Home - Physics - Relativity

1. Edwin F. Taylor - General Relativity - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics

2. A04 - General relativity and gravitation - A04 - General relativity and gravitation (Special relativity, see A0330) A0400 - General relativity and gravitation A0420 - General relativity A0430 - Gravitational waves and radiation: theory A0440 - Continuous media: electromagnetic and other..

3. gr - learning general relativity, it helps to have special...... General Relativity Tutorial John Baez This is bunch of...

4. Edwin F. Taylor - Special Relativity - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics

5. General Relativity - General relativity: a very weird world This is the English translation of a webpage originally written in French, by Nymbus, who also provided the translation. I've agreed to post it here at my own website, and have cleaned up the translation a bit, editing fo

6. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 Can Special Relativity handle accelerations? It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or accelerating ...

7. Dave's Relativity Page - "Time Flies When You're Going Nowhere" is dedicated to special relativity, including FTL (faster than light) travel and length contraction.

8. General relativity - General relativity Previous topic Next topic History Topics Index......topic History Topics Index General relativity is a theory of...

9. Relativity - NCSA Relativity Group home page - Our group uses supercomputers to study black holes, gravitational waves, and other phenomena predicted by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

10. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 Can Special Relativity handle accelerations? It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or accelerating ...

11. David W. Hogg / Special Relativity - Special Relativity lecture notes by David W. Hogg Version 0.2, 1 December 1997 The full text (Chapters 1 through 7) is available in PDF [779 kb]. Contents Chapter 1: Principles of relativity Chapter 2: Time dilation and length contraction Chapter 3

12. Edwin F. Taylor - General Relativity - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics

13. Physics Quad:Physics Quantum Theory Relativity Chaos Special Relativity GeneralEinstein Newton Black Hole Dirac Super String General Relativity's - Schroedenger Equation Physics Commons[Western Canon University Commons] [Western Canon University Lecture Halls] [The Crow's Nest] This quad is devoted to a light hearted discussion centered about Physics. We'd love to hear your thoughts as well as

14. Links to other sites - These are some other sites I have found on the web that I found to be useful, easy to read, and interesting that you may want to check out. Special Relativity Links Acceleration in Special Relativity History Topics A detailed history of scientific discoveries, grouped by the major advance they led to.

15. Special Relativity - Introduction - An Alternative Introduction into Special Relativity As special, as general relativity have a nimbus of being far away from common sense. There is nothing strange with relativity, no reason to give up common sense. I want to show this here. Proper Time and

16. Albert Einstein and Relativity - This page contains information regarding Albert Einstein and several of his works, including special relativity, general relativity, the photoelectric effect, and related topics, as well as (mostly) links to other sites...

17. Relativity - Relativity Special Relativity : U. of Oregon The Light Cone : Intro to Special & General Relativity from Syracuse U. Acceleration in One Dimension : Relativistic & Newtonian (U. Missouri, St. Louis) Galileo and Einstein : U. Virginia Relativity..

18. SFB 382 D4 - Virtual Relativity - Virtual Reality of Daniel Weiskopf's project page (SFB 382, project D4). This project deals with the visualization of special and general relativity

19. General Relativity around the world - The NCSA Relativity Group is maintaining a list of Relativity related services available on the Internet. Here you will find a list of resources, including Servers for other relativity groups, as well as Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy resources.

20. General Relativity - Introduction to General Relativity Problems with Newtonian Gravity Newton was fully aware of the conceptual difficulties of his action-at-a-distance theory of gravity. In a letter to Richard Bentley Newton wrote: "It is inconceivable, that inanimate brute

21. A04 - General relativity and gravitation - A04 - General relativity and gravitation (Special relativity, see A0330) A0400 - General relativity and gravitation A0420 - General relativity A0430 - Gravitational waves and radiation: theory A0440 - Continuous media: electromagnetic and other..

22. April 17: special relativity, spacetime - Relativity : The theory of relativity is traditionally broken into two parts, special and general relativity. Special relativity provides a framework for translating physical events and laws into forms appropriate for any frame of reference. General

23. General Relativity - A Very Weird World - Provides an explanation of the fundamental ideas behind General Relativity with diagrams.

24. Lecture notes on general relativity - General Relativity This homepage contains lecture notes on the course of general relativity FX2/H97 read in the fall semester 1997 at the Physics Institute of NTNU.

25. Usenet Relativity FAQ - experimental basis of special relativity? General......turn on my headlights...? Special Relativity How do You Add...

26. Spacetime 101 (Patricia Schwarz) - some basic background covering how mathematical models of space and time have evolved since ancient times, from the Pythagorean Rule to Newtonian mechanics, Special Relativity and General Relativity.

27. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Next: Accelerated Reference Frames Up: Acceleration and General Relativity Previous: Circular Motion Acceleration in Special Relativity Figure 6.2: World line of the origin of an accelerated reference frame. As noted above, acceleration is just the time

28. General Relativity - [noframes] [frames] General Relativity The general theory of relativity is founded on a set of field-equations, formulated by Albert Einstein in 1915, which deal with the gravitational force-field. The bold idea of Einstein was to regard the gravitational forc

29. Relativity bookmarks - Rob Salgado's bookmarks

30. Special Relativity and General Relativity -

31. Gravitation and the General Theory of Relativity - Gravitation and the General Theory of Relativity As we have discussed in an earlier section, the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein introduced his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 and his General Theory of Relativity in 1915.

32. WebMath Special Relativity Demonstration - A computer aided demonstration of what a wire frame house , tree, and stick figure would like like at any speed and any direction.

33. Lecture notes on general relativity - General Relativity This homepage contains lecture notes on the course of general relativity FX2/H97 read in the fall semester 1997 at the Physics Institute of NTNU. It is still under construction (see the dates of last revission of each chapter)..

34. NCSA/LCA-Potsdam-WashU - International Numerical Relativity Group home page - Our group uses supercomputers to study black holes, gravitational waves, and other phenomena predicted by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

35. General Relativity - General Relativity General relativity is the theory......Present day research in general relativity focuses mainly on three...

36. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 Can Special Relativity handle accelerations? It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or ...

37. General Relativity at the University of Chicago - Research and publications of U Chicago theoretical physicists in general relativity.

38. Lecture Notes on General Relativity (Sean Carroll) - http://ars-www.uchicago.edu/~carroll/notes/found in: Science > Physics > Relativity > Courses and Tutorials

39. The Light Cone - An Illuminating Introduction to Relativity (by Rob Salgado) - Mechanical Laws of Motion SPECIAL RELATIVITY Maxwell and The......look at the LIGHT CONE GENERAL RELATIVITY Newton, Galileo, and The...

40. Modern Physics Course - A second year course introducing special relativity and quantum mechanics. All of the lecture notes are posted online.

