Home - Physics - Biophysics

1. Biophysics - Graduate Program Site maintained by K. Hyde Last Modification: April 15, 1999 Contacts: Christopher Felix, PhD, Scientific Administrator Biophysics Research Institute Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509

2. Johns Hopkins Univ. - Biophysics - Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry outlines the structure of the intercampus program in molecular biophysics.

3. FSU - Institute of Molecular Biophysics - CalCon'99 54th Annual Calorimetry Conference August 15 - 20, 1999. institute of molecular biophysics florida state university tallahassee, fl...

4. Life Sciences: Biophysics - Biophysics (MedWeb/Emory Univ.) Biophysics (Physics Around the World) Theoretical Biophysics Group (Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology)

5. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB) at Karolinska Institute - Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Karolinska Institutet, S-171 77......(group of Hans J�rnvall) Medical Biophysics (group of Rudolf Rigler)...

6. Welcome to the UCSF Biophysics Home Page - Biophysics is a discipline that develops an understanding of living systems through the application of physics and chemistry, seeking quantitative information about biological processes at the molecular, cellular and systems levels.

7. Welcome to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics - The Department of Physiology and Biophysics plays a unique role in biological research. It is in effect a conduit through which the powerful techniques and tools of the physical sciences are brought to bear on significant problems of biological importance.

8. Illinois Biophysics - Welcome to the WWW home of the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! Last updated...

9. Theoretical Biophysics Group Home Page - Theoretical Biophysics Group NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and...

10. European Biophysics Journal - The European Biophysics Journal The European Biophysics Journal is jointly owned by the European Biophysical Societies Association, and Springer Verlag What`s New : April 1997 The European Biophysics Journal page at Springer can now be reached by clicking

11. Biophysics Department - Biophysics Departmen

12. State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook - Biophysics - Compare the PhD program in biophysics, and review the facility on Long Island, New York. Financial details and admission procedures are covered.

13. Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Home Page - Welcome to the Institute of Biophysics, Brno, Czech Republic This site uses the ISO 8859-2 encoding. Services of the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Institute of Biophysics is sponsored by the This..

14. Centenary College of Louisiana - Biophysics Program - Students can find out what is involved in the field of biophysics, in undergraduate research, and in undertaking the biophysics major.

15. THEORETICAL BIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS (T-10) - THEORETICAL BIOLOGYAND BIOPHYSICS Alan S. Perelson (group leader) The Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group (T-10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on the modeling of biological systems and the analysis and informatics of molecular and cellular biological data.

16. Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford - Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford. General Information. What goes on in this laboratory? LMB Information and Guide (including seminar timetables) Laboratory Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses. The Laboratory Journal for 1997-8 and for..

17. Biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology and molecular biology jour - Links to biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology and molecular biology journals

18. Harvard University - Biophysics Program - Get practical advice on student support, admission, facilities and the study environment to be expected as part of the biophysics program.

19. Brandeis University - Biophysics & Structural Biology - Aspiring students in biophysics and structural biology can get answers to questions about the program, such as financing and PhD requirements.

20. Yale Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry - , Journals, Stockrooms (Med, KBT), Search Educational Programs Admissions, Courses, Graduate, Undergraduate, Medical, BBS Departmental Information Seminars, Roster, Contact Info, Mission Statement updated ...

21. Iowa State Univ. - Biochemistry & Biophysics - Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology offers a graduate major in biophysics, and presents the handbook and an application.

22. Keck Biophysics Facility - The Keck Biophysics Facility is an internationally unique resource for the study of the structures and interactions of biological and synthetic macro-molecules.

23. BioScience Research Tool: Biophysics - The BioScience Research Tool is simply the Resource for Bioscience and Education on the Web. BioScientists have selected the best meta-pages and arranged them by discipline.

24. Systems Biophysics - ...

25. Biophysics: Homepage - Section Biophysics, Leiden Universit

26. Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics - (Dutch) Seminars Research groups of Medical Physics & Biophysics Local pages (mbfys) Statistics SNN: Foundation for Neural Networks To the KUN homepage Copyright � Department of Medical Physics and ...

