Home - Physics - Condensed_Matter

1. Condensed Matter Laboratory at CU Boulder - Welcome to the Condensed Matter Laboratory of the Physics Department at the University of Colorado in Boulder. We perform both basic and applied research in condensed matter physics. By clicking on the ...

2. Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute - Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute, Romania: crystal growth & fundamental research

3. Yale Condensed Matter Theory - Condensed matter physics is the study of the macroscopic properties of materials. It seeks to use the well-established laws of microscopic physics to predict the collective properties of very large numbers of electrons, atoms or molecules.

4. Theory of Condensed Matter Group - These pages contain information on the research interests, members and publications of the Theory of Condensed Matter group of the Cavendish...

5. Soft Condensed Matter at U of Pennsylvania - Index to one of the premier groups in soft condensed matter physics

6. Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group - Brown University Physical Sciences: Comments to Brad Marston: [email protected] Condensed Matter Theory What is Condensed Matter Physics?

8. Condensed Matter Physics UT-ORNL - Neutron Scattering ----Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Novel Materials Soft X-ray Spectroscopy UT ORNL Select Fellowship ---Solid State Division

9. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - www.iop.org | Advanced Find | Contact us Journals home | Electronic Journals What's New | Journals by Title | Journals by Subject Area | Author Services | Referee Services Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Reporting experimental and theoretical studies of t

10. NCSA Condensed Matter Physics Home Page - This is the NCSA Condensed Matter Physics home page. A variety of Quantum Simulation Methods, mostly Monte Carlo, such as Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC), diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC), ...

11. Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics - Homepage of the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory with general information

12. Condensed Matter Physics - Caltech - Condensed Matter Physics California Institute of Technology......Institute of Technology Condensed Matter Physics Caltech 114-36...

13. Tel Aviv U. Condensed Matter Physics Home Page - DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS This page has been accessed. times since June 1995. The Condensed Matter Physics Department is located on the...

14. Condensed Matter Physics, Indiana University Bloomington - Daphne Klemme Daphne Klemme 2 1 1999-08-11T15:08:00Z 1999-08-11T15:09:00Z 1 473 2699 Indiana University 22 5 3314 9.2720 Condensed Matter Physics IU Bloomington General Computational Science Program Faculty Schedule Swain Hall Library Bloomington.

15. Condensed Matter/Theory Group - Condensed Matter/Theory Group NHMFL. Personnel. Welcome to the Condensed Matter Group Homepage. Scientists at the National High Magnetic Feild...

16. Physica B: Condensed Matter - Order a subscription of this magazine featuring papers on experimental and theoretical research in the physics of condensed matter.

17. Condensed Matter Overview - CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Scientific and Technical Content: Our general goals included Lanczos studies of the t-J and Hubbard models and variants, Lanczos and Monte Carlo studies of high-Tc spin systems such as the 2D Heisenberg model and the spin ladder

18. Condensed Matter Physics - top prev up next find email home Condensed Matter Physics see also Condensed Matter Physics Anderson, P.W. Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1984. $39. Chaikin, P.M. and Lubensky, T.C. Principles of Condensed Matter Physics. 1994. 730 p.

19. NU Condensed Matter Theory Group - J. A. Sauls - Condensed Matter Theory J. Who we are What we do and Colloquia Theoretical Physics More Information How to find us ... Travel, Maps, ...

20. Ames Laboratory Condensed Matter Physics Group - Condensed Matter Physics Group Ames Laboratory - U. S. Department of Energy Directed by Bruce Harmon. � � � � � Scientists in this wide-ranging...

21. Research in Condensed Matter - Research in Condensed Matter

22. Condensed Matter Graduate Courses - GRADUATE COURSES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Academic Year 1999/2000 #Course Sem. Lecturer 0321.4401 Condensed Matter Theory 1 1 Dr. Y. Desatnik 0321.4408 Condensed Matter Theory 2 2 Dr. Y. Desatnik 0321.4073 Selected Topics in Condensed Matter..

23. Condensed Matter Physics Department University of Basel - Welcome to the condensed matter home page of the Institut f�r Physik der Universit�t Basel. There are three experimental groups and one theoretical group at the institute dealing with condensed matter:

24. Soft Matter Home Page - Gives clear infomation relating to various soft-condensed matter Physics groups in the UK. Also lists upcoming meetings in the area.

25. Condensed Matter Physics - Caltech - Condensed Matter Physics Caltech 114-36 Pasadena CA 91125 This site describes the work of the Condensed Matter Physics Group at Caltech. Last modified Tuesday, June 1, 1999

26. Condensed Matter Physics at University of Michigan - Condensed Matter Physics at University of Michigan The efforts divide into two general categories: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Faculty James W Allen Meigan C Aronson Michael Bretz Philip H Bucksbaum Roy Clarke Steven B Dierker

27. Condensed Matter Group Homepage - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, E.C.Stoner Laboratory, University of Leeds, Leeds. The Condensed Matter Group studies the electrical and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors and superconductors.

28. Condensed Matter Seminar List - Earth Condensed Matter Group Seminar List 1998-1999 Spring Semester The following is a list (updated weekly) of seminars which may be of interest to the Condensed Matter Group. If you are interested in speaking or would like to invite someone to speak, please notify one of the

29. Condensed Matter Group - The People. Some Preprints. Current condensed matter research at Pitt. Welcome to the Home Page of the Condensed Matter Group

30. Condensed Matter Physics Theory (CMPT) Group at Michigan State University - Condensed Matter Physics Theory (CMPT) Group at Michigan State University Faculty Member Research Interests Number ofCitations(since 1977) Number ofPublications(since 1977) Citation-to-PublicationRatio Phillip M. Duxbury Greedy algorithmsPercolation

31. Condensed Matter Physics, Indiana University Bloomington - Daphne Klemme Daphne Klemme 2 1 1999-08-11T15:08:00Z 1999-08-11T15:09:00Z 1 473 2699 Indiana University 22 5 3314 9.2720 Condensed Matter Physics IU Bloomington General Computational Science Program Faculty Schedule Swain Hall Library Bloomington.

32. Condensed Matter Theory in Korea - Condensed Matter Theory in Korea CENTER FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics Kookmin University Condensed Matter Theory Group POSTECH Condensed Matter Theory Lab. POSTECH Electronic Structure Theory Lab. POSTECH Theoretical Condensed Matter

33. Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute - Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute, Romania: crystal growth & fundamental researc

34. Condensed Matter Theory Group - This page is designed to be viewed by a browser which supports Frames. Click to see the non-frames version.

35. Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Mainz - ...

36. Condensed Matter Physics journal - version of Condensed Matter Physics journal published by the......published by the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics How to use...

37. Links to Various Condensed Matter Pages - Previous: Duke Experimental Research Programs Links to Various Condensed Matter Pages Aoki Group Yale Condensed Matter Theory BNL theory groups: condensed matter preprints http://WWW.phys.Virginia.EDU/research/condensed_matter http://cmtw.harvard.