41. relativity.html - Einstein's Theories of Special and General Relativity Aricles and sites on Special Relativity (observors in different frames see different things as their relative velocity approaches the speed of light) and General Relativity (presence of mass..

42. Particles, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - Particles, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Special......with the pole horizontal. Special Relativity (SR) says that a...

43. Dave's Relativity Page - Think Einstein's Theory of Relativity is only for rocket scientists? Well, I've got news for you. I don't think even rocket scientists need to know relativity! (At least not rocket scientists for the next century or two.) But that doesn't mean you can't learn about it right now.

44. General Relativity - This site delves into tensor analysis, and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. We don't hold back on the maths - but we have a few interesting textual stuff too.


46. Werner Benger - General Relativity - Presented during the Alpbach Summer School 1992 In this simulation it is shown what happens to a natural scene when one of these objects where a Black Hole.

47. SFB 382 D4 - Virtual Relativity - Virtual Reality of Daniel Weiskopf's project page (SFB 382, project D4). This project deals with the visualization of special and general relativity

48. AAARGH! - Members of the Ann Arbor Area Relativity Group - A group of researchers interested in General Relativity

49. Concepts of Special Relativity - Conceptual Framework: Relativity IndexRelativity concepts HyperPhysics***** Relativity Go Back Conceptual Framework: General Relativity Index HyperPhysics***** Relativity Go Back

50. David W. Hogg / Special Relativity - Special Relativity lecture notes by David W. Hogg Version 0.2, 1 December 1997 The full text (Chapters 1 through 7) is available in PDF [779 kb]. Contents Chapter 1: Principles of relativity Chapter 2: Time dilation and length contraction Chapter 3

51. Lecture Notes on General Relativity - Notes on General Relativity Sean M. Carroll (gravitational waves......8.962, the graduate course in General Relativity at MIT, during...

52. Special Relativity at Colorado University - This site offers a very detailed explanation of special relativity, with emphasis on paradoxes and generally accepted theories.

53. PHZ 6607 - Special and General Relativity - Fall 1998 - PHZ 6607 - Special and General Relativity - Fall 1998 Fall Course Grades Course: PHZ 6607, Section 5954X, Special and General Relativity Class Hours: MTR, Period 9, NPB 1011 Lecturer: J. N. Fry, Office NPB 2172, phone 392-6692, e-mail [email protected].

54. Rubricator - PEIS_V C S P - V I N I T I. Please, take your choice of corresponding physics section (1-st level of the multi-level CSP-VINITI): Particles and...

55. SFB 382 - Project D4 - Front page of Daniel Weiskopf's project page (SFB 382, project D4). This project deals with the visualization of special and general relativity.

56. The Alternative Laws of Physics - Home Page. Exciting new theories of physics. By modifying the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism, it is possible to achieve a Grand Unification...

57. relativity.html - Einstein's Theories of Special and General Relativity Aricles and sites on Special Relativity (observors in different frames see different things as their relative velocity approaches the speed of light) and General Relativity (presence of mass..

58. Lecture Notes on General Relativity - Notes on General Relativity Sean M. Carroll (gravitational waves......8.962, the graduate course in General Relativity at MIT, during...

59. Option G - Special and general relativity - Option G - Special and general relativity G.1 Frames of reference (2 h) Recognize, describe and construct examples of inertial frames of reference. Use the Galilean transformation equations to calculate relative velocities for objects moving at non

60. Relativity - Relativity Special Relativity : U. of Oregon The Light Cone : Intro to Special & General Relativity from Syracuse U. Acceleration in One Dimension : Relativistic & Newtonian (U. Missouri, St. Louis) Galileo and Einstein : U. Virginia Relativity..

61. Postulates of Special Relativity - Postulates of Special Relativity � Back to Special...... Relativity: Index � Forward to The Paradox of Special...


63. How does Special Relativity work? -

64. Michael Bolte, AY4 - The Stars. Instructor: Mike Bolte. TA's : Rick Waters, Phil Choi. The class is nominally about stars -- how they form, live their lives, seed the...

65. Special Theory of Relativity - Article by W. Babin provides an analysis of the theoretical foundations of Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. View readers comments.

66. "The Boundaries of Nature: Special & General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, A ... - [Reprinted from The American Journal of Physics, Volume 66, Number 5 (May 1998), pages 368-376. Copyright � 1998 American Association of Physics ...

67. Relativity Tutorial - An illustrated introductory guide to relativity, intended for advanced high school or college students. Large file to download.

68. Time Trips,Black Holes and Relativity - It�s site about Time trips, Relativity, And Black Holes....Usefull Links.... And a lot of intersting things...

69. Topical interest group on Gravitation (American Physical Society) - The Topical Group in Gravitation (TGG) was launched in April 1995 to serve as a focus for research in all areas of gravitational physics including experiments and observations related to the detection and interpretation of gravitational waves, experimental tests of gravitational theories, computational general relativity, relativistic astrophysics, solutions to Einstein's equations and their properties, alternative theories of gravity, classical and quantum cosmology, and quantum gravity.

70. Lecture 33: Special Relativity - Astronomy 162: Professor Barbara Ryden Monday, May 19 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Associated reading: 5-3 ``There was a young lady named Bright, / Whose speed was much faster than light; / She set out one day / In a relative way, / And returned home the previous

71. General Relativity for Undergraduates - An online draft copy of an undergraduate text book on general relativity and cosmology.

72. http://minerva.tau.ac.il/physics/graduate/relativity - Introduction to General Relativity 0321.4020 Syllabus Special Relativity and Newtonian gravitation, The Principle of Equivalence ,Geodesics, Gravitation as a Riemannian manifold, Einstein equations, Central gravitational field, Experimental..

73. Questions Archive - String Theory Discussion Forum. [ String Theory Home ] [ Forum Index ] [ Current Questions Forum ] Questions Archive. Search For: This board has been...

74. Relativity Channel - Provides an in-depth history of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and its effect on cosmology. Includes works cited and links.

75. Relativity Theory - Relativity Topics Pre-1906 - Physics before the theory of relativity. Special Theory - Einstein's Special Theory of 1905. General Relativity - Einstein's General Theory of 1916.

76. History Topics - History Topics Index Click on a topic on the list below to see that article. Overview of the History of Mathematics Babylonian and Egyptian mathematics The trigonometric functions Pi through the ages Quadratic, cubic and quartic equations The rise.

77. Lecture 20: Special Relativity - Astronomy 161: Professor Barbara Ryden Wednesday, Oct 22 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Associated reading: 5-3 ``There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was much faster than light; She set out one day In a relative way, And returned home the previous night

78. PHZ 6607 - Special and General Relativity - Fall 1998 - PHZ 6607 - Special and General Relativity - Fall 1998 Fall Course Grades Course: PHZ 6607, Section 5954X, Special and General Relativity Class Hours: MTR, Period 9, NPB 1011 Lecturer: J. N. Fry, Office NPB 2172, phone 392-6692, e-mail [email protected].