27. MSSM Physiology & Biophysics Department Home Page - Physiology & Biophysics Faculty and Research General Information...

28. UCSD BML/MCL Subject Guides: Biophysics - List of electronic publications, societies & associations, and selected biophysics internet sites.

29. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics presents articles in the developing areas of biochemistry and biophysics, especially those related to molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology. The journal strives for the rapid publication of articles of high quality and significance in an international forum. The journal features research reports and a new rapid communications section.

30. BioPhysics Department Home Page - Biophysics Department of Moscow State University is a large educational and scientific-research center

31. Biosciences at Stanford: Biophysics - Faculty in the Biophysics program share a common interest in understanding the physical principles that underlie biological phenomena. The emphasis is on the structures and dynamics of biological macromolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, membranes and more complex assemblies.

32. Molecular Biophysics - Division of Molecular Biophysics Molecular Biophysics is one of the divisions constituting the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.

33. British Biophysical Society - What is Biophysics? - British Biophysical Society - What is Biophysics? What is biophysics? Biophysics is what physicists do to biology. Biophysics is an interdisciplinary field which applies techniques from the physical sciences to understanding biological structure..

34. Systems Biophysics - Systems Biophysics. Research group of Professor Christoph von der Malsburg. This group is part of the Institut f�r Neuroinformatik. addresses....

35. University of Rochester, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics - University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Department of Biophysics and Biochemistr

36. New York NY: Columbia University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochemShow me more like this100% Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsArchives of Biochemistry and Biophysics presents articles in the developing areas of biochemistry and biophysics, especially those related to molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology. The journal strives for the rapid publication of articles of high quality and significance in an international forum. The journal features research reports and a new rapid communications section.

37. bionet.biophysics archives: BIOPHYSICS/BIOPHYSICAL-SOCIETY PASSES: 462 YES, 6 NO - BIOPHYSICS/BIOPHYSICAL-SOCIETY PASSES: 462 YES, 6 NO BIOSCI Administrator ([email protected]) Sun, 23 Jan 94 16:35:35 PST Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ] Next message: BIOSCI Administrator: "If you have trouble canceling

38. Course: Biophysics - JATE University Szeged - Biophysics Back to catalogue | In Hungarian Code: F 507 Department: Department of Biophysics Course director: G�bor Laczk� Credits: 2 Semester: 5th Hours/week: 2+0 Prerequisities: Thermal Physics, Atomic Physics Type of assessment: K Course..

39. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - This is the official website of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO.

40. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences The Polish National EMBnet Node Regional node of ICCB Our postal address : Pawinskiego 5a,02-106 Warszawa,POLAND Information about Institute Polish-French Center for Plant..

41. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - This is the official website of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO.

42. Illinois Biophysics - Welcome to the WWW home of the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! Last updated 10/12/99 Our Faculty, Our Students, Illinois Biophysics Society, Program of Study, Research Facilities..

43. Univ. of Virginia - Biophysics Program - Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics introduces the graduate training program and the accelerated PhD for medical graduates.

44. Medical College of Wisconsin Biophysics Research Institute - Medical College of Wisconsin Biophysics Research Institute

45. Physiology and Biophysics - Physiology and Biophysics Building IDBuilding NameFloor IDRoom NumberTotal AreaOrganization CodeCollege CodeDepartment CodeDivision CodeDivision NameRoom Use CodeRoom Use 908CMW20251C53.013878038780Physiology and Biophysics73000Remote Storage 908CMW20251C6

46. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) - Virtual Library Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) A component of The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Maintained by The Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Cornell University Medical

47. Harvard Biophysics - Harvard University Biophysics Program Program Description and Philosophy......Other Harvard Graduate Programs Biophysics-Related Links Schedule-...