38. Lviv Institute for Condensed Matter Physics - General info, departments, "Condensed Matter Physics" online journal, publications by ftp, links, conferebces, workshops, seminars.

39. Condensed Matter Physics - What is Condensed Matter Physics? Condensed Matter Physics, incorporating the study of solids and liquids, and the development of new materials, has, since the beginning of this century and the rise of modern physics, been a principal breaking ground for new ideas in physics

40. UC Davis Condensed Matter Physics - Click here to check for the latest condensed matter seminar information. Seminars are held on Thursdays during the regular school sessions. Special seminars will be announced in advance.

41. UC Irvine Condensed Matter Theory - Time-Parity violation in magneto-optics. Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid behavior in condensed matter. Prof. Alexei Maradudin Ab initio calculations of surface phonons on metal surfaces, ...

42. Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics - Homepage of the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory with general information

43. Condensed Matter Research - Condensed Matter Research Group High Temperature Superconductors Metal Oxides Magnetic Materials studied by neutron diffraction, mSR and magnetic x-ray diffraction and closely related activities in Nanoscale Physics Theoretical Physics Picture: Magnetic

44. Condensed Matter Laboratory at CU Boulder - Welcome to the Condensed Matter Laboratory of the Physics Department at the University of Colorado in Boulder. We perform both basic and applied research in condensed matter physics. By clicking on the highlighted text, you can view information on.

45. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - experimental and theoretical studies of the structural, thermal, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical and surface properties of condensed matter. Separate Surface and Interface Science and Liquids sections keep the journal at the forefront of materials science and condensed matter physics

46. Condensed Matter Theory - Condensed Matter Theory Research Groups Niels Bohr Institute: Condensed Matter Nordita: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics Helsinki University: Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics at TFT Illinois (NCSA, UIUC): Condensed Matter..

47. Brookhaven Condensed Matter Theory - brookhaven National Laboratory Condensed Matter Theory Group Research: The Condensed Matter Theory Group conducts research in the general areas of many-body physics (including superconductivity and correlated systems) and electronic structure . People: Martin Blume Victor J.

48. Condensed Matter Graduate Courses - GRADUATE COURSES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Academic Year 1999/2000 #Course Sem. Lecturer 0321.4401 Condensed Matter Theory 1 1 Dr. Y. Desatnik 0321.4408 Condensed Matter Theory 2 2 Dr. Y. Desatnik 0321.4073 Selected Topics in Condensed Matter..

49. Condensed Matter Seminars - Caltech - Condensed Matter Seminars California Institute of Technology Solid State Sciences Seminar Series (current): A joint seminar series with Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. Condensed Matter Seminar Series ('96-'97 academic year): Spring '97, Winter '97, Fall '96. For an

50. Condensed Matter Theory Lab Publications - Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory Publications Faculty Byung Il Min PhD. Students: Kicheon Kang (alumni) Suk Joo Youn (alumni) Jae Dong Lee (alumni) M.S. Students: Sue Jean Oh (alumni) Sekyun Kwon

51. Faculty in Condensed Matter Physics - De Pavia. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. Cornell. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. Bascom S. Stanford. Experimental Condensed Matter Phyics.

52. Condensed Matter Theory - Computational Physics - Prof. Dr. Granular Flow Granular Packings Layer-by-Layer growth Elasticity-effects on growth kinetics WWW-Servers that deal with Physics accesses since February 10th, 1998

53. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [Resource Centers] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry - [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] Resource Centers. ...

54. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [RESEARCH TOPICS] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] RESEARCH TOPICS....

55. UU Condensed Matter Physics - Utrecht University, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Condensed Matter Physic

56. Harvard CMT Home Page - Harvard Condensed Matter Theory Group About our group Seminar......to: Harvard Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group Harvard...

57. UF Physics Home Page - Condensed Matter Experiment Condensed Matter Theory High Energy Experiment High Energy Theory Quantum Theory Project Institute for Fundamental Theory

58. Neutron Scattering at the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - The neutron scattering facilities of the world's highest flux research reactor are available for outside users on problems of scientific merit. Although the main purpose of the HFIR is to produce transplutonium elements for use in industry, medicine and research, the reactor's extremely high flux also makes it an excellent source of neutrons for condensed matter investigations.

59. Condensed Matter Physics Group - Ames Lab group is dedicated to the characterization and modeling of new materials. Browse abstracts of published papers.

60. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division Conferences - www.iop.org | Advanced Find | Contact us Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division: Contacts | Conferences | Join the Institute Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division Conferences Other Conferences and Group Meetings of Interest

61. UPenn Soft Condensed Matter Group - [condensed matter seminar] [soft materials seminar] [theory group meeting] Soft Condensed Matter Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Fax: +1.215.898.2010 What We Do Colloids and Emulsions Liquid

62. CONDENSED MATTER RESEARCH - Auburn University Condensed Matter Research Last Updated: May 1998 Return to Research Listing Introduction The Physics Department at Auburn University is home to an extensive effort in condensed matter physics that includes both experimental investigations and theoretical studies

63. Links to Various Condensed Matter Pages - Previous: Duke Experimental Research Programs Links to Various Condensed Matter Pages Aoki Group Yale Condensed Matter Theory BNL theory groups: condensed matter preprints http://WWW.phys.Virginia.EDU/research/condensed_matter http://cmtw.harvard.

64. Duke University: Physics Experimental Condensed Matter Physics - duke university physics department research condensed matte

65. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES & GENE - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] ANALYTICAL...

66. Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Queen's Belfast - Home Page of Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Research Division of Queen's University of Belfas

67. Condensed Matter Group - Welcome to the Home Page of the Condensed Matter Group The People. Some Preprints. Current condensed matter research at Pitt

68. Condensed Matter Group Home Page - www.cm.ph.bham.ac.uk

69. Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry Department - Main Menu. Welcome, push the buttons to choose. Introduction to the Department. About the Department. Popular Articles (in danish) Neutron User...

70. Weitz Lab - Research on soft condensed matter in the laboratory of David Weitz, at the University of Pennsylvania.


72. CMU Condensed Matter and Biological Physics - Links and topics related to CMU& Condensed& Matter& and& Biological& Physics.

73. Condensed Matter Experiment - Research Facilities "> Astrophysics "> Experimental Astrophysics Condensed Matter Experimental "> Condensed Matter Theory "> Quantum Theory Project "> High Energy Experiment "> High Energy Theory "> Inter- disciplinary Programs "> National High Magnetic

74. Condensed Matter Theory - Condensed Matter Theory Research Groups Niels Bohr Institute: Condensed Matter Nordita: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics Helsinki University: Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics at TFT Illinois (NCSA, UIUC): Condensed Matter..