79. Relativity - Einstein proposed two theories of relativitySpecial Relativity in 1905, and General Relativity in 1915. Although general relativity is the theory that we will most closely consider in the following topics, Special Relativity is important to understand as it defines much of what we now consider basics of physics and sets a base for General Relativity.

80. Gravity Probe B - Relativity Mission - Provides details on a relativity gyroscope experiment developed by NASA and Stanford University to test Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

81. Physics Linkpage - This page contains more than 100 links to pages and papers about physics, astronomy and related topics. Most of them are collected by the members of the Hawking-forum, a www-discussion-board. It often points directly to a paper instead of simply linking the homepage of the organization.

82. Yahoo! Science>Physics>Relativity - Help - More Yahoos Home > Science > Physics > Relativity All sites UK sites only Ireland sites only This category only advanced search UK Only Books@ Gravitational Waves (4) Relativistic Travel (13) Research Groups (5) Acceleration & 3-Kinematics..

83. C-Ship - A short overview of special relativity, filled with relativistic ray traced images. Explains relativistic effects using a theoretical spaceship.

84. Penn State Numerical Relativity Group - Group promotes interaction between students, post-docs, and faculty interested in computational aspects of General Relativity in Astrophysics.

85. Relativity - Time Travel Research Center. ...Explore The Possibilities� Relativity, theory, developed in the early 20th century, which originally attempted to...

86. Relativity on the World Wide Web - The purpose of these pages is to promote the appreciation, understanding, and applications of special and general relativity. Here you will find a collection of links to on-line expository articles, relativity visualization sites, formal course notes and full-

87. Relativity - is the term for Einstein's theory, based on the idea that the laws of science should be the same for all freely moving observers, regardless of their speed. This was developed by 1909. This is when Enistein became famous ...

88. Time Trips,Black Holes and Relativity - It�s site about Time trips, Relativity, And Black Holes....Usefull Links.... And a lot of intersting things...

89. Edwin F. Taylor - Downloads - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics.

90. Guide to Ultimate Reality - [noframes] [frames] by Steen Ingemann, M.Sc. These pages are dealing with Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity and Vedanta as well as with the insight, that emerges when these are combined. For the physicist who acknowledges that the phenomena mind and con

91. Queen Mary - QMW Hyperspace GR - A set of hypertext based services for general relativity research provided by the QMW Relativity group

92. Relativity - Linguistics Mathematics Relativity Differential Geometry and Relativity Theory: An Introduction, by Richard L. Faber. An introduction to differential geometry, the geometry of special relativity, and the geometry of general relativity in empty..

93. General Relativity at the University of Chicago - Research and publications of U Chicago theoretical physicists in general relativity.

94. Mathematical contradictions to special relativity - Mathematical proof of the falsity of a popular derivation of the transformation equations in special relativity theory.

95. Special and General Relativity - matter. The General Theory of Relativity Since special...... Special Relativity: The Ether Figure 1. It takes a swimmer longer...

96. Relativity - Linguistics Mathematics Relativity Differential Geometry and Relativity Theory: An Introduction, by Richard L. Faber. An introduction to differential geometry, the geometry of special relativity, and the geometry of general relativity in empty..

97. General Relativity (M24) - General Relativity (M24

98. Frank Potter's Science Gems - Science Resources are sorted by Category, Subcategory, and Grade Level Developed and maintained by Frank Potter & Jim Martindale. You may also want to check out the UC Irvine Science Education Programs Office (SEP) and our university & corporate associates, computerized knowledge assessment research by J.-C.

99. General Relativity - General Relativit

100. physics - Return to Main Page. A General Theory of Particles and Forces. Robert Rutkiewicz. This is a Theory of Everything or TOE. It brings together concepts...

101. Usenet Relativity FAQ - Version Date: 12 Sep 1998 This is the web version of the Usenet Relativity FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Its purpose is to provide good answers to questions which have been discussed often in sci.physics.relativity and related Usenet newsgroups.

102. General Relativity and Cosmology for Undergra... - Links and topics related to General& Relativity& and& Cosmology& for& Undergraduates& Rough& Draft& -& not& Complete.

103. Links to other sites - Relativity Links These are some other sites I have found on the web that I found to be useful, easy to read, and interesting that you may want to check out. Special Relativity Links Acceleration in Special Relativity History Topics A detailed..

104. Tensors in Special Relativity - Title pag

105. What's So Special About Relativity? - Expo/Science & Industry/Spacetime Wrinkles | Forward | Back | Up | Map | Glossary | Information | What's So Special About Relativity? Einstein's first theory of relativity, which he published in 1905, broke away from the Newtonian reliance on space

106. Special Relativity & General Relativity Forum Frigate - Special Relativity Forum Frigate [SCIENCE......like to captain the Special Relativity Forum Frigate, please drop...

107. Special Relativity Great Books Treasure Chest: General Relativity, Relativity, - Special Relativity Great Books Treasure Chest Special......Aghrgrhr matey! So ye seek Special Relativity! Press Search to...

108. a12019 - The Dark Side of the Universe (p 19) . Second Part. Everything is relative. In the first part we hardly spoke at all of Relativity. We even managed...

109. C-ship: References and Further Reading - Click on titles to order books on-line from Gamow, G. Mr. Tompkins in Paperback. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965. ISBN 0-521-09355-4. The inspiration for this work; a great physicist ...

110. Introducing Einstein's Relativity - VeriMall bringing you the latest best-sellers at the very lowest prices! Shop with us in pure security

111. Links2Go: Relativity - Links and topics related to Relativity.

112. The Hole Argument - What is space? What is time? Do they exist independently of the things and processes in them? Or is their existence parasitic on these things and processes? From the Stanford Encyclopedia by John D. Norton.

113. How to Learn Quantum Mechanics Starting with Little or No Math - Epstein, Lewis Carroll. Relativity Visualized. Insight Press, 1985. Lilley, Sam. Discovering Relativity for Yourself. Cambridge University Press, 1981.

114. Tensors and Relativity - Provides a study guide for an introductory course at the University of Cape Town on General Relativity. Includes a chat room.

115. University of Calgary : Applied Mathematics AMAT - University of Calgary. Applied Mathematics AMAT. 217. 219. 307. 309. 311. 321. 407. 411. 413. 415. 425. 441. 451. 491. 501. 505. 507. 509. 601. 605. ...

116. ASTR 3740 Relativity & Cosmology Homepage Spring 1999 - This is an upper division undergraduate course in Relativity and Cosmology for science majors. It aims to provide a quantitative introduction to special and general relativity, to black holes, and to modern cosmology.

117. Special Relativity - A brief overview of the theory of special relativity, and how it pertains to particles at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator)

118. Acceleration in Special Relativity - claimed that general relativity is required because special......difference between general and special relativity is that...

