The expression of my soul

my love for you is the expression of my soul
it is highly valued
and can't be measured
you are what my heart
will always treasure

the look on your eyes
calms my deepest fears
and the times that you are far
I want to hold you so near

your smile lights up my life
and all I want to do is be with you
I close my eyes and wish I could
make time fly

when I see you I wish time would stop
so I can hold you forever
and never let you go

I want to tell you I love you
which you should already know
the world that surrounds me
ceases to exsist
and only you and I are here


H O M E | P O E M S

All Poems Written and Copyrighted to me Elle
Copyright © 1998 NiteWolf Enterprises, Inc., Miami, FL U.S.A
All Rights Reserved
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