75. Condensed Matter Physics / Phys. de la mati�re condens�e (28 - Condensed Matter Physics / Phys. de la mati�re condens�e (28)Name / NomDepartment / D�partementInstitutionProject Title /Titre du projetTerm /Dur�eProgram / Programme$ awarded / $ accord� Affleck, Ian British ColumbiaPhysics and Astronomy Strongly

76. PRINCETON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS GROUP HOME PAGE - Princeton University Condensed Matter Group CONDENSED MATTER FACULTY, POSTDOCS, VISITORS, STUDENTS Theory Experiment Telephone and E-mail directory PHYSICS DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Today's Seminars: Today's Seminars Princeton Physics Department Seminars, Brown Bags and Colloquia

77. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [RESEARCH GROUPS] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] RESEARCH GROUPS....

78. Condensed Matter Physics - | Condensed Matter | Polymer Physics | Theoretical Physics | Condensed Matter Physics Contents Academic and Research Staff List Amorphous Materials Metals (Alloys and Compounds) Refractory ...

79. NCTS Seminar - Condensed Matter - NCTS Seminar - Condensed Matter. Under Construction, please don't try the form! To add new annoucements�Aplease click here --> Condensed Matter...

80. Princeton University Condensed Matter Theory Group - CONDENSED MATTER THEORY Physics Home | Condensed Matter Home | Condensed Matter Experiment | Condensed Matter Directory Faculty Members Research Associates Graduate Students Philip W. Anderson Amulya Madhav F. Duncan M. Haldane Amulya Madhav..

81. CONDENSED MATTER RESEARCH - Last Updated: May 1998 Return to Research Listing Introduction The Physics Department at Auburn University is home to an extensive effort in condensed matter physics that includes both experimental investigations and ...

82. Condensed-Matter Physics - (Encarta� Concise Encyclopedia Article)

83. Laboratory of Vibrational Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - Homepage of Laboratory of Vibrational Specroscopy

84. Condensed Matter Physics - Experimental - MSU Physics & Astronomy CMP-E Group (Condensed Matter Physics - Experimental) Paragraph defining general purpose and function of this group. Late-breaking news, if any. Associated groups' pages: Text-only version of buttons above: CMP-E Group Phone/E-mail

85. UU Condensed Matter Physics - Utrecht University, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Condensed Matter Physic

86. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [Resource Centers] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry - [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] Resource Centers...

87. IJMPB - Condensed Matter Physics etc. Latest Issue: Vol. 13, No. 13 Previous Issues Request for Complimentary Copy Launched in 1987, this journal covers the most important aspects of, as well as the latest developments in, ...

88. MSN Encarta - Condensed-Matter Physics - Reference entry provides the definition of the term and discusses the Fermi level and the research areas in this physics discipline.

89. Neutron Scattering Society of America - A forum to discuss scientific issues, major facilities and instrumentation needed for world-class research in neutron scattering. The main goal of the Society is to stimulate, promote and broaden the use of neutron scattering in science, engineering and technology. The unique characteristics of the neutron as a probe of condensed matter has transformed much of our fundamental understanding of the physics and chemistry of materials.

90. Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - Home of Amsterdam physics research group. Research on new ways of light propagation: random lasers, photonic bandgaps, and light localization. All our papers on line, including for general audience. Introduction to fascinating new physics

91. Condensed Matter: preprints - Electronic Resources Gateway Resources A-Z List FirstSearch LEXIS-NEXIS Electronic Journals A-Z List JSTOR Project Project Muse Full Text Resources Resources A-Z List Search All Resources Other Reference Resources Library Catalogs

92. II. Physikalisches Institut - Condensed Matter Physics - Homepage of the II. Physikalisches Institut RWTH Aachen...

93. The Condensed Matter Theory Group, Chalmers - Main Welcome! Back row: Jari Kinaret with daughter Naomi, Tomas Nord, Andreas Isacsson, Malin Andre, Niklas Lundin and Klas Engstr�m. Front row: Marina Voinova, Amritpal Singh, Sara Blom, Robert Shekhter, Anatoli Kadigrobov, Mats Jonson and Leonid.

94. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division Home Page - The Institute of Physics Home Up Map Feedback Online Services Journals Magazines Books & Reference Inside Physics The Institute Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division Home Page Contacts Conferences Request Further Information The aims of the division are: To facilitate

95. Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Queen's Belfast - Home Page of Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Research Division of Queen's University of Belfas

96. Comments� on Condensed Matter Physics - Comments� on Condensed Matter Physics A Journal of Critical Discussionof the Current Literature ISSN: 0885-4483 2 issues per volume Gordon and Breach

97. Condensed Matter Physics at University of Michigan - Condensed Matter Physics at University of Michigan The efforts divide into two general categories: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Faculty James W Allen Meigan C Aronson Michael Bretz Philip H..

98. Low Temperature, Condensed Matter and Solid State Physics - Low Temperature, Condensed Matter and Solid State Physics Aoki Group, Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics at the University of Tokyo Condensed Matter Physics: LASSP (Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell University) Kobayashi-Ikehata group (Solid state/Condensed

99. Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics Condensed Matter Physics Department of Applied Physics Chalmers University of Technology S-412 96 G�teborg Sweden Phone number: +46-31-772+extension Fax number: +46-31-7722090 Staff Title Name Phone ext. e-mail Professor..

100. Physics: Condensed Matter - Tutorials and review papers dealing with topics including quantum liquids, spin glasses, superconductors, and materials.

101. APS - Division of Condensed Matter Physics - Part of the American Physical Society, this division offers info on its meetings, governance, fellowships, and prizes. Read past newsletters.

102. Condensed Matter Theory Seminar - Seminars and Conferances Colloquium and Seminar at POSTECH International meetings Domestic meetings

103. Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter - Find submission instructions, bios of the editorial board, and a collection of free featured articles.

104. Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics - Intergovernmental organization, research areas at NORDITA include astrophysics, condensed matter physics and subatomic physics.

105. NU Condensed Matter Theory - Eprints/J. Sauls - E-Prints Available on Snowmass - J. A. Sauls. Physics of High Temperature Superconductors. Superconductivity in Strongly Correlated Systems. Quantum...

106. Physics faculty at IMSc - (userid's within brackets, email: Click on the for the personal home pages. High Energy Theory. Non-linear Dynamics Condensed Matter Theory. High Energy Theory.

107. Untitled - Proponent: John Kondis Date: 8 May 1995 12:51:08 -0400 Newsgroups line: sci.physics.cond-matter Condensed matter physics, theory and experiment. RATIONALE This is the rationale for the proposal as submitted by the proponent.

108. Condensed Matter Physics - Caltech - Links and topics related to Condensed& Matter& Physics& -& Caltech.

109. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [RESEARCH TOPICS] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] RESEARCH TOPICS....

110. Computing in the Condensed Matter Sector - Computing in the Condensed Matter Sector This page collects information related with computing at the SISSA Condensed Matter Sector. For further information please contact the administrators of Condensed Matter systems. The machines of the..

111. International Centre of Condensed Matter Physics - Leading towards the analysis and events promotion in the frontier of Condensed Matter Physics.

112. Oxford Physics - sub-department of Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics [about us] [current research] [research...