48. Physiology & Biophysics - http://depts.washington.edu/pbiopageShow me more like this100% New York NY: Columbia University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysicshttp://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochemShow me more like this

49. Physiology and Biophysics on the Web - Physiology and Biophysics on the Web National Institute of General Medical Sciences Physiology at Charles KUMC Department of Physiology Department of Physiology Home Page Department of Physiology home page UAB Physiology WWW Server Mol. Cel. Physiology

50. Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics - Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics (SCBMB) is an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional program that offers a Ph.D. degree. The program offers student training in the core sciences and computer technology, with an emph

51. BPH - Graduate Group in Biophysics, UC Davis - Biophysics Graduate Group, UC Davi

52. Biophysics Section Home Page - Biophysics Section, NIDCD, NIH. Our group is located at NIH Bldg. 9. We study processes important for sound reception with membrane biophysical...

53. Biophysics at The University of Michigan - What is Biophysics? Graduate Program Faculty & Staff Seminars Program......(PIBS) What's new? New Faculty Join Biophysics Graduate Program Tom...

54. Department of Biophysics - Department of Biophysics. INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH. THE NORWEGIAN RADIUM HOSPITAL. With about 50 people, counting students, postdocs, visiting...

55. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure - Biochemistry Biomedical Engineering Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure......Astrophysics Biomedical Engineering Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure...

56. bionet.biophysics archives by thread - bionet.biophysics archives by thread About this archive Most recent messages Messages sorted by: [ date ][ subject ][ author ] Other mail archives Starting: Mon 02 Jan 1995 - 04:50:31 PST Ending: Tue 31 Jan 1995 - 19:11:39 PST Messages: 62 Re: Terraforming

57. Biophysics - Research in plant biophysics was begun after the second world war under the inspiration of the versatile Professor A L McAulay. The biophysics group continued under the leadership of Dr B I H Scott and now Dr I A Newman.

58. BIOPHYSICS (in MARION) - BIOPHYSICS Biophysics. (about) (12 titles) Search also under: Biomagnetism. Search also under: Biomechanics. Search also under: Biomedical engineering. Search also under: Bionics. Search also under: Medical physics. Search also under: Molecular biology. Search also under: Radiobiology

59. Graduate Field of Biophysics - This page has moved. The new page is now at: http://www.mbg.cornell.edu/grad/biophys/biophys.html...

60. Physics 308: Biophysics - This is the support site for Whitman College's Biophysics class.

61. Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry Cluste... - to Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry: Part of the University of Rochester Program of Graduate Education in the Biomedical Sciences.

62. Physiology and Biophysics - WWW Virtual Library for links to physiology and biophysics servers, journals, universities, and institutes. From Cornell University.

63. Biophysics OnLine Textbook - Biophysics OnLine Textbook.

64. Department of Biophysics Home Page - Department of Biophysics at Boston University. Visit our site for more information.

65. Univ. of Connecticut - Biophysics Program - Biophysics programs offered include undergraduate courses, and graduate MS and PhD degrees, the latter with course-work or research options.

66. Univ. of Pennsylvania - Biochemistry and Biophysics - Guide to the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department contains degree requirement, course, seminar, and research information.

67. Building -Biochemistry/Biophysics Bldg - Select for larger photograph Welcome to the Biochemistry/Biophysics Building! General Information: Building Acronym: BICH Building Number: 1507 Building Nicknames: BioBio Location on: broad campus map, detailed campus map Adjacent Buildings: Heep..

68. Int'l Union of Biophysics - Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics supports research and teaching in biophysics. With calendar of events and membership details.

69. UCSF Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics - Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, UCSF April 7, 1999 t...

70. UNIV COLORADO PHYSIOLOGY & BIOPHYSICS - Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Graduate training in Cellular and Molecular Physiology

71. Membrane Biophysics - membrane, biophysics, BLM, s-BLM, sb-BLM, lipid bilayer, biosensor, membrane transport, membrane energetics, membrane physiology, membrane photochemistry and photophysic

72. Univ. of Miami - Physiology and Biophysics - Department of Physiology and Biophysics offers a PhD program. See the areas of research covered, and the application procedure.

