Revolutionary War Lesson PLans


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American Revolution Simulation
Students will understand the grievances of the American colonists

Classroom-Tested Lesson Plans
Colonial Williamsburg has developed several interdisciplinary lesson plans for use in classrooms. Lesson plans include "Colonial Reaction to the Stamp Act", "Eighteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Forms of Resistance", "A Family disrupted--the Randolph Family and the Coming American Revolution", "History Comes Alive in the Graveyard", "Mathematics with a Mob Cap" and "The Two Williamsburgs"

"Hello, I Am Deborah Sampson"
The purpose of this activity is to get students more active in the learning process, to have students realize that it is people who have an impact on our history, to have students learn about the people and events in the American Revolution, and have students become aware of the shortage of information written about women during this time period.

Revolutionary War & Colonial Period
This lesson will take place over a two week Period. This lesson will be broken down into 45 minute periods. During this process students will learn how to do research on the internet and students will learn about the American Revolution.

Significant Revolutionary Americans
This is a lesson plan that can be used for a number of weeks in a typical high school classroom over the period of a couple weeks. each of the following is and individual one day lesson plan that can be used in any order that is preferred by the teacher.

Was the American Revolution a revolution?
Crossroads: Middle School Curriculum Unit IV: What was the American Revolution? 1760-1836

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