113. The Condensed Matter Group - http://feynman.princeton.edu/found in: Reference > Education > Colleges and Universities > North America > USA > New Jersey > Princeton University > Research

114. Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry Department - Main Menu Welcome, push the buttons to choose Introduction to the Department Neutron User Programme Scientific Equipment Scientific Projects Employees, Visitors Information Colloquia, Activities and ...

115. Condensed Matter Physics Group - http://www.public.iastate.edu/~cmpthy/found in: Science > Institutions > Research Institutes > Computer Science Research

116. Condensed Matter Group - Welcome to the Home Page of the Condensed Matter Group The People. Some Preprints. Current condensed matter research at Pitt

117. Condensed Matter Theory Position - FACULTY POSITION IN CONDENSED MATTER THEORY The Physics and Astronomy Department at Dartmouth College is seeking candidates for a tenure-track position in condensed matter theory.

118. Links2Go: Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group - Law Iguanas Netiquette Knitting Security 20th Century Games Origami Home Log In Import Help Please visit our sponsors. Click Here to Visit our Sponsor Current Link: Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group GO to this page. ADD this page to my personal topics. Keyword Search Example

119. Condensed Matter - Theory, Experiment and Device Physics - Questions? Contact our secretary, Sara Lutterbie (Physics B-138, (516) 632-8582, [email protected]). To learn more about us, follow the links below.

120. Princeton University Condensed Matter Theory Group - CONDENSED MATTER THEORY Physics Home | Condensed Matter Home | Condensed Matter Experiment | Condensed Matter Directory Faculty Members Research Associates Graduate Students Philip W. Anderson Amulya Madhav F. Duncan M. Haldane Amulya Madhav..

121. Department of Physics & Astronomy - Condensed Matter Group - Research Activities Condensed matter physics, possibly the most diverse field of modern day physical research, encompasses essentially all aspects of the solid and liquid states of matter.

122. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES & GENE - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] ANALYTICAL...

123. Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division - Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division Code 6600 The Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division conducts broad programs of basic and applied research on the fundamental properties of materials and on the interactions of various..

124. Surface Physics Group, Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Surface Physics Group Welcome to the Surface Physics Group Home Page! Group Introduction Personnel Listing Publications Archive Publications not yet in Archive This area is currently under construction...thank you

125. Division of Condensed Matter Theory - Division of Condensed Matter Theory. Starting from microscopic descriptions of many-electron systems by quantum mechanics and statistical mecanics,...

126. Managerial Structure - Description of the Managerial Structure of ICMCT (Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute)

127. Topological Geometrodynamics - http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/tgd.htmlShow me more like this77% Condensed Matter Laboratoryhttp://bly.colorado.edu/cml/cml.htmlShow me more like this

128. Lviv - Institute for Condensed Matter Physics - Dating back to 1256, this city's rich academic, artistic and sporting traditions are well represented by this site. Includes image galleries.

129. Physics Department - University of Cagliari - Windows and Mac) Maintenance Condensed Matter Theory Group: Staff...

130. Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Pennsyl... - Fall 1999 Astronomy Course Roster CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPHYSICS REACHING US Number of hits since 01/16/96

131. Das Sarma Group, Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Das Sarma Group Welcome to the Das Sarma Group Home Page! Group Introduction Personnel Listing This area is currently under construction...thank you for your patience! Return to the Condensed Matter Physics Subgroups

132. UC Irvine Condensed Matter Theory - U. C. Irvine Condensed Matter Theory Faculty Prof. Igor Dzyaloshinskii Time-Parity violation in magneto-optics. Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid behavior in condensed matter. Prof. Alexei Maradudin Ab initio calculations of surface phonons on..

133. Condensed Matter Seminars - Caltech - Condensed Matter Seminars California Institute of Technology Solid State Sciences Seminar Series (current): A joint seminar series with Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. Condensed Matter Seminar Series ('96-'97 academic year): Spring '97.

134. Ohio Univ. - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - Tour physics buildings, obtain course materials, and visit the faculty pages. Look over the research in nuclear physics and condensed matter.

135. The Condensed Matter Theory Group, Chalmers - Main Welcome! Back row: Jari Kinaret with daughter Naomi, Tomas Nord, Andreas Isacsson, Malin Andre, Niklas Lundin and Klas Engstr�m. Front row: Marina Voinova, Amritpal Singh, Sara Blom, Robert Shekhter, Anatoli Kadigrobov, Mats Jonson and Leonid.

136. David Tomanek's Home Page - Welcome to David Tomanek's Home Page I am a Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at Michigan State University. My main research interests are to understand fundamental materials properties using advanced numerical techniques.

137. Series on Directions in Condensed Matter Physics - ...

138. California Institute of Tech. - Division of Physics - Check out atomic, condensed matter, and neutrino physics. Details undergraduate and graduate curriculum, lists faculty, and gives an events list.

139. Computing in the Condensed Matter Sector - Computing in the Condensed Matter Sector This page collects information related with computing at the SISSA Condensed Matter Sector. For further information please contact the administrators of Condensed Matter systems. The machines of the..

140. H Division - Condensed Matter Physics - The H-Division mission is to revolutionize the field of condensed matter physics and technology through discovery-driven research of national significance.

141. Links2Go: Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - Law Iguanas Netiquette Knitting Security 20th Century Games Origami Home Log In Import Help The TeknoSurf AdWave Current Link: Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland GO to this page. ADD this page to my personal topics. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince

142. Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group - Brown University Physical Sciences: Comments to Brad Marston: [email protected] Condensed Matter Theory What is Condensed Matter Physics?

143. Condensed Matter Resources - Condensed Matter Resources Condensed Matter Worldwide Condensed Matter Preprints (xxx.lanl.gov e-Print archive) APS Physics E-Print server Condensed Matter Physics journal Physical Review Letters online Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jounal..

144. Condensed Matter Resources - Condensed Matter Resources Condensed Matter Worldwide Condensed Matter Preprints (xxx.lanl.gov e-Print archive) APS Physics E-Print server Condensed Matter Physics journal Physical Review Letters online Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jounal..

145. Physics Around the World: Condensed Matter and Solid State Physics - Physics Around the World: Condensed Matter & Solid State Physics OTHER RELATED LINKS: [Index] [Astro] [Bio] [Medical] [Complex] [HEP] [X-ray/Neutron] [Add your server/Send Comments] Condensed Matter & Solid State Groups: Aachen (TU): Institute for Metallurgy and Metal Physics

146. Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group - Condensed Matter Theory What is Condensed Matter Physics? Daily & Weekly Events and Seminars Condensed Matter Journal Club Schedule Faculty, Students and Staff Computational Resources Condensed Matter Around the World Condensed Matter Resources..

147. Rutgers Physics: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics - and Astronomy Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Contents......Administrative Staff Related pages Condensed Matter Seminar...

148. Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry [RESEARCH GROUPS] - Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry. [Homepage] [Research groups] [Equipment & service] [Resources] [Research topics] RESEARCH GROUPS....

149. Department of Physics & Astronomy - Condensed Matter - Department of Physics & Astronomy Condensed Matter Group Welcome to the Condensed Matter Homepage for the University of Edinburgh. These pages contain information about who we are and what we do. Hopefully they have enough information to give you..