73. Biophysics materials - HomeBiophysics materials Index Educational materials Reference books Research materials Conferences materials Educational materials Biophysics Textbook On-Line A number of book chapters and

74. BIOPHYSICS - BIOPHYSICS The application of the concepts and techniques of physics to the study of living things is called biophysics. The science of biophysics draws upon the knowledge and skills of biologists, physicists, chemists, and other scientists in an effort to

75. Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Home Page - Welcome to the Institute of Biophysics, Brno, Czech Republic This site uses the ISO 8859-2 encoding. Services of the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Institute of Biophysics is sponsored by the This..

76. International Institute of Biophysics - Coherence in Biology, Bio - Presentation of the International Institute of Biophysics (IIB), the biggest association working on biophotons, founded for an interdisciplinary approach of the understanding and the investigation of living systems. 14 Organizaions (governmental research Insti

77. UAB Physiology & Biophysics WWW - The University of Alabama at Birmingham's Department of Physiology and BiophyicsWorld Wide Web Site. This site contains general information about the Dept. of Physiology, as well as descriptions of reserch areas, and ...

78. Biophysics of Neuronal Computation - Using detailed biophysics & microanatomy of cortical neurons to study their complexity from an information theory point of view - from Christof Koch laboratory at California Institute of Technology.

79. Case Western Reserve Univ. - Biophysics - Graduate program in biophysics and bioengineering is offered as well as other options from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics.

80. Lund University - Department of Molecular Biophysics - The Department of Molecular Biophysics was established in Lund in 1988. The current research is focused on the study of the relationships between function and three-dimensional structure of proteins and protein-RNA complexes. The primary method..

81. Biophysics Department - Biophysics Departmen

82. NIGMS -- Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics - A description of the Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and its two components, the Biophysics Branch and the Cell Biology Branch, including information on the types of scientific studies supported by

83. Teaching Of Medical Biophysics At Medical Faculties In The Czech And Slovak Republics - c) Authors hold the copyright on their poster. TEACHING OF MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS AT MEDICAL FACULTIES IN THE CZECH AND SLOVAK REPUBLICS Jan H�lek, Stanislav Smolan, Ladislav Dole�al Department of Medical Biophysics Medical Faculty Palacky University in

84. UWA BIOPHYSICS - The University of Western AustraliaDepartment of Physics In collaboration with Human Movement Medical Technology & Physics, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

85. BioPhysics Department Home Page - Biophysics Department of Moscow State University is a large educational and scientific-research center

86. Textbooks on Biophysics - Contact us Textbooks recommended for students majoring in biophysics: Here you can view information about books recommended for students majoring in biophysics and order these books on-line via Amazon.com service.

87. BU MED 97/99 Bulletin-Biophysics - Biophysics Donald M. SmallMD, Chairman and Professor, Department of Biophysics David AtkinsonPhD, Professor of Biophysics Peter I. BrecherPhD, Research Professor of Biophysics Melvin C. CornwallPhD, Research Professor of Biophysics Catherine E. CostelloPhD

88. Syracuse - Biophysics - Biophysics Theoretical Biophysics Molecular orbital theory and molecular dynamics of primary photochemical events in light transducing proteins. Robert Birge . Biophysics and Medical Physics Experimental studies of sensory processes in vision; combined system analysis and genetic

89. Univ. of California, Berkeley - Biophysics Grad Group - Biophysics Graduate Group gives a description of the program and its philosophy, and lays out the curriculum and degree admission details.

90. U of M Biochemistry Molecular Biology & Biophysics Department - The Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota has 55 faculty engaged in teaching and research in many areas of the biochemica

91. DKFZ Heidelberg: Biophysics of Macromolecules - Biophysics of Macromolecules (H0500) Research Activities. Group Members. Publications 1994-1999. Research Report 1997. Goal: Understanding the...

92. Biophotons research at International Institute of Biophysics - Internet publications on the relationships between photons and biological organization
http://www.datadiwan.de/iib/ib_003e_.htm#Internet Publicatio

93. biophysics - (Encyclopedia.com)

94. Institute of Biophysics - Department of Ionchannels - Research topics include excitation-contraction and pharmaco-mechanical coupling in smooth muscles and muscle cells of parasite nematodes.