119. Relativity - Einstein proposed two theories of relativity- Special Relativity in 1905, and General Relativity in 1915. Although general relativity is the theory...

120. PHYS 501 - The Theory of Relativity - Session: Winter. Place in program: Optional course that can be taken in either third or fourth year. Laboratory: None. Prerequisites: PHYS 333, Mathematics 353. The course is a prerequisite for: No ...

121. Physics 7: Relativity and Cosmology - Physics 7: Relativity and Cosmology

122. Alternate View Column AV-81 - John G. Cramer Analog Column Alternate View 81 The Alcubierre Warp Drive

123. Curved Space-Time Continua - [noframes] [frames] Curved Space-Time Continua The three dimensions of ordinary space span a continuum of points where the exact location of each point can be described by just three coordinates - provided one has choosen a frame of reference. By the advent of

124. Phil Fraundorf's Mind-Quilts at Newton.Umsl.Edu/~Philf - Links and topics related to Phil Fraundorf's& bsp;Mind-Quilts at&am ;nbsp;Newton.Umsl.Edu/~Philf.. .

125. SFB 382 D4 - Gallery - Image and movie gallery of Daniel Weiskopf's project page (SFB 382, project D4). This project deals with the visualization of special and general relativity

126. SFB 382 - Project D4 - Front page of Daniel Weiskopf's project page (SFB 382, project D4). This project deals with the visualization of special and general relativity

127. Washington University Gravity Group - Group offers perspectives on astrophysical phenomena requiring Einstein's theory of general relativity. Find papers, research, tools, and links.

128. Backlight Video - Use the links above to download both available teaching videos in RealPlayer format. A commentary is available for the Seeing Relativity video (BACKLIGHT.rm), and the Visualising Special Relativity video (VSR.rm) is referred to in the seminar page.

129. Edwin F. Taylor - Downloads -- Oersted Lecture - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics.

130. Foundations - Foundations is a series of articles, first published in the magazine Eidolon, on some of the theories of twentieth-century physics that have most influenced modern science fiction.

131. Introducing Einstein's Relativity - VeriMall bringing you the latest best-sellers at the very lowest prices! Shop with us in pure security

132. Project Rishi Academy - Working for an actual unification of physics, mind and consciousness.

133. Tecor / Science / Physics / Relativity / - P R E F E R R E D S I T E S Independent Daily News -economics, politics, taxes, environment Free news. Not mainstream. Original content daily. Reform, social justice, empowerment...

134. Quantum Mechanics & Relativity Paper - Builds a unified foundation for Quantum Mechanics and the Special Theory of Relativity by postulating an internal structure to quantum particles.

135. Relativity?? $50,000(US) Awards for mathematical Proof - The constancy of speed of light is denied by relativity's own equations. The so called principle of equivalence can only be drawn by those high school students who fail to pass the chapter on mechanics in physics

136. Tigran A. Aivazian - Welcome to Tigran Aivazian's Home Page (Last Updated: Fri Mar 5 11:56:29 GMT 1999) Home Time Travel Software Hello and welcome to my home page. Let me introduce myself: I was born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan (USSR) on 1 January 1972 (Saturday apparently) and grew

137. Tech Page: Relativistic Effects - Technology Page: Relativity. Imagine a world where you: could distort time by just driving a car. could ride a plane for 8 hours and come off only 7...

138. Albert Einstein Institute - Institute pursues research in gravitational physics related to general relativity. Read papers, find a seminar schedule, or peruse links.

139. Einstein - German Culture - Date: 10/14/98 - Germany's greatest scientist after Newton, from your About.com Guide...

140. grayAlbert - Turquoise Einstein, 36" x 36", oil on linen, 1995 Einstein's most colorful idea was his theory of gravity, general relativity. Space and time bend around a mass due to the necessity of geometry.

141. Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation - http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/ASGRG/found in: Science > Physics > Relativity > Research Groups

142. Differential Gometry and General Relativity - On-line introduction to differential geometry and general relativity. This is an upper level undergraduate mathematics course which assumes a knowledge of calculus, some linear algebra. No knowledge of relativity is assumed.

143. Untitled - The course is basically an introduction to general relativity including the use of differential geometry and tensor analysis. Special relativity and tensor theory will be discussed initially, followed by a tour through General Relativity.

144. Evidence for General and Special Relativity - Ask a High-Energy Astronomer The Question I would like to know if it is true, that the theory of relativity has been proven by some scientists, who made satellite experiments? What was there discovery and how did they prove it? The Answer This..

145. ============================================================================= Relativity ... -

146. Gravity Research at the Australian National University - Pittsburgh Relativity Group University of Pittsburgh. a tool for examining the geometry of exact solutions. The famous GR algebra system. For those who need to know more, we have a description in gzip compressed DVI, with a copy of the LaTeX file for those without a viewer.

147. Relativity - (Encarta� Concise Encyclopedia Article)

148. Usenet Relativity FAQ - Version Date: 12 Sep 1998 Usenet Relativity FAQ This is the web version of the Usenet Relativity FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Its purpose is to provide good answers to questions which have been discussed often in sci.physics.relativity and related Usenet

149. Accelerated Reference Frames - Accelerated Reference Frames...

150. Books for Sale: General Physics - Physics books for sale in the Eagle Electronic Bookshop

151. Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE ASTRONOMER page: Relativity FAQs - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers......reproduction of the "Special and General Relativity...

152. Einstein - Detailed, hyperlinked biography of Albert Einstein (1879-1955), from the Mactutor History of Mathematics Archive

153. Inertial Force Deviation Propulsion - Provides details on a theoretical inertial force deviation propulsion system led by general relativity. In English or Japanese.

154. Italian Society on General Relativity and Gravitation -- SIGRAV - http://fismat.dima.unige.it/sigrav/html/sigrav.htmfound in: Science > Physics > Relativity > Research Groups

155. The Light Cone: Einstein-Riemann Spacetime - Home PREFACE PRIMEVAL SPECIAL GENERAL CONCLUSION Dictionary Newton Equivalence Einstein Schwarzschild Comments? Einstein-Riemann Spacetime: Introducing Curvature A. Einstein (this is a real picture) Ten years after his first papers on special..

156. Books By Dr. Hugh Ross: Beyond The Cosmos--Chapter 3 - The first hint at the existence of extra dimensions (dimensions beyond length, width, height, and time) came via Einstein s theory of general relativity. Almost at a glance, the set of ten ...

157. Special Relativity - Offers an account of scientific events leading up to and including Einstein's formulations. Includes hyperlinks to bios and definitions.