150. H Division - Condensed Matter Physics - Division Leader: Christian Mailhiot, [email protected] Mission Statement for H Division The H-Division mission is to revolutionize the field of condensed matter physics and technology through ...

151. CMU Condensed Matter and Biological Physics - Condensed Matter and Biological Physics Condensed......about Pittsburgh Lists of condensed matter and biological physics...

152. Rutgers Physics: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics - Rutgers University Department of Physics and Astronomy Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Contents Related pages Research activities Members of the group Faculty Postdoctoral fellows Graduate students Administrative Staff Related pages Condensed Matter Seminar Schedule All

153. Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas - Department of Physics - Delve into condensed matter, astrophysics, and atomic physics research and get faculty information. Outlines graduate and undergraduate programs.

154. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division Home Page - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Division The aims of the division are: To facilitate the study and application of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics in the UK.

155. Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division - Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division Code 6600 The Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division conducts broad programs of basic and applied research on the fundamental properties of materials and on the interactions of various..

156. Session BA - Condensed Matter - Experimental. - Previous session | Next session. Session BA - Condensed Matter - Experimental.INVITED session, Friday afternoon, October 16 Room 216, UGLC. [BA.01]...


158. CMT Groups - Africa: Asia: Ben Gurion University Condensed Matter Theory University of Tokyo Department of Physics Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: Europe:

159. Univ. of Vermont - Department of Physics - View degree requirements and the faculty's bios. With research opportunities in astrophysics, biophysics, and condensed matter physics.

160. Virginia State University - Department of Physics - Check out the physics department's research in nuclear physics and condensed matter. With a brief overview of its academic programs.

161. Mona Berciu's homepage - Doctoral Candidate, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics, University of Toronto

162. Condensed Matter Seminars - Caltech - Condensed Matter Seminars California Institute of Technology Solid State Sciences Seminar Series (current): A joint seminar series with Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. Condensed Matter Seminar Series ('96-'97 academic year): Spring '97.

163. MSU Condensed Matter Physics Experimental Group Activity Schedule - MSU Condensed Matter Physics Experimental Group Activity Schedule Fall 1997 [CMP icon] Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule -- Fall 1997 [CTS fractal icon]Campus Theory Seminar schedule (MSU College of Natural Science, hosted by the Department of Physics & Astronomy

164. Theoretical condensed matter physics - THEORETICAL CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Professor D W Bullett...

165. Brown Condensed Matter Theory Group - Condensed Matter Theory What is Condensed Matter Physics? Daily & Weekly Events and Seminars Condensed Matter Journal Club Schedule Faculty, Students and Staff Computational Resources Condensed Matter Around the World Condensed Matter Resources..

166. IC Condensed Matter Theory Groups - Imperial College Condensed Matter Theor

167. THE DIVISION OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS - THE DIVISION OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS (DCMP) OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY The object of this Division shall be the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of the physics of condensed matter, the diverse nature of which is best illustrated by the topics of the contributed

168. NHMFL - Condensed Matter - The Condensed Matter Group homepage. Scientists at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Gainesville, and Los Alamos concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics

169. Quantum Optics and Condensed Matter Physics - Optics and Condensed Matter Physics a great field to work in......Seminars The quantum optics and condensed matter physics seminar...

170. Florida Tech / Physics & Space Sciences / Graduate Assistantships - Physics and Space Sciences GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS Teaching Assistantships for students seeking the MS or Ph.D. in Physics or in Space Sciences (including Astronomy) are available, including one available for Spring Semester 1999. Research areas in the departm

171. Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Mainz -

172. Condensed Matter Department - Condensed Matter Department Debye Institute - Solid state......electrochemistry and luminescence Condensed Matter Department,...

173. Condensed Matter Physics Home Page - Condensed Matter Physics Sub-department Information: Opportunities for Graduate Research Research Activities. Job vacancies. Research Groups: Condensed Matter Theory Group Quantum Optoelectronics Group Experimental Condensed Matter Groups..

174. Department of Physics & Astronomy - Condensed Matter - Department of Physics & Astronomy Condensed Matter Group Welcome to the Condensed Matter Homepage for the University of Edinburgh. These pages contain information about who we are and what we do. Hopefully they have enough information to give you..

175. MSU Condensed Matter Physics Theory Group Activity Schedule - MSU Condensed Matter Physics Theory Group Activity Schedule Fall 1997 [CMP icon] Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule -- Fall 1997 [CTS fractal icon]Campus Theory Seminar schedule (MSU College of Natural Science, hosted by the Department of Physics & Astronomy) [Map

176. Session BA - Condensed Matter - Experimental. - Previous session | Next session. Session BA - Condensed Matter - Experimental.INVITED session, Friday afternoon, October 16 Room 216, UGLC. [BA.01]...

177. Theory of Condensed Matter Group - These pages contain information on the research interests, members and publications of the Theory of Condensed Matter group of the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

178. CoDAS Web - 'cc0036'}) --� '/'}) --� www.iop.org | Advanced Find | Contact us Institute of Physics Publishing and Elsevier Science to discontinue CoDAS Web With immediate effect, Institute of Physics Publishing and Elsevier Science B.V. will ...

179. Neutron diffraction studies - Neutron diffraction

180. Centre for Industrial Bulk Solids Handling - fundamental and applied research in the areas of pneumatic conveying and bulk solids handling; provide comprehensive consultancy and technology transfer to industry; provide a high quality educational service.

181. CMMP'99 - Announcement | Register online Condensed Matter Materials Physics......and interesting aspects of condensed matter and materials physics...

182. Institute of Theoretical Physics - University of Lausanne's Institute performs research in areas like condensed matter, and biophysics. Course descriptions and member lists.

183. California State Univ., Los Angeles - Dept. of Physics - Find out how to apply to the department of physics and astronomy. With details of the MS program and its astronomy and condensed matter research.

184. Prof. Douglas Durian - Experimental Condensed Matter Office: Knudsen 2-240A Phone: (310)206-2645 Fax: (310)206-5668 [email protected] Educational Background: A.B., University of Chicago, 1984.

185. Condensed Matter E-print Server - Since 1992, Los Alamos E-print Server has played an ever-increasing role in communicating important research results to the community. You'll never regret visiting this site regularly as a serious researcher.

186. Research Subgroups, Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Research Subgroups The following condensed matter physics subgroups currently have home pages: Das Sarma Research Group (Theory) Surface Physics Research Group Yakovenko Research Group (Theory) MRSEC UMCP MRSEC Magneto

187. Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics What is condensed matter physics? Condensed matter groups around the world & Index of condensed matter groups around the world


189. Current research in Condensed Matter physics at Oxford University - Current research in Condensed Matter Physics. Professor J F Ryan. Condensed Matter Physics is concerned with understanding, on a microscopic scale,...

