Grace Of GOD

    God is the embodiment of compassion.He watches for a grain of goodness or humility so that He can reward it with tons of grace.

    Deserve the grace of God by helping the weak and the poor,the diseased and the disabled,the distressed and the downtrodden.Cultivate the Divine qualities of love,compassion,humility,and reverence for all living beings,reverence towards the earth and all the other elements.You can thus drawn upon yourself the grace of God and render your life beneficial and fruitful.More than listening to a hundred lectures or delivering them to others,ofering one act of genuine service attracts the grace of God.
    I have no special brand of grace for those who are at My door,nor do I neglect the man at the gate.In fact,I have no geographical "far" and "near";My "far" and "near" are not calculated in miles or yards.Nearnes to Me is not acquaired by physical nearness.You may be by My side,yet far;you may be far,far away, yet very near and dear.However far you are,if you but stick to truth,righteousness,peace,and love,you are close to Me and Iam close to you.Those are the milestones  that mark the road to Me.

    Endeavour to earn grace by observing the discipline that Iam keen you should follow.Give up the old worldy ways of earning and spending,saving and accumulating ,with greed,lust,malice,and pride.So rearrange your lives that I wil be pleased with you.Do not waste time in idle gossip;talk softly;talk as little as posible;talk sweet.Serve all as brothers and sisters,with adoration to the Sai in them.Engage in sadhana;move forward step by step as befits persons striving to realize their own liberation.

    You should not pray to God seeking this favor or that.The reason is no one can know what immensely precious,Divine, and magnificent treasures lie in the treasure house of Divine grace.No one can no know what God intends or desires to give to a devotee.In such a situation,by asking for trivial and petty things,man is demanding his Divine estate.

    No one can understand what valuable,sacred,and Divine favor God chooses to confer on a deserving devotee.Hence man should not seek from God,nor desire,nor pray for some petty trifles.More precious and desirable than anything else is God's love.

    When you recite the name of the Lord with love,when you carry out with your limbs the injunctions of the Lord and look upon the world as a manifestation of the Divine,you are bound to recieve the grace of the Lord.Have this firm conviction.Do not labor under the misconception that mere chanting of God's name alone is necessary and adequate.Along with it you have to take part in sacred activities.You must not mind whatever obstacles you may encounter.

    Devote every day at least five minutes to reciting the Lord's name and a few minutes to rendering some kind of service to the needy and the forlorn.Include in your daily prayers a prayer for the welfare of all people in the world.Do not be engrossed in your own well-being and salvation.Try to lead a life free from ill will and harm to others.Regard this as a type of spiritual discipline and redeem your lives.

    Be simple and sincere.It is sheer waste of money to burden the pictures and idols in the shrines and altars of your homes with a weight of garlands and to parade costly utensils and vessels and offerings to show off your devotion.This is deception;it demands Divinity,imputing to it the desire for pomp and publicity.I ask only for purity of heart,to shower grace.Do not posit distance between you and Me;do not interpose the formalities of the guru-sishya relationship,or even the altitudinal distinctions of the God-devotee relationship,between you and Me.Iam neither guru nor God;Iam you;you are I;that is the truth.There is no distinction.That which appears so is the delusion.You are waves;Iam the ocean.Know this and be free,be Divine.


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