Remove Egoism

    The fruits of the tree of human life are sweet,but they are encased in the bitter skin of egoism and ignorance and have hard inedible seeds of desire,anger,pride,etc.One has to exercise one's intelligence to peel off the outer skin of ignorance,throw off the seeds of vice and wickedness,and partake of the sweet kernel of life.

    To remove the evil of egoism,service is the most efficient instrument.Service will also impress on the person doing service the unity of all mankind.He who dedicates his time,skill,and strength to service can never meet defeat,distress,or disappointment,for service is its own reward,His word will be ever sweet and soft,his gestures ever revered and humble.He will have no foe,no fatigue,no fear.

    Man must get rid of the feeling that he is the doer.As long as the ego is dominating ,the Atma,or God consciousness,will not be realized.The egoist cannot recognise the Atma.Therefore,first crush your ego.It is egoism that is the root cause of all man's troubles.The main criterion for service is sacrifice.Egoism should be the first wuality to be offered for sacrifice.Giving up bad feelings is ,in itself,sacrifice,and that sacrifice becomes a man's fortune.Sacrifice does not mean that one should renounce possessions and family and leave the comforts of home to lead and ascetic life in the forest.

    Little acts of service can confer on you great spiritual benefit.Firstly,it will destroy your egoism.Pride will transform frds into enemies;it will keep even kinsmen afar;it will defeat all good schemes.Service will develop in you the wuality of humility.Humility will enable you to work in happy unison with others.

    Service is worshop;each act of service is a flower placed at the Feet of the Lord,and if the act is tainted with ego,it is as if the flower is infested with slimy insect pests!Who will contaminate the Feet with such foul offering?Hav no egotism while you serve the people.


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