190. Durham University Physics Condensed Matter Theory Homepage - Webpage for the theory of condensed matter physics reasearch group at durham university, england

191. Condensed Matter Research at KSU - Overview of Condensed Matter Physics at Kent About two-thirds of the physics faculty are condensed matter physicists. This group has distinguished itself primarily through basic experimental and theoretical research into the physics of condensed matter phases, with emphasis on

192. IOP Publishing: Electronic Journals - You are entitled to view the tables of contents, from all journals. If you are a registered user working from a remote site, please select the Remote Service option. New Journal of Physics is now available FREE to all ...

193. Physics Express Letters: Main Menu - www.iop.org | Advanced Find | Contact us Online Services | Electronic Journals Online Help Welcome to Physics Express Letters. To view the letters from a journal click on the journal title. You will be able to view the abstract and download the full article. A

194. Research in the Durham Physics Department - Nigel Metcalfe / [email protected]

195. Rokhsar Group - Professor:Daniel Rokhsar Grad Student:Daniel Butts Grad Student:Nicholas Putnam Grad Student:Jarrod Chapman Grad Student:Anne Hsu David Deaven (Ph.D. 1993) Thesis: Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems

196. International Journal of Modern Physics B - Journal covers key aspects and latest developments in Condensed Matter, Statistical, Applied Physics and High Tc Superconductivity.

197. UCSB Physics: Department Research - , and Groups BIOPHYSICS General Description, Research, and Groups CONDENSED MATTER EXPERIMENT General Description, Research, and Groups CONDENSED MATTER THEORY General Description, Research, and ...

198. Victor Yakovenko's Home Page - Postal address: United States of America Research group: Condensed Matter Theory Office: Physics Building, room 2314 Phone: (301) 405-6151 Fax: (301) 314-9465 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www2.physics.umd.edu/~yakovenk/

199. Condensed Matter - University of Maryland Condensed Matter Physics Group research in all aspects of condensed matter theory and experiment. Washington State University Hyperfine Interactions Group Studying the local structure of solids using perturbed angular correlation of gamma rays (PAC) and Moessbauer effect.

200. Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division - Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division Code 6600 The Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division conducts broad programs of basic and applied research on the fundamental properties of materials and on the interactions of various..

201. Condensed Matter Physics Web Links page - [CMP icon]Condensed Matter Physics Web Links LASSP (Laboratory of Atomic & Solid State Physics, at Cornell University) CTSPS (Center for Theoretical Studies of Physical Systems, at Clark Atlanta University) The Society for Applied Spectroscopy MSU Composite Materials &

202. NHMFL - Condensed Matter - The Condensed Matter Group homepage. Scientists at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Gainesville, and Los Alamos concentrate on various aspects of condensed matter physics

203. Condensed Matter Home Page - Welcome to the Department of Condensed Matter Physics. Phone : 972-8-9343897 Fax : 972-8-9344128. Head : S.Levit Phone :...

204. Condensed Matter Theory Groups in Korea - Condensed Matter Theory Groups in Korea CENTER FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics KAIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group Kookmin University Condensed Matter Theory Group POSTECH Condensed Matter..

205. Tenure-track Position in Condensed Matter Experiment (NSERC UFA Programme) - Tenure-track Position in Condensed Matter Experiment (NSERC UFA Programme) Department of Physics & Astronomy McMaster University. The Department of...

206. UCSC Condensed Matter Faculty - CONDENSED MATTER FACULTY David Belanger, PhD UC Santa Barbara, 1981. Condensed matter experiment. Phase Transitions in random and frustrated systems. Frank Bridges, PhD UC San Diego, 1968. Condensed matter experiment. Condensed matter experimental.

207. Condensed Matter Theory Group at the Niels Bohr Institute - Condensed Matter Theory Group The condensed matter theory group is part of the �rsted Laboratory at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, which constitutes the physics department of the University of Copenhagen.

208. Condensed Matter Research Group Welcome Page - Darmstadt University of Technology Institute of Physical Chemistry Condensed Matter Research Group Prof. Dr. If not done automatically please click to proceed to the homepages of

209. The Physics Bookstore: Catalogue of Physics Books - The Physics Bookstore lists selected books from the Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk catalogues. Browse or search our catalogue with the best physics books, newly published titles and bestsellers.

210. Theoretical Physics at UBC - Theoretical Physics is a part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy . The theory group in physics at UBC consists of the following people (Phone numbers are the last 5 digits of (604) 82x-xxxx):

211. KAM's Home Page - Kathryn A. my research is concentrated on the development of local magnetic probes and on their application to studying the physics of materials. Scanning magnetic detectors, such as SQUID's and Hall Probes, can be used in a variable-temperature magnetic imaging system to study everything from the bits on a floppy disk to vortices in superconductors.

212. Physics Resources - Physics papers - electronic reading, writing, fetching High energy physics Experiments On-Line: home pages of individual HEP experiments PDG - The Particle Data Group

213. Physics World - December 1997 - PhysicsWeb, The web site for physicists, Physics World, Institute of Physics, Electronic Publishing, online products and services

214. SCRI Home Page - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Distributed and High Performance Computing for Science and Education News updated 4/26/99 Calendar of Events

215. Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Physics - View summaries on research in condensed matter physics, particle physics, and astrophysics. Visit the faculty pages or learn how to apply.


217. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids - Journal offers research papers in condensed matter and materials science. Find subscription details or obtain a sample copy.

218. Ames Laboratory Condensed Matter Experiment Group - last modification: March 23, 1995 [email protected] Iowa State University Condensed Matter Experiment Main Areas of Research Optical Studies of Solids

219. CONDENSED MATTER RESEARCH - Auburn University Condensed Matter Research Return to Research Listing Introduction The Physics Department at Auburn University is home to an extensive effort in condensed matter physics that includes both experimental investigations and..

220. Research groups in Condensed Matter Physics - Chiba University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science (Condensed Matter Physics) This home page is provided by Apache_1.3.3. Japanese version is here. Research groups Experimental condensed matter physics group (Ito research group) Condensed matter theory group -strong electron

221. Condensed Matter 304 (PHYS 30400) - Condensed Matter 304 (PHYS 30400) This is an 18-lecture 10 cp......pre-requisite for the level 3 units Condensed Matter 305, Analysis...

222. Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Welcome to the Condensed Matter Physics Group Home Page! Fermi surface shaded by the superconductor gap function (courtesy of A. I. Liechtenstein) Group Introduction Research Subgroups Research Affiliations Facilities

223. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - Reporting experimental and theoretical studies of the structural, thermal, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical and surface properties of condensed matter

224. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - Reporting experimental and theoretical studies of the structural, thermal, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical and surface properties of condensed matter

225. KU Condensed Matter Entry Page - Department of Physics and Astronomy Condensed Matter Physics Condensed matter physics (CMP) is the fundamental science of solids and liquids. It also deals with states intermediate between solid and liquid (e.g. liquid crystals, glasses, and gels), with dense gases and plasmas, and with special quantum states such as superfluids that exist only at low temperatures.

226. Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics Demographically, Condensed Matter Physics is the largest single subdiscipline of physics. It includes about thirty-five percent (twenty-five percent experimental, ten percent theoretical) of the faculty in Canadian and USA physics departments, a fraction

227. PEL: Create Username - www.iop.org | Advanced Find | Contact us Online Services | Electronic Journals Main Menu | Online Help Create Username Name: Address: Country: E-mail address: Telephone number: Fax number: Subject of Interest: Please make a selection Applied Mathematics Applie

228. PhysLINK.com - Journals, Magazines, Preprints, more - Comprehensive listing of physics / science journals, magazines, prints, pre-prints, news letters, online archives, publishers and more.

229. ACP Winter 1999 Conferences - Condensed Matter - Quantum CriticalityConference Aspen Center for Physics Gabriel Aeppli NEC Research Institute 4 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609.951.2658 Fax: 609.951.2482

230. Durham University Physics Condensed Matter Theory Homepage - Webpage for the theory of condensed matter physics reasearch group at durham university, england

231. Research Affiliations, Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Research Affiliations External organizations with research collaborations or affiliations with members of the UMCP condensed matter physics group: UMD Materials Research, Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) Materials

232. UC Irvine Condensed Matter Experiment - Irvine Condensed Matter Experiment Sticky Superfluid Drop Faculty......Michael Dennin Nonlinear condensed matter systems Prof. Herbert...

233. ESRF Highlights 1996/1997: Soft-Condensed Matter - ESRF Highlights 1996/1997. Soft-Condensed Matter. Shear-induced ordering in a micellar cubic crystal. X-ray diffraction of photonic colloidal single...

234. NU Condensed Matter Theory Group - J. A. Sauls - Condensed Matter Theory J. A. Sauls People - Who we are Research - What we do Seminars - and Colloquia Courses - Theoretical Physics Links - More Information Information - How to find us .. Finding Us - Travel, Maps, .. Updated March 13, 1999 - J.

235. Session DSM - Condensed Matter. - Previous session | Next session. Session DSM - Condensed Matter.CONTRIBUTED session, Saturday morning, March 21 , [DSM.01] Synthesis and...

236. TTU Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics at Texas Tech University The following fields of condensed matter physics are being investigated at the current time at TTU: Impurities, Defects, and Complexes in Covalent Materials -- Prof. Stefan Estreicher Optical and..

237. Physics Express Letters: Main Menu - www.iop.org | Search & Index | Contact us Online Services | Electronic Journals Online Help Welcome to Physics Express Letters. To view the letters from a journal click on the journal title. You will be able to view the abstract and download the full article.

238. Homepage der Festk�rperphysik / Solid State Physics Homepage -

239. Winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics - A comprehensive list of Nobel Prize Laureates in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

240. Modern Physics Letters B - Journal provides important research findings in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics and High-Tc Superconductivity.

241. Yoshida Lab - Welcome to Yoshida Laboratory�I (Dep. of Condensed Matter Physics) YOU ARE THE 10000+ TH VISITOR An Announcement for Condensed Matter Physics Colloquia (writen in Japanese) every Friday, 10:30 12:30

242. Physical Review B - Find a table of contents and abstracts from the latest issue of this American Physical Society journal featuring articles on condensed matter.

243. Ron Lifshitz - Address: Condensed Matter Physics 114-36 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 U.S.A. Research Conducted by the Condensed Matter Physics Group at Caltech.

244. Comments� on Condensed Matter Physics - PHYSICS Comments � on Condensed Matter Physics A Journal of......Physics, Comments � on Condensed Matter Physics is a journal...

245. Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics Experiment Electronic properties of Oxide Superconductor and Normal Metal Films and Devices NSOM Basics Polarization Studies of Strain and Domain Structures in Oxide Materials SFM Studies of Surface Topography and Mechanical Properties Spectroscopy of

246. Condensed Matter Physics - SCRI - Condensed Matter Physics group at the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (SCRI). SUMMARY OF CURRENT RESEARCH Theoretical and computational studies of pattern formation. Fluid Physics in a ...

247. Condensed Matter Theory Groups in Korea - Condensed Matter Theory Groups in Korea CENTER FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics KAIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group Kookmin University Condensed Matter Theory Group POSTECH Condensed Matter..


249. Condensed Matter and Biological Physics Research at Carnegie Mellon - Condensed Matter and Biological Physics Research at Carnegie Mellon Condensed matter physics addresses the structure and properties of matter at length scales greater than individual atoms. Although the laws governing atomic interactions are known in principle, determining the

250. Session AB - Condensed Matter - Theory. - Previous session | Next session. Session AB - Condensed Matter - Theory.INVITED session, Friday morning, October 16 Room 214, UGLC. [AB.01] A...

251. University of KY, Physics & Astronomy Condensed-matter Group - Condensed matter physics is the study of the properties of materials formed when large numbers of atoms are condensed into liquid or solid states. The rapid growth of this field ...

252. Laboratoire Des Verres @ Universit� Montpellier 2 - Our research laboratory is studying glasses and disordered systems using spectroscopy techniques (Brillouin, Raman, X rays, neutrons...) and computer simulation.

253. LDV:BENOIT Magali - Magali BENOIT Chargée de Recherche CNRS Groupe de Modélisation de la Matière Désordonnée Laboratoire des Verres - cc 69 Universit� Montpellier II, Pl. E. Bataillon F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 T�l�phone : (33) 4 67 14 37 06 (lab) F

254. Nobuhiko Hayashi - Research Associate MAJOR: Condensed Matter Physics (Theory), especially, (unconventional) Superconductivity: Mixed states, Vortex structure. CURRENT PROJECTS (and INTERESTS) [key-words]: Vortex, Local Density of States, STM, NbSe2, high-Tc cuprates, d-wave superconductors, Kramer-Pesch effect, quasiclassical (Eilenberger) theory, Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory, Electric charging of a vortex...

255. Solid State Communications - Journal offers short papers on condensed matter science, in order to provide immediate access to important, recently completed work.

256. Condensed Matter - Condensed Matte

257. Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics Condensed Matter Physics Department of Applied Physics Chalmers University of Technology S-412 96 G�teborg Sweden Title Name Phone ext. e-mail

258. EPS 1996 Condensed Matter Conference - 15th GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE CONDENSED MATTER DIVISION OF EPS 22-25 April 1996 Grand Hotel Dino Conference Centre Baveno-Stresa, Lake Maggiore (Italy)

259. Facilities Overview, Condensed Matter Physics, University of Maryland - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Condensed Matter Physics Facilities Overview This area is currently under construction...thank you for your patience! Return to the top of this document. Condensed Matter Physics Group Home Page. Department of Physics, U.M.C.P. Home Page.

260. UCSC Condensed Matter Faculty - CONDENSED MATTER FACULTY David Belanger, PhD UC Santa Barbara, 1981. Condensed matter experiment. Phase Transitions in random and frustrated systems. Frank Bridges, PhD UC San Diego, 1968. Condensed matter experiment. Condensed matter experimental.


262. NU Condensed Matter Theory Group - J. A. Sauls - Condensed Matter Theory J. A. Sauls People - Who we are Research - What we do Seminars - and Colloquia Courses - Theoretical Physics Links - More Information Information - How to find us .. Finding Us - Travel, Maps, .. Updated March 13, 1999 - J.