158. Untitled - RESULT unmoderated group sci.physics.relativity passes 168:9 Newsgroups lines: sci.physics.relativity The theory of relativity. Proponent: Philip Gibbs RATIONALE: sci.physics.relativity Subjects related to special and general relativity are frequently discussed in a number of news groups but there is not yet a dedicated group for these topics despite the large volume of posts.

159. Relatively Simple - Special Relativity made Relatively Simple offers information and experiments about special relativity.

160. ChannelOne.com-->Homework: Science: Physics: Relativity - Science: Physics: Relativity Biology Chemistry Earth Sciences Physics Tools and References General Relativity A look at general relativity, history of the science, links to resources, and a biography on Albert Einstein -- from MacTutor's History of

161. Hyperspace at UBC - Services for general relativity research provided by the University of British Columbia general relativity and cosmology group.

162. Relativity and FTL Travel: Part III - |Part III |Part IV| ---- |Other Versions| Relativity and FTL Travel by Jason W. Hinson ([email protected]) Part III: A Bit About General Relativity Edition: 5.1 Last Modified: September ...

163. Special Relativity - A very too-the-point explanation of special relativity and Albert Einstein.

164. General and Special Relativity. - Physics | General Relativity | Special Relativity |...

165. Untitled Document - Lecture 8 - General Relativity. Statement of Special Relativity. All bodies in reference frames K and K', which are moving with uniform linear motion...

166. Special Relativity: The Criticisms of Herbert Dingle - to General Relativity than to a challenge to Special......space." Essen, Nature , 217:19 Special Relativity: The Debate...

167. FTL and Relativity - The good news is, I was featured in an article about faster-than-light travel in a recent (August 1998) issue of Discover magazine. For the most part, it's a pretty interesting article.

168. Open Directory - Science: Physics: Relativity: Courses and Tutorials - Top: Science: Physics: Relativity: Courses and Tutorials (12) See also: Cambridge Relativity non-technical descriptions of cosmology, black holes, cosmic strings, inflation, quantum cosmology, and string theory.

169. What The Buddha Said - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5683/BuddhaSaid....Show me more like this54% Albert Einsteinhttp://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematician...Show me more like this54%

170. Albert Einstein - http://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematician...Show me more like this54% Some Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Particleshttp://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/virtual_particles...Show me more like this54%

171. ASTR 3740 Syllabus Spring 1999 - Grading will be weighted as follows: Problem Sets Th 11 Feb Th 11 Mar If you add that up, it comes to 7/6. To make it add to 100%, I will delete the worst 1/6 of your score.

172. Destiny of this Universe - [noframes] [frames] Destiny of this Universe Will this universe exist forever or will its present expansion be replaced by a contraction ending in a big crunch? To this question contemporary cosmology can only answer: It all depends! - Technically, it depends

173. Physics 433/ Philosophy 433 - Links and topics related to Physics& 433/& Philosophy& 433.

174. What's So Special About Relativity? - Expo/Science & Industry/Spacetime Wrinkles | Forward | Back | Up | Map | Glossary | Information | What's So Special About Relativity? Einstein's first theory of relativity, which he published in 1905, broke away from the Newtonian reliance on space

175. \magnification=\magstep1 \parskip=15pt \parindent=0truecm \baselineskip=12pt \ - THE JULY LECTURES IN PHYSICS 1997. EINSTEIN AND THE JUMBO JET: THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM David N. Jamieson PhD. School of Physics. University of...

176. Ask the Space Scientist about : Relativity - Special and General - Light - Relativity - Special and General - Light How do......that is incompatible with general relativity? How do you tell the...

177. Cosmology: Contents - Foundations of Modern Cosmology. Table of Contents. Preface. Fast Links, a summary listing of links to further astronomical and cosmological...

178. Jeff's Guide to Physics - Quantum Mechanics Special and General Relativity Classical Mechanics Space Physics Dynamic Publications S. Jenkins' Intro. to Many-Body Theory Quantum Optics and Atom Optics links Many-Worlds Quantum Theory Visual Quantum Mechanics

179. Open Directory - Science: Physics: Relativity - about dmoz | add URL | update URL | become an editor | feedback the entire directory only in Physics/Relativity Top: Science: Physics: Relativity (73) Alternative (11) Articles (3) Courses and Tutorials (14) Journals and Preprints (5) Research..

180. Untitled - RESULT unmoderated group sci.physics.relativity passes 168:9 Newsgroups lines: sci.physics.relativity The theory of relativity. Proponent: Philip Gibbs RATIONALE: sci.physics.relativity Subjects related to special and general relativity are frequently discussed in a number of news groups but there is not yet a dedicated group for these topics despite the large volume of posts.

181. C3 Relativity and Radiation 1998: Bibliography - C3 Relativity and Radiation 1998: Bibliography Igor Lerner LD Landau & EM Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields (Vol.2 of Course of Theoretical Physics), Pergamon Older edition This is a very useful and highly recommended book. However, it is..

182. Olympia Academy - enroll at Einstein's homeschool and learn about his theory of relativity on the web

183. General Relativity - This Web site describes the life, works, and legacy of Einstein. It includes features such as a bulletin board dedicated to Einstein and physics as well as an online quiz to test the viewers knowledge. An easy access timeline and glossary make learning easier

184. Hitch Hiker's Guide to Special Relativity - Hicth Hiker's Guide to Special Relativity

185. Special Relativity and the Speed of Light - Special Relativity and the Speed of Light Noah Daniels The second......The second postulate of special relativity says that the speed of...

186. The Fundamentals of Special Relativity - In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper in which he first proposed the theory of special relativity, thereby sowing the seeds of a revolution in the field of physics.

187. "The Boundaries of Nature: Special & General Relativity and Quantum Me - Boundaries of Nature: Special & General Relativity and......delve deeply into special and general relativity and...

188. The Flaws of General Relativity - It is generally assumed that Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is an adequate theory of gravitation. However, although it has well passed all observational and experimental tests so far, some theoretical arguments indicate that it will have to be replaced with a more consistent theory.

189. Aether, Relativity and Superfluidity - Barry C. Mingst - Theories of the Aether Articles relating to the Emergence of Scientific Theories of the Cosmic Aether "Thus he then classified living creatures into genera and species, and divided them in ...

190. Some Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Particles - http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/virtual_particles...Show me more like this54% EinsteinDetailed, hyperlinked biography of Albert Einstein (1879-1955), from the Mactutor History of Mathematics Archive

191. Tesserals - This web site will discuss relativistic quantum theory and its application to quantum gravity.

192. The Light Cone: Einstein-Riemann Spacetime - Home PREFACE PRIMEVAL SPECIAL GENERAL CONCLUSION Dictionary Newton Equivalence Einstein Schwarzschild Comments? Einstein-Riemann Spacetime: Introducing Curvature A. Einstein (this is a real picture) Ten years after his first papers on special..

