I - The beginning




The gods
God's telling
The beginning
God's symphony
God's legends
Men's thinking

Paul G. Aclinou
[email protected]



I suggest the next steps for our visit to gods. Before that, I must tell you that there is only a God, the Powerful Whole.; We call it Ma Hü; literally, that means "that null can not exceed . It is a To be incorporeal, a pure force. One teachs us that Ma Hü created the universe; It created it in female form and coupled with it. This union produced the " Whole " . One us told that God indemnified its creation; but, in Its immense goodness, It created Spirits ( gods ) to come in assistance with the living being. There is no a rite for Ma Hü; one thanks It; one rents It; it is all.

This being posed, we are going to begin our trip with what the tradition Told us gods; I want to speak legends that base each them, and that explain that some vow their a cult. We will see then what one can to Think some; it is - to - tell, their teaching; because, it is that that it concerns. We will be thus on paths of the Pedagogy.  

Here is what I could tell to you about the Pedagogy.( cta1 )

" you know, the father of my father told that the first king of the center of the world had posed the foundation of all things. This sovereign enacted on what noticed men. It had defined what was the spring from the gods.Le king had fixed the role of each, god and man, in their reciprocal relationships but equally in their face attitudes to imperatives that were these the beginning. And that, the first king of the center of the world do it for the eternity. It was a king that knew on what rests its throne. While today, these that one gives us as sovereign no longer are capable that to hunt flies around display them merchants.

( L'Horloger de Kouti; le commencement )



Welcome Purpose The gods God's telling The beginning God's symphony God's legends Men's thinking End


Paul Aclinou

[email protected]

Sept. 1998 - Update : 29/05/99

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