263. CONDENSED MATTER - CONDENSED MATTER Condensed Matter Links Since 10th April'96 Copyright 1996 M.Dogan, All rights reserved

264. Session A3 - Condensed Matter I. - Previous session | Next session. Session A3 - Condensed Matter I.MIXED session, Friday afternoon, April 03 114, Regener Hall. [A3.01] Dirac Fermions...

265. TPH (TU Vienna): Condensed Matter Group - Condensed Matter Theory Group Magnetic group V A S P group LIQUID group Robert Lorenz �[email protected]� -gn, Last changed: 970710

266. Misak Sargsian's home page - Misak Sargsian MY ADDRESS Misak M. Sargsian Department of Physics University of Washington Box 351560 Seattle WA 98195-1560 U.S.A. Fax: + 206-685-0635 Phone:+ 206-543-6350 [email protected] Workshop Coherent QCD Processes with Nucleons and Nuclei 31-Au

267. Amro Gebreel - Your browser does not support frames. Please click here for a non-frames version.

268. CMT WEBSITE - The quantum theory group at Penn studies electronic phenomena in low dimensional systems -- systems in which one can use the physical structure, chemical composition and/or external fields to confine the motion of ...

269. Saga University, Japan, Department of Physics - This is the English language site, but there is a parallel Japanese one available.

270. Iowa State University- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Iowa State University Physics Dept.

271. Tuesday afternoon, 17 March 1998 - Program overview. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 17 MARCH 1998. Session K1. GMAG/DCMP: Spin Polarized Transport in Magnetic Heterostructures. Tuesday afternoon,...

272. Condensed Matter Theory Group -

273. CONDENSED MATTER TUTORIALS AND REVIEW ARTICLES - To contribute to this page, write Norman Redington, [email protected] RETURN TO NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS HOMEPAGE

274. European Physical Journal B - Read abstracts of articles on statistical physics and condensed matter in this journal. Find subscription details.

275. Gary Wysin, Condensed Matter Physics, Kansas State University - Konza Prairie, July 1995. 309 Cardwell Hall, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS 66506-2601, USA. (785) 532-1628 / FAX: (785) 532-6806

276. TTU Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics at Texas Tech University The following fields of condensed matter physics are being investigated at the current time at TTU: Impurities, Defects, and Complexes in Covalent Materials -- Prof. Stefan Estreicher Optical and..

277. Chris Wiggins: homepage - Chris Wiggins email: [email protected] phone: +33-1-42-34-64-72 fax: +33-1-40-51-06-36 paper: Institut Curie Section de Recherche Paris 75005 France locations: Rm 109 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie me biking in Los Alamos. Currently, I am a visiting postdoc

278. Physics of metals - Physics of metals, Methods of obtaining of thin amorphous films, Intermetallic binary compounds, ScCu, FeGd, Links on physical journals and Universities, Structural features and electrical properties of thin films ScCu4,Scientific institutions of West Ukraine.

279. Applied Condensed Matter Physics, University of Potsdam - Your browser does not support frames. Start with the Contents Page. As you open other links from there, they will be put into different browser windows instead of different frames.

280. Tufts University Physics and Astronomy Department - Contact person for this page: David Weaver, Department Chair ( Tufts University Department of Home Pages of Individual Programs Astronomy/Astrophysics Biophysics Condensed Matter High Energy Relativity/Cosmology

281. Physica B: Condensed Matter - Elsevier Science Journal descriptio

282. Condensed Matter - Theory, Experiment and Device Physics - Condensed Matter - Theory, Experiment and Device Physics Institute of Interface Phenomena Questions? Contact our secretary, Sara Lutterbie (Physics B-138, (516) 632-8582, [email protected]). To learn more about us, follow the links..

283. CONDENSED MATTER - CONDENSED MATTER Condensed Matter Links Since 10th April'96 Copyright 1996 M.Dogan, All rights reserved

284. Condensed Matter Directory - .....HandiLinks tm to Condensed Matter . Please Visit Our Sponsor Condensed Matter Site Map -------------------- Main Menu Left Frame Menu Information Contact -------------------- Agriculture Animals Art-Crafts Automotive Business Communicate Computers Consultants Construction

285. NHMFL - Condensed Matter - Condensed Matter/Theory Group Personnel

286. Session EC - Condensed Matter II. - Previous session | Next session. Session EC - Condensed Matter II.MIXED session, Saturday afternoon, November 14 Salon A, Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel. ...

287. Damon Jackson - Damon Jackson's Home Page

288. Lab Pictures - Lab Pictures

289. Solids at NCSU Physics - , Professor, Experiment J. Bernholc, Professor, Theory J. W. Cook, Associate Professor, Experiment N. Dietz, Research Assistant Professor, Experiment R. E. Fornes, Professor, Experiment M. A. Klenin, Associate ...

290. HEP Newsletters and Periodicals - If you publish a newsletter or periodical which you would like us to include, please mail [email protected]. The publication need not already be online.

291. Home - Links and topics related to Home.

292. MSU physics:Billinge Group meeting schedule spring 98 - Group Meeting Schedule, Spring 1998 Organized: Remo, Refreshment Czar: Emil, Where: Tuesdays at 9:30 am, in P/A 224 (* HEP Seminar Room) January 20 th Remo: February 3 rd Emil: February 10 th Il-Kyoung: February 17 th Simon: February 24 th TBA March 3 rd TBA M

293. Quantum Lynx - A collection of quantum mechanic's related sites, with a few metaphysical sites as well.

294. The MatterHorn Materials Discovery Database - An artificial neural network cascade, containing 16 individual neural network modules and approximately 1,000 processing units, has produced an interactive database containing a broad range of chemical and physical properties for nearly a quarter million potential binary and ternary chemical systems.

295. Ames Laboratory Condensed Matter Theory Group - : High-performance message-passing library. Parallel source code for Classical MD available for downloading Melting point of diamond using tight-binding simulations Deformation twinning ...

296. Condensed Matter Theory Group - This page is designed to be viewed by a browser which supports Frames. Click to see the non-frames version.

297. Mind-Matter Unification Project - Welcome to the Mind-Matter Unification Project of Professor Brian D. Josephson of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge (i.e. the Physics Department of the University of Cambridge).

298. 46. NSF - Condensed Matter Physics - Deadline Extension - Science and Engineering [ Prev | Top | Next ] 46. NSF - Condensed Matter Physics - Deadline Extension The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Condensed Matter Physics Program has extended its proposal deadline for FY 97 from October 15 to NOVEMBER 15, 1996. This is the only deadline

299. Brookhaven Condensed Matter Theory - Condensed Matter Theory Group Research: The Condensed Matter Theory Group conducts research in the general areas of many-body physics (including superconductivity and correlated systems) and electronic structure. People: Martin Blume Victor J..

300. NHMFL - Condensed Matter - Condensed Matter/Theory Group Personnel

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