193. Albert Einstein: Universe Explorer - Though Albert Einstein's theories have completely changed our view of the universe, his teachers weren't always impressed. Though he got good grades in school, some of them thought he was stupid because he seemed uninterested in their teaching -- which he often was.

194. Astronomy and Astrophysics Yeda's Online Course - Astronomy and Astrophysics. An Online course - by YEDA. Copyright (c) - All Rights Reserved. The Course Sylabus. [How To Begin - Introducory Notes]...

195. ASU Libraries -- Relativity - Science Reference Room Relativity What follows is a list of web sites dealing with the Theory of Relativity. Dave's Relativity Page Provides a good explanation on the Special Theory of Relativity. Additional relativity links have been added..

196. ChannelOne.com-->Homework: Science: Physics: Relativity - Science: Physics: Relativity Biology Chemistry Earth Sciences Physics Tools and References General Relativity A look at general relativity, history of the science, links to resources, and a biography on Albert Einstein -- from MacTutor's History of

197. Observations of Black Holes Confirm General Relativity - Einstein's theory is proven 80 years later with X-ray astronomy as scientists study black holes. Examines spinning action and consequences.

198. Einstein, Albert - General Relativity - Provides an scientific analyses by physicist Joseph Soros of the arguments against Einstein's unified field theories.

199. Evidence for General and Special Relativity - Ask a High-Energy Astronomer The Question I would like to know if it is true, that the theory of relativity has been proven by some scientists, who made satellite experiments? What was there discovery and how did they prove it? The Answer This..

200. Twin Paradox - An article explaining how the supposed twin paradox can be easily explained by special relativity.

201. Project Rishi Society - Nonprofit seeks to develop theories to unify physics, mind, and consciousness. Read about quantum field theory, general relativity, and Vedanta.

202. General relativity links - General relativity links gr-qc (electronic preprint archive) gr-qc today gr-qc index gr-qc at Augsburg gr-qc at SISSA Classical and Quantum Gravity

203. Minkowski - Born: 22 June 1864 in Alexotas, Russian Empire (now Kaunas, Lithuania) Died: 12 Jan 1909 in G�ttingen, Germany Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous ( Alphabetically) Next Welcome page

204. Open Directory - Science: Physics: Relativity - about dmoz | add URL | update URL | become an editor | feedback the entire directory only in Physics/Relativity Top: Science: Physics: Relativity (73) Alternative (11) Articles (3) Courses and Tutorials (14) Journals and Preprints (5) Research..

205. Relativity and Quantum Theory - Links and topics related to Relativity& and& Quantum& Theory.

206. TIPTOP: - New Books and Book Reviews New Physics Books This service is absolutely free of charge. To submit an entry you have to register. New Book: Volumetric three-dimensional display systems Barry Blundell, Adam ...

207. A Black Hole FAQ - A good list of FAQ questions with detailed answers.

208. ASU Libraries -- Relativity - Science Reference Room Relativity What follows is a list of web sites dealing with the Theory of Relativity. Dave's Relativity Page Provides a good explanation on the Special Theory of Relativity. Additional relativity links have been added..

209. The Vacuum Field - [noframes] [frames] The Vacuum Field The common sense notion of vacuum is surely that it is just an empty, featureless, quiescent void - the ultimate nothing. Most branches of science share this notion, mainly because the phenomena they are dealing with are in

210. My Tripod Page - The theory of relativity as developed by Albert Einstein marked a dramatic evolution of the understanding of the universe, up to that time perceived...

211. Note from Space, Rotation, Relativity, Part 4 - Note from Section XII of Space, Rotation, Relativity Stephen Boydstun [Concerning frame-relativity of simultaneity in special relativity....] Is our understanding of the principles of noncontradiction and excluded middle refined by what we have learned of simultaneity from special relativity?

212. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or accelerating reference frames.

213. Albert Einstein and Relativity - Albert Einstein and Relativity This page contains information regarding Albert Einstein and several of his works, including special relativity, general relativity, the photoelectric effect, and related topics, as well as (mostly) links to other..

214. General relativity in the global positioning system (Neil Ashby) - effects of GR on GPS

215. Prem's home page - An image of the beautiful EGG NEBULA Welcome to Prem's home page NEWS Anti-atom is detected Special Relativity General Relativity Pictures of Mathematicians and their biographies-from Abel to Zygmund

216. se - SPECIAL RELATIVITY & EARLY QUANTUM THEORY PHUN PHACT: The topic for today is quantum physics. Quantum physics was developed in the 1930's, as a result of a bet between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, to see who could come up with the most..

217. Edwin F. Taylor - Online Courses - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics

218. C3 Relativity and Radiation 1998: Bibliography - C3 Relativity and Radiation 1998: Bibliography Igor Lerner LD Landau & EM Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields (Vol.2 of Course of Theoretical Physics), Pergamon Older edition This is a very useful and highly recommended book. However, it is..

219. NOVA Online/Einstein Revealed/Relativity (Lightman Essay) - by Alan Lightman In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. An experiment had confirmed that light rays ...

220. Why no gravitational force in 3 dimensions? - Why no gravitational force in 3 dimensions? Electromagnetic radiation is well-described by a wave equation where the basic mode of radiation is called the dipole, as pictured in the figure to the left. A dipole wave only needs one space direction to oscillate

221. Expositions on Relativity - Links and topics related to Expositions on&nb p;Relativity....

222. qr-qc: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Los Alamos E-Print Archive

223. The Math and Physics Help Home Page - A mathematician offers informative papers explaining math and physics topics such as special relativity and Godel's theorem.

224. Probability Wave Interpretation of Relativity - An attempt to unify quantum field theory and relativity using the probability wave. The author claims to be able to derive general relativity from quantum electrodynamics.

225. se - SPECIAL RELATIVITY & EARLY QUANTUM THEORY PHUN PHACT: The topic for today is quantum physics. Quantum physics was developed in the 1930's, as a result of a bet between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, to see who could come up with the most..

226. ABOUT AN OVERLOOKED ASPECT OF RELATIVITY - Summary: The Special Relativity Theory has imposed a belief that its postulates require re-definition of fundamental concepts in classical physics.

227. General Relativity and Gravitation - a journal of studies in general relativity and related topics, published under the auspices of the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation.

228. Paul Nilssons homepage - An experimental java, physics, and startrek related site

229. Spacetime Wrinkles Glossary - NCSA's Multimedia Online Expo, "Science for the Millennium."

230. 83-XX - 83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory 83-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 83-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)

231. Convection in Newly Born Neutron Stars: Numerical Models - supernovae and protoneutron star simulations

232. ROG Gravitational Wave Experiment - Related Groups HyperSpace at QMW Malcolm MacCallum's Server Pittsburgh Relativity Group University of Pittsburgh. Cardiff Relativity Group University of Wales, College of Cardiff.

