Avatars - Examples of Selfless Service


Avatars of God are engaged in service;that is why Avatars happen.Hence,when you offer service to mankind,the Avatar will naturally be pleased and you can win grace.

Service is the highest spiritual exercise(sadhana),for God Himself takes human form and comes down to serve mankind and lead it to the ideals it has ignored.Therefore, consider how delighted God will be when man serves man.

Human lives are now passing on and on,filth over filth, bent, broken, diseased, distressed, disheartened! To ennoble these lives and to make the human heritage worthwhile, I have come.Iam evincing all this enthusiasm to teach you the proper attitude of service, for love expresses itself as service.Love grows through service;love is born in the womb of service.And God is love.The Avatar is a Child to the children,a Boy to the boys,a Man among men,a Woman among women,so that the Avatar's message might reach each heart and receive enthusiastic response,as ananda.It is the compassion of the Avatar that prompts His every activity.

Birds,beasts,and trees have not deviated from their nature;they are still holding it valid.Man alone has disfigured it, in his crude attempt to improve upon it.So, the Avatar has to come as Man among men and move as Friend,Well-Wisher ,Kinsman,Guide,Teacher,Healer, and Participant among men.He has come to restore righteousness (dharma), and so, when man follows dharma,He is pleased and content.

You have to understand the power of good thoughts.Thoughts travel from one person to another.If you are thinking ill of another,that can harm the other person,but ten times more than harm will come to you.Never allow them to come near us.Always wish good of others.Love all.

The Principle of Love has no trace of ego or blemish.It is fully free from selfish attachments.Work done without the thought of self and eschewing the craving for name or power pleases God most.


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