your love means nothing

i know my indifference hurts you
but it is intolerable to me
to keep up the act
i rather we walk away
i don't want excuses
i don't want to hear
what you have to say

the truth is now out
we can't stay
and neither of us can deny
that you weren't what my
heart needed to survive

now that i've let you go
you don't seem to notice
i don't think you want to know
that we were not happy together
so don't ask for another chance

i have told you it's over
because we weren't who we use to be
we used to love each other freely
now we hide each other's moods
no matter how we promise changes
nothing will ever happen
because the love i had for you
has turned into nothing


H O M E | P O E M S

All Poems Written and Copyrighted to me Elle
Copyright © 1999 NiteWolf Enterprises, Inc., Miami, FL U.S.A
All Rights Reserved
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