95. Physiology at Cornell - Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University Joan and Sanford I. Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences New York City The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology and Biophysics... a resource created and maintained by the Department of Physiology and Biophysics providing links to Physiology resources outside Cornell.

96. Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Database: Institute for Scient - Describes the Biochemistry and Biophysics Specialty Citation Database. Includes disciplines covered, formats available and a link to the journal list.

97. Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford - Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford. General Information. What goes on in this laboratory? LMB Information and Guide (including seminar timetables) Laboratory Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses. The Laboratory Journal for 1997-8 and for..

98. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB) at Karolinska Institutet - Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Karolinska Institutet, S-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden General information Research Faculty members E-mail addresses KI staff catalogue Internal information (MBB only) Seminars Lunch seminars..

99. UWA BIOPHYSICS - The University of Western AustraliaDepartment of Physics Biophysics Programme Biophysics is an exciting new field of basic research into the nature and structure of biological molecules, their interactions and the physical principles involved in the

100. Biophysics - No Summary

101. Biophysics - The University of Rochester offers a broad Program in with particular emphasis on Structural Biology. State of the art research facilities utilize X Ray diffraction,NMR, ESR, computational methodologies, flourescence and confocal microscopy, and other biophysical techniques applied to proteins,nucleic acids and membrane transport.

102. Finger: [email protected] - [umich.edu] University of Michigan Finger Service... 1 exact match found for "biophysics": "biophysics, User Groups" Also Known As: biophysics Description: graduate program correspondence Owner: Ruby A Hogue 1, Biophysics Research Division More Info (URL): URL http://www.umich
http://www.umich.edu/cgi-bin/[email protected]

103. Molecular Biophysics & Structural BiochemistryClust... - Click on highlighted names for more information Bren, Kara (Assistant Professor of Chemistry), Bioinorganic chemistry. Kennedy, Scott (Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics), NMR methods for study of ion exchange proteins, and tumor physiology/therapy.

104. Group of Theoretical Biophysics, HUB Berlin - THEORETICAL BIOPHYSICS The location of this page has been changed to the URL: http://www.biologie...

105. Biophysics OnLine Textbook - Biophysics OnLine Textbook.

106. Professor Gary Hastings Biophysics Research - Molecular biophysics graduate research at Georgia State University.

107. Biophysics - Case Western Reserve University Department of Physiology and Biophysics Florida State University Institute of Molecular Biophysics Information on Graduate Program, Structural Biology resources, faculty research interests.

108. Biophysical Society - The Biophysical Society now has a "NEW" URL Please visit our new site! www.biophysics.org/biophys...

109. Publications from Jan Hoh's Laboratory - The focus of the program is to use atomic force microscopy to address biological problems related to membrane and protein biophysics-- from Jan Hoh's Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University.

110. International Institute of Biophysics (IIB) - The IIB, the biggest association working on biophotons, was founded for an interdisciplinary approach of the understanding and the investigation of living systems. 14 Organizaions (governmental research Institutes and Universities) are connected all over the world.

111. International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics - Based in Naples, Italy, this group presents details of seminars and meetings, overviews of projects, and newsgroups for registered users.

112. TAMU-Biochemistry - This page has moved! Please click here for the new location. General Information: Contact information: Academic Centers: This page contains information about and links to resources that pertain to the department.

113. Biochemistry and Biophysics - No Summary

114. Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & BioPhysics - Japanese journal presents an international outlook, through reviews and communications. Author instructions and subscription info provided.

115. Molecular Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet - Our main research area is the study of biological molecules using high-resolution NMR.

116. Basic Biophysics for Biology - Basic Biophysics for Biology

117. British Biophysical Society - What is Biophysics? - British Biophysical Society - What is Biophysics? What is biophysics? Biophysics is what physicists do to biology. Biophysics is an interdisciplinary field which applies techniques from the physical sciences to understanding biological structure..

