheSri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, which was built within a span of 5 months only.It's is a great gift of Swami to the world.This hospital is providing free treatment to all the relegions of people of the world.On His 70th Birthday Baba inaugurated the Water Project Scheme,under which nearly 700 villages are benefited. All over the world presently The Sathya Sai Organizations are serving the mankind in many ways.

BABA's quotation to all of us is "LOVE ALL SERVE ALL".This is the way to reach"GOD".



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