233. Mathematics Part 4/5 - Return to Contents Page. GRADUATE COURSES. If you intend to take these courses you must consult the Chairperson of Department before enrolment. Most...

234. MathsPart4Part5.doc - Return to Contents Page. GRADUATE COURSES. If you intend to take these courses you must consult the Chairperson of Department before enrolment. Most...

235. MTH 437/537 Books - BOOKS MTH 437/537 Required Textbook: Ray d'Inverno, Introducing Einstein's relativity, Oxford University Press, 1991. Books on Reserve: The above text, as well as the items below, are currently on reserve at the library. A number of books on..

236. Physics 524 - General Relativity - Time and place: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:00 -- 12:50, Room 210 Physics Bldg.Instructor: H.J. Weber, Room 106-C Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6810, [email protected]: ,Room Physics Building, @virginia.eduMain Text: Gravitation and Spacetime (2nd ed., 1995) by H.

237. Werner Benger - General Relativity - Werner Benger @Math1 [5864] [Turn off Background] Activities & Interests in General Relativity Raytracing using hyperbolic light paths (1992) Presented during the Alpbach Summer School 1992 Simulation of a Black Hole by Raytracing (1993/1994) In..

238. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or accelerating reference frames.

239. Amazon.com: A Glance: Special Relativity - * at a glance customer comments e-mail a friend about this book.. Keyword Search Books All Products Full search: Books, Music, Video, Toys, or Electronics Special Relativity by French Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed. Our Price: $47.95..

240. Andrew Hamilton's Homepage - Orbiting a black hole at 2 Schwarzschild radii. Wanna fall in? Lorentz-contracted cartwheel at 87% of the speed of light. Try this tour of Special Relativity.

241. Black Holes and Beyond - The most compact objects imaginable are predicted by General Relativity to have such strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape their grip.Scientists today call such an object a black hole.

242. Edwin F. Taylor - Home - The web site for Edwin F. Taylor, physics educator and author on general relativity, special relativity, and quantum mechanics

243. Special Relativity Forum Frigate - Special Relativity Forum Frigate [SCIENCE FLEET] [Post......Roger][One Page Version] Special Relativity Forum Frigate [SCIENCE...

244. General Relativity and Cosmology - An online notes from the University of British Columbia featuring simple explanations of cosmological phenomena.

245. Search Results for "general Relativity" "gravitational theory" - A04 - General relativity and gravitation (Special......Gravitational Theory, Special Relativity, General...

246. einstein - EINTEIN'S THEORY OF RELATIVITY As successful and useful as Newton's law of universal gravitation is, it does not work well under conditions of extremely strong gravitational fields. This led Albert Einstein to develop his theories of special and..

247. Minkowski - Biography of Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909)

248. Cosmology and General Relativity - [noframes] [frames] The "Big Bang" Model Cosmology deals with the origin, evolution, large-scale structure and possible end of the cosmos. In 1929 it was discovered that the universe is not of a fixed size but is expanding. Since then a gradually more and more

249. Relativity and FTL Travel: Part III - |Part III |Part IV| ---- |Other Versions| Relativity and FTL Travel by Jason W. Hinson ([email protected]) Part III: A Bit About General Relativity Edition: 5.1 Last ...

250. Relativity Group Homepage - University of Southampton The General Relativity Group Page maintained by Jonathan Wilson. Last updated 12 January, 1999. Members of the General Relativity group General relativity research projects Publications and Preprints Relativity seminars

251. Apeiron - Studies in Infinite Nature - Provides critical analysis of "Big Bang" cosmology, general relativity, and quantum mechanics. Read the current issue or order a subscription.

252. Cornelius Lanczos Collection - Site announces the availability of the Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries. ornelius Lanczos (1893-1974) was one of the twentieth century's most versatile and innovative physicists and mathematicians. His papers cover a vast array of disciplines, including general relativity, quantum mechanics, scientific computation, applied mathematics and numerical analysis.

253. Cosmology and General Relativity - [noframes] [frames] Nondualistic Vedanta Vedanta presents an ancient worldview that fully accords with contemporary quantum physics and cosmology. Furthermore, Vedanta offers plausible extensions to these sciences and provides means for advancing their current

254. Handout: Using a Thesaurus - Using a Thesaurus. A thesaurus is an indispensable tool for a writer. Using a thesaurus well, along with a good dictionary, can greatly improve your...

255. Relativity and Black Hole links - http://casa.colorado.edu/~ajsh/relativity.htmlShow me more like this51% Cosmology and TheologyReasoning known as the cosmological argument tries to justify belief in God by pointing to the existence of the cosmos, its causal orderliness, and alleged evidence of its being in some sense designed to include life and intelligence. Some cosmologists believe, however, that the existence and order of the cosmos can be accounted for scientifically.

256. Relativity! - Relativistic corrections to Coulomb's law Foundations of Special Relativity Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K�rper English translation Voigt transformation Length contraction and time dilation Velocity transformation Examples Momentum and energy Energy

257. Acceleration in Special Relativity - Original by Philip Gibbs 22-October-1996 It is a common misconception that Special Relativity cannot handle accelerating objects or accelerating reference frames.

258. Werner Benger - General Relativity - Werner Benger @Math1 [5864] [Turn off Background] Activities & Interests in General Relativity Raytracing using hyperbolic light paths (1992) Presented during the Alpbach Summer School 1992 Simulation of a Black Hole by Raytracing (1993/1994) In..

259. Amazon.com: A Glance: Special Relativity - * at a glance customer comments e-mail a friend about this book.. Keyword Search Books All Products Full search: Books, Music, Video, Toys, or Electronics Special Relativity by French Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed. Our Price: $47.95..

260. Special relativity - addressing the myths - Special relativity - addressing the myths by Walt Cuirle - post......enough wine it's hilarious.) Special relativity is like that game....

261. Backlight Home - Images and Movies of Special Relativity - NEW! Complete commercial Seeing Relativity and Visualising Special Relativity videos released in RealPlayer format. Try before you buy! BACKLIGHT is a photorealistic relativistic visualisation system.

262. MTH 437/537 Books - BOOKS MTH 437/537 Required Textbook: Ray d'Inverno, Introducing Einstein's relativity, Oxford University Press, 1991. Books on Reserve: The above text, as well as the items below, are currently on reserve at the library. A number of books on..

263. Aether Theories - Collation of Scientific Theories of the Aether - Theories of the Aether Articles relating to the Emergence of Scientific Theories of the Cosmic Aether "Thus he then classified living creatures into genera and species, and ...

264. einstein - EINTEIN'S THEORY OF RELATIVITY As successful and useful as Newton's law of universal gravitation is, it does not work well under conditions of extremely strong gravitational fields. This led Albert Einstein to develop his theories of special and..