118. International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics - News, membership details, meeting calendars, and publications are all presented. Affiliated with the University of Leeds, and includes links.

119. Biophysics - ability's logo Biophysics Play Last Starfighter -- Or Select Another Title American Association of Physicists in Medicine Biophysical Society. Biophysics Research Institute. Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Catholic University of Nijmegen Department of Medical Physics and

120. Courses of Instruction in Biophysics and Structural Biology - Course titles and descriptions from the Graduate Program in Biophysics and Structural Biology at Brandeis University

121. Research in the Systems Biophysics Group - Research in the Systems Biophysics Group M. P�tzsch, M. Rinne, November 13, 1996

122. SCHOOL OF PHYSICS: BIOPHYSICS - BIOPHYSICS The Biophysics group was inaugurated in the early 1970s. The research emphasis then had been on environmental radiation monitoring. Over the years with its increase in teaching staff, students, and facilities, several coordinated research

123. Welcome to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics - .. Greetings from the Chair .. Faculty Research Interests .. Research Facilities .. Graduate Studies .. Molecular Biophysics Training Program .. Departmental Seminars .. Journal Club .. Departmental Office .. List of Postdoctoral Associates and..

124. Biophysics & Cancer Therapy Home Page - Biophysics Department at the Gesellschaft f�r Schwerionenforschung (GSI). Basic research activities comprise cellular, chromosomal and DNA damage induction by heavy ions from the SIS and UNILAC accelerators.

125. Biophysics and Cancer Therapy at GSI - Information on research activities on biophysics and cancer therapy.

126. Biophysics at the University of Virginia - Biophysics at the University of Virginia The Interdisciplinary Biophysics Program at U.Va. Students Currently in the Biophysics Ph.D. Program Daniel Czajkowsky Briercheck, Deborah Chen, Lu-Bin Devarakonda, Srikripa Fridie, Alvin Hutson, Michael Shane Lewis, Jennifer Martin, Thomas

127. Institute for Biophysics,miscellaneous - The WWW (this is a copy of the WWW-organization) Servers in Germany (this is a copy from www.chemie.fu-berlin.de) Institute for Biophysics Miscellaneous Information

128. Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University - Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics has moved to:...

129. Biophysics - Biophysics Play Last Starfighter -- Or Select Another Title American Association of Physicists in...

130. IMB Molecular Biophysics/NMR - Department of Molecular Biophysics / NMR Spectroscopy Prof. Dr. Larry R. Brown Phone : +49-(0)3641/656220 Fax: +49-(0)3641/656225 NMR equipment Staphylokinase RNA hairpin with UUU loop motif Ribosomal protein L25 The NMR Facilities are available..

131. FSU - Molecular Biophysics - Home page - MOLECULAR BIOPHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM Florida State University Overview and History of the Program Curriculum, Financial Support and Application Information Fill out an application online. Research Facilities and FSU Sites related to Molecular..

132. Departmnet of Biophysics. - Dpt. of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine,Charles Uni., Czech Rep.,birthplace of Tandem Scanning Microscope(TSM & TSRLM),Automatic Ctrl of Overpressure Chamber Operation,Exp. Lab. for Virtual Reality in Medicin

133. Univ. of Mississippi - Physiology and Biophysics - Medical center programs can lead to a PhD degree in physiology and biophysics, as well as a combined MD/PhD program and post-doctoral study.

134. Department of Biophysics - Welcome to the home page of the Department of Biophysics, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 18, 8010 Graz, Austria. Tel: +43-316-873-7389 Fax: +43-316-465348 [email protected] The mission of

135. Graduate School Directories - Biophysics - Directory of biophysics graduate and post-graduate school programs, including contact information, program descriptions and links to leading programs world wide.

136. Biophysical Society - The Biophysical Society now has a "NEW" URL Please visit our new site! www.biophysics.org/biophys...

137. Graduate Schools For Biophysics - Gradschools.com is a comprehensive and informative directory of graduate and postgrad programs. Contains thousands of programs listed by curriculum; includes descriptions and contact info.

138. Biochemical Pharmacology - