
Truth In Prophecy Web Master�s Page

Jack M. Whittenberger Sr.

Founder of JacMar Minitries and Pastor of the San Bernardino Church of Gospel Ministry

I have created this site as a means of study of the scriptures and particularly of end time prophecy. As you can see we have many tools which you can use to help you with your study of the scriptures.

On this page I will be expressing my personal views based upon my study of the Holy Scriptures and I believe in the following tenants.

1. The Holy Bible is the world of Yahweh and is to be taken literally.
2. The Scriptures are the only true test of faith.
3. Yahweh demands our obedience to his laws and commandments.
4. Yahshua is the messiah, the Holy One of Israel and died as the sacrificial Lamb of the Passover for atonement of our sins.
5. The atonement of the blood of Yahshua is a free gift and cannot be bought but is given only by the grace of our savior.
6. Yahweh's laws and commandments are forever and unchanging.
7. The penalty for sin is eternal death and the reward for believing in the Son of Yahweh is eternal life.
8. Yahshua is coming soon to put an end to the cycle of sin on this earth.
9. There are three that bear witness in Heaven, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
10.Yahshua will judge every man who has lived on this earth according to his deeds.

The Sabbath Day

Yahweh�s Memorial

In the book of Genesis Yahweh blessed the 7th day and made it Holy. Yahweh did this as a memorial to his creation so that all would know that he is the Creator God of all things. Before him there was nothing nor shall there be anything after him for our God is without end.

Churches today teach that people are no longer required to keep the 7th day Sabbath as commanded by Yahweh but instead are supposed to keep the Lord�s Day or the 1st day of the week as commanded by the Roman emperor Constantine I in 329 a.d.. These teachings go on even though Yahweh himself set down a commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy with his own finger.

I want to state that this article is not about keeping a certain day but about obeying Yahweh. Since the time of Adam man has been in constant rebellion against his creator. Yahweh has constantly tried to get man to end this rebellion. He handed Moses the Laws for Mankind in the form of the 10 Commandments. Yet man still does not obey. Satan has convinced man kind that obedience to Yahweh is not a requirement for salvation. That man can do as he pleases and by Grace alone he will be saved.

The scriptures tell us that which Yahweh does is forever, nothing can be added to it nor taken from it. If this is so how can churches teach, that you as followers of Yahshua Messiah no longer are bound by the commandments and laws of Yahweh? James, the brother of Yahshua, tells us that to violate one of the commandments is to have violated them all even unto the 10. If this is true then how can we dismiss the 4th commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy? Yahshua said that we were to keep the commandments as he had done. If this is true then again how can we dismiss the Sabbath commandment when Yahshua himself is Lord of the Sabbath?

We must reconcile ourselves with our creator and acknowledge him as our God. The scriptures tell us that the Sabbath is a sign between Yahweh and man signifying that �I am your God�. To defile the Sabbath is an act of rebellion against your Creator. Yahshua said that if you love him you will obey him. But as Adam refused to obey Yahweh his descendants persist in their refusal to obey him and keep his commandments.

We are told by the churches of today that Yahshua Messiah has done away with the law and that a new covenant now exists between Yahweh and man. But Yahshua Messiah, himself, told us that nothing shall pass from the law until all things have been fulfilled. As all things are not yet fulfilled then how then do we justify not obeying Yahweh?

I am constantly being asked if then by not keeping the Sabbath that all the religions that fail to observe it are wrong? I have to answer yes. To violate the Commandments of Yahweh is the definition of sin and Yahweh cannot look upon sin. He has given us an out through the blood of his son that we may see eternal life. It is ours to accept or reject. The choice is ours.

Why then if the scriptures say that we must keep the Commandments do not the main stream churches do so? The reason being is that they know what they have been taught through tradition. This tradition has been handed down from one generation to another so that a person born in a religion usually dies in that religion because they have closed their minds to anything other than that which they have been taught.

Protestant denominations believe that they are something new which started with the advent of Calvin and Luther in Europe. This is not so. Protestant denominations are the bastard children of the Roman Catholic Church. This church was begun when Constantine I took over as head of the church. He used the church as an instrument of control in his empire by using it as a unifying force.

Constantine I of Rome, whose people were mainly sun worshippers, by adopting pagan holy days by the Catholic church he was able to accommodate conversion of his sun worshippers to Christianity. It was possible for Constantine to unify his empire under a religion that taught that one was to obey their rulers. Since that time the Roman Catholic Church has been a political organization that teaches that it�s pontiff is the vicar of Yahshua and as such is Yahshua on earth who can make new commandments and delete old ones as he sees fit.

This is the same church that sent tens of thousands to die in the Crusades. This is the same church who sent millions to their death under the Spanish Inquisition. This is the same church who burned Joan of Arc at the stake (then turned around and made her a Saint of the Church). This is the same church that drove the Huguenots out of France. This is the same Church that spawned the Protestant Reformation in Europe under Calvin, Luther and Wycliff. This is the Church whose Pontiff Pius XII watch as the Germans murdered the Jews of Italy and said nothing. And this is the Church from which all Protestant Denominations come from.

NOTHING HOLY CAN COME FROM SOMETHING UNHOLY. The Traditions and trappings of the Roman Catholic Church were retained by the most part by the Protestant reformers. Keeping the spring festival honoring Eostra, Goddess of Fertility and wife of Baal the Sun God and calling it Easter and designating it as the day of the resurrection of our Lord. Keeping the winter solstice and calling it Christmas designating it as the birthday of our Lord. It is time we leave these things of Satan and return to the faith of the early church which kept Yahweh�s commandments and laws.

Alas, many will remain true to their traditions and keep not the commandments of their God and this loyalty to their church instead of their God will cost them their eternal life. Again Yahshua said that �If you love me you will obey me� and the cost of not obeying Yahweh is eternal death. The end of Yahweh�s mercy is near and the day of his vengeance is at hand. The Lord is about to bring upon this world a time of sorrow that has not been seen since the beginning of time. He will destroy this world with war, famine and pestilence. He will try for a short time to give everyone a chance for redemption but Yahweh�s mercy is not forever and when the cup of sin is full Yahweh will bring an end to sin and it�s creator, Lucifer.

Hear you that love Yahweh. Obey his commandments and repent of your sins. Yahweh will stand by you during the time of trouble and protect his own. Do not follow the man of sin into the lake of fire to eternal destruction. Keep faith in Yahweh and test all things by the scriptures, for in the scriptures Yahweh has given you truth. Accept the sacrifce of atonement made by our Lord and do not reject him, for his love for you is endless and although we don�t deserve him we will be in his loving arms if we just submit to him as Lord.

In following pages we will be discussing the books of Daniel and Revelation so that we may understand the signs of the time of the end. For those that understand will be prepared for what comes ahead and will not lose faith. May the Ancient of Days bless and keep you in strength and faith.

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