265. Fysikbiblioteket: Relativitetsteori - Berry M V Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation Duff M J, Isham C J Quantum Structure of Space and Time Ferrara S, Taylor J G, van Nieuwenhausen P

266. RJET -- Evolution of Relativistic Jets - Astrophysical Hydrodynamics Group Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center RJET Hydrodynamics of Relativistic Jets This work is done in collaboration with Jose Ma. Mart�, Departamento de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Universidad de Valencia, Spain. The AMRA code ha

267. Cosmology: Contents - Foundations of Modern Cosmology. Table of Contents. Preface. Fast Links, a summary listing of links to further astronomical and cosmological...

268. C-ship: Relativistic ray traced images - Welcome aboard C-ship, exploring flight near the speed of light! C-ship helps you understand Einstein's theory of Special Relativity intuitively through the medium of computer-synthesised images.

269. Einstein, Albert - German Culture Site - Gives a short history lesson on the life of the scientist who wrote the first papers on general relativity. Find out why he had to flee Germany.

270. Physics Virtual Bookshelf: Relativity - Physics Virtual Bookshelf Click here to go to the UPSCALE home page. Theories of Relativity Topic Description Author Format Special Theory of Relativity The Special Relativity document by Professor Key that is the next listing largely concentrates.

271. Relativity and gravitational theory - L�nkar Matematiska Institutionen Webmaster 83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory 83-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 83-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) 83-02 Research..

272. 83: Relativity and gravitational theory - [Search][Subject Index][MathMap][Tour][Help!] ABOUT: [Introduction][History][Related areas][Subfields] POINTERS: [Texts][Software][Web links][Selected topics here] 83: Relativity and gravitational theory Introduction Relativity and gravitational..

273. Relativity and gravitational theory - L�nkar Matematiska Institutionen Webmaster 83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory 83-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) 83-01 Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) 83-02 Research..

274. The Frontiers of Quantum Physics - [noframes] [frames] "Particle" Physics Elementary "particle" physics is the branch of science, which deals with the most fundamental levels of the physical reality. The theoretical foundation of "particle" physics is Quantum Field Theory, which is a mathematic

275. Gen. Relativity & Cosmology - Next: Astronomy GENERAL RELATIVITY & COSMOLOGY As Elementary Particle Physicists direct their attention ``down'' toward the indescribably tiny, so Cosmologists turn their gaze ``upward'' toward the unfathomably huge. Of course, these days both are.

276. Hyperspace GR hypertext - Welcome to HyperSpace, a set of hypertext based services for general relativity research provided by the UBC general relativity and cosmology group.

277. Numerical Relativity Exhibitions - These are WWW exhibits based on the NCSA Relativity Group's work and on General Relativity. Here you will find exhibits about calculations, computers, virtual reality, the history of science, and much more.

278. Physics and Cracking - Explanation of the origin of inertia in General Relativity and how to reverse engineer software.

279. Special Relativity - This course seeks answers to the questions: In what ways does Nature behave differently at high relative speeds than at low speeds? Do moving clocks really "run slow"? Do fast-moving objects ...

280. Time Trips,Black Holes and Relativity - It�s site about Time trips, Relativity, And Black Holes....Usefull Links.... And a lot of intersting things...

281. A Physics Booklist - updated 28-JUL-1994 by SIC original Vijay D. Fafat. A Physics Booklist: Recommendations from the Net. This article is a complilation of books...

282. Theory of Relativity - Note: the following has been abstracted from the Grolier Encyclopedia. Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein's theory of relativity has caused major revolutions in physics and astronomy during the 20th century.

283. General Relativity at the University of Chicago - Research and publications of U Chicago theoretical physicists in general relativity

284. Relativity! - Relativistic corrections to Coulomb's law Foundations of Special Relativity Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K�rper English translation Voigt transformation Length contraction and time dilation Velocity transformation Examples Momentum and energy Energy

285. Physics 524 - General Relativity - Physics 524 - General Relativity Time and place: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:00 -- 12:50, Room 210 Physics Bldg. Instructor: H.J. Weber, Room 106-C Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6810, [email protected] Grader: , Room Physics Building, ..

286. Special Relativity - SPECIAL RELATIVITY: The thing that is special is light.......absolute boss. To summarize special relativity, the speed of light...

287. Physics 524 - General Relativity - Physics 524 - General Relativity Time and place: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:00 -- 12:50, Room 210 Physics Bldg. Instructor: H.J. Weber, Room 106-C Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6810, [email protected] Grader: , Room Physics Building, ..

288. ttable0 - Group Theory Dr. Tseytlin (2) 10:00 11:00 Basics (Special Relativity) Dr. Dowker General Relativity Dr. Halliwell (2) Basics (Group Theory) Prof. Kibble Basics (Group Theory) Prof. Kibble Quantum Field Theory (QED) Dr. ...

289. Hendrik Lorentz - http://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematician...Show me more like this51% Relativity and Black Hole linkshttp://casa.colorado.edu/~ajsh/relativity.htmlShow me more like this

290. Pavel Krtous WWW Home Page - Welcome to my home pages! My name is Pavel Krtou�. I am theoretical physicist and I work as the research assistant at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.

291. crank dot net: antirelativity - crank dot net: antirelativity

292. NCSA/Lca-Potsdam-Washu International Numerical Relativi... - Links and topics related to NCSA/Lca-Potsdam-Washu& International& Numerical& Relativity& Group& Home& Page.

293. Albert Einstein Online - Nearly everything related to Einstein you might find on the web: biographies, quotes, writings, pictures, science, and more.

294. Einstein - Time Travel Research Center. ...Explore The Possibilities� Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), German-born American physicist and Nobel laureate, best...

295. Grand Challenge Publications - Bona, J. Mass�, E. Seidel, J. Stela. Phys. Rev. Mass�, E. Seidel, P. Walker, Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity gr-qc/9412057

296. Putting Einstein to the Test - A group of Stanford scientists, with the help of NASA and Lockheed Martin, are out to test Einstein's theory of general relativity. The US$550 million project uses space-age gyroscopes, and an orbiting satellite. By Steven Brody. [Wired News]

297. GRG Society home page - The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation was formed in 1971 and is the successor to the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation.

298. Chapter 8: General Relativity - | Table of Contents | Next Chapter Chapter 8: General Relativity Chapter Summary Special relativity showed that the absolute space and time of Newtonian physics ...

299. 83: Relativity and gravitational theory - [Search][Subject Index][MathMap][Tour][Help!] ABOUT: [Introduction][History][Related areas][Subfields] POINTERS: [Texts][Software][Web links][Selected topics here] 83: Relativity and gravitational theory Introduction Relativity and gravitational..

300. Cosmology and Theology - Reasoning known as the cosmological argument tries to justify belief in God by pointing to the existence of the cosmos, its causal orderliness, and alleged evidence of its being in some sense designed to include life and intelligence. Some cosmologists believe, however, that the existence and order of the cosmos can be accounted for scientifically.

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