Eleven Last Words

Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.

Pancho Villa

Go away. I'm all right.

H.G. Wells

Good-bye .... why am I hemorrhaging?

Boris Pasternak

Seventeen whiskeys. A record, I think.

Dylan Thomas

Am I dying or is this my birthday?

Lady Astor, when she woke briefly during her last illness and found all her family around her bedside.

They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist---

John Sedgwick, Union General, in battle, 1864.

That was the best ice-cream soda I ever tasted.

Lou Costello

That was a great game of golf, fellas.

Bing Crosby

I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis

Humphrey Bogart

I've never felt better.

Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.

I drank what?


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