Celtic Knot Divider

The Pagan Path

By Janet and Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone

Chapters 4 Topics and Summary

Celtic Knot Divider

Chapter 4 Summary

The Rainbow of Paths

Though most Pagans follow a particular path, some feel living a Pagan lifestyle, with a Pagan outlook is enough and ritual practice need not be observed. Paths come in a variety of forms and combination of traditions.

After the repeal of Britain's witchcraft laws in 1951, Gerald Gardner gave modern witchcraft a push into the open when he wrote Witchcraft Today (1954) and The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959) revealing what had long been held as secret practices. This was frowned upon by some as they felt the rituals should be kept secret, but many people were then as now searching for spirituality not to be found in the confines of organized religion. Gerald Gardner's Book of Shadows (BoS) was published in the Farrar's 1984 The Witches' Way.

Some practicing witches regard the BoS as something sacred and private only to be viewed by initiates. Others have changed with the times and not only openly share their BoS, but keep a Disk of Shadows, which can be easier and more convenient for passing the information to another person.

The concept of initiation is talked about in this chapter also. The idea of initiation being very different from a dedication. An initiation is supposed to be a life transforming, altering experience when the initiate world view is altered. This not being possible in such "production-line" initiations as done by Alex Sanders and Maxine into the Alexandrian Tradition.

Terms: Wicca- a generic term used to cover the many paths of the witchcraft movement.

Garnerian- Named after Gerald Gardner. The Gardnerians regard the BoS as Holy Writ to be strictly followed. Gardner provided the means and information to meet the changing needs of covens worldwide.

Alexandrian- An adaptation of Gardnerian founded by Alex Sanders in the 60's. This tradition practices some ritual magick. Trying to move to quickly, Alex and Maxine initiated too fast and many would be witches and pagans were lost, some on the other hand went on to form their own covens and off-shoot traditons. In 1972 a Gardnerian/Alexandrian Tradition was founded in the US called Algard. In the late 1970's there were many of these covens, but most didn't survive.

Traditional- A term used by British coven who existed pre-Gardnerian, the traditions and practices their own. In the US Traditonal means following a certain tradition or path exclusively, often following personal ancestry.

Hereditary- witches who learned the craft from family and come from a long line of witches, BoS being passed and added too through generations.

Eclectic-witches who follow no certain path, but make up their own by borrowing from other paths and combining them.

Dianic- a women's tradition who recognize the female aspect and women's mysteries over the males. The God aspect is left by the wayside as Goddess is the creator of all, the one and the God only her consort. Most Dianic's are accepting of men and don't engage in male bashing, there are the extreme cases where the Dianic label is used to belittle men for the betterment of women.

Fairy, Faerie- In Europe this term describes those who specifically work with Nature spirits. In the US, it represents a tradition formed by Victor Anderson and Gwydion Pendderwen, which has the European aspects, but also uses much of the Alexandrian Trad.

Classical Mystery- describes those groups that study the Greek, Roman or Egyptian Mystery religions. They follow the original rights (from three to five thousand years ago)that have been accurately reconstructed, hoping to gain wisdom and spiritaul insight the preisthood of the early civilizations.

Ritual Magick- complex and formal using precise tools, robes and decorations. Most of it is based on The Golden Dawn practice and material translated by Mathers and Aleister Crowley. Mostly male practice and most practice solo.

Golden Dawn- The first major, publicly known occult organization in Britain, Ritual Magick. Founded in 1887 and involves elements of Freemasonry. The order itself no longer exists, but many groups use it's complex rituals.

Thelemic- followers of Aleister Crowley's system of Ritual Magick, using his written work for guidanceand many of the rites of the Ordo Templi Orientis.

Druidism- pre-dates witchcraft by 50 years, practice polytheistic like most wiccans trying to revive belief in the old faiths with a modern scientific, artistic, holistic approach. Are involved with many ecological projects. Modern practicing Druids derives their practices from folklore and traditon as no written records were kept of this path. Training was done by word of mouth.

Bardic- Often part of another path as opposed to a path itself and is a form of mystic storytelling.

Earth Magic- Studies the uses and powers of the Earth, dowsing, stone circles, sacred sites and restoring balance in energy, also tap into the energy for healing for people and the planet as a whole.

Voodoo, Santeria, Orisha- embraces native African beliefs, but during slavery adopted the names of the Christian saints as disguises for their dieties. Voodoo is practiced more in Haiti, Santeria is South American, some Americans who practice Santerian call it Orisha.

Shamanism- Is the oldest pagan path and also the ancestor of all the main magickal traditions. Solo work, although groups may work together. The shaman goes into a trance state to perfom tasks, healing, divination, but always involves exchange dialogue and often battle or discovery within the spirit world. Shamans enter their trance states by drumming, meditation, and ingesting hallucinogenics. The Shaman calls upon his power animal for guidance and protection while entering the underworld. Many modern witches have added shamanism to their practice replacing some ritual magick.

Rosicrucians- founded by Christian Rosenkreutz in 1398 as, Brothers of the Rosy Cross. This quickly disappeared, the founding members moving on to found the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Today's Rosicrucian Society offers pay correspondence courses.

Chaos Magick- appeared in the 1980's as a rebellion against traditions that remained unchanged since 1960's. Emphasis is based on individuals finding their own beliefs, not being taught, focuses on existing magickal and occult traditions, art, literature, quantum physics and computer technology.

Strega- Name used in American for Italian tradition of witches. Strongly matriarchal and herbal knowledge is stressed.

The Nothern Tradition- Refers to all traditions of the of Northern Europe including Norse, Icelandic, Germanic and Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon and Frisian, also Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian.

Asatur- Pagans practicing beliefs in the Norse, German and Icelandic traditions. The main dietie being Frey, Odin, Thor and Tir; female dieties being Freya, Frigg and the Norns (Fates). Asatru is a Scandanavian word meaning "Belief in the Gods".

Odinism- An offshoot or path within a path, part of Asatru. Odin is taken on as a personal diety, then his sacrifice for knowledge is emulated. Patriarchal in nature, with a strong code of conduct and is honor based.

Seidr- the oldest of the northern traditons and strongly shamanist based. The prophetess is conducted into a trance by song, then she answers questions of those who aske. Originally contained a form of sexual magick, fertility rites.

Seax-Wicca- founded by Raymond Buckland based on his book The Tree:The complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft (1974). Dissatisfied with the Gardnerian tradition, he reconstructed, simple rituals and rites of self-dedication, open and democratic in nature.

Jewitch- Incorporating Hebrew roots into paganism.

Society of the Inner Light- founded by Dion Fortune and similar to the Golden Dawn. The Society no longer claims to be witch training, and says Dion was not a witch and not associated with a coven. They teach a mixture of elements such as dianetics, Alexander technique and scientology.

Discordianism- works on the polarities of chaos/order. A traditon of paradox founded in California. Kerry and Greg claimed the Goddess Eris (greek diety of chaos) enlightened them at the bowling alley sprinkling them with fairy dust. A check to egoism and pomposity.

Hinduism- Deeply rooted in the culture of India and has spread worldwide. Has the triple Goddess aspects and God archetypes. Spread through the US in the 60's when many people were rejecting Christianity, it's draw at that time being the acceptance of sexual activity in spirituality, something Christians rejected.

Shinto- Official religion of Japan means 'the way of the gods.' Divinity is animistic and anything unusual in nature, has a complex mythology, has a phallic fertility cult, purification rights and ancestor worship.

Celtic Knot Divider

Chapter 4 Topics of Discussion

The Rainbow of Paths

Topic: To Ritual Or Not To Ritual

At the beginning of Chapter 4, the Farrars say:

"Some Pagans feel no need to engage in ritual practice, either alone or in a group, but merely live their lives with a Pagan outlook and by Pagan standards..."

Do you "engage in ritual practice"? How important is ritual to you? How important do you think it is to Paganism in general?

Topic: It's A Secret

The development of contemporary Paganism is largely a result of published materials. The religion of Wicca could not have grown as rapidly as it has were it not for the spread of information which was begun with the publication of Gardner's books. As the Farrars point out:

"He [Gardner] was much criticized by some of the craft for making public what they felt should remain secret."

How do you feel about secrecy? Is there a place for "oathbound" information in today's craft? Publishing Wiccan/Pagan info in books, and now on the net, makes it available to a widespread audience. How many of you found "the craft" through books and the internet rather than in the "traditional" manner by meeting other Witches?

Topic: Books of Shadows

The Farrars talk about the evolution of tradition as it is reflected by Books of Shadows [BoS]. A BoS is a record of the beliefs and practices of a witch or a coven. It is a place to record poetry, invocations, blessings, rituals and all of the things which make up the liturgy of a person or tradition's religious practices.

"We have seen some of his [Gardner's] various Books of Shadows in Doreen's [Valiente] possession, which reveal how haphazardly he tended to work on them. Some of the pages had shopping lists on the back."

What do you feel are the correct ways of keeping a BoS? Should they be handwritten? Should they be kept in a special handbound book with embossed covers and...? Is it ok to keep your BoS as a Disk Of Shadows [DoS]? Should you always have a paper copy of the materials in your B/DoS? Talk about your BoS. Tell us how you use it, what you put in it, how you keep it, maybe you could share some of the things you have in your BoS.

Topic: Initiation

While discussing the Alexandrian tradition, the Farrars introduce the topic of initiation. Among their observation the following quotes jumped out at me:

"...he [Alex Sanders] and Maxine initiated people on a production-line basis."

"In Wiccan practice, a man is initiated by a woman, and a woman by a man."

What is the role and/or significance of initiation? Are Witches born or made? Who really performs an initiation? Is it the High Priest/ess who trains the initiate? Is it the Gods?

Topic: Let's Talk Terms

The Farrars give and define a number of terms in Chapter 4. Do you agree with their definitions (given in the Chapter 4 summary) of the terms "Traditional", "Hereditary", and "Eclectic"? If not, what do these terms mean to you? Are there any other general terms which you would like to discuss further?

Project: Choose A Path

Choose and write about one (or more) of the paths listed below. A path you personally follow, or one(s) that interests you enough to research. If you have information on a path not listed here, please share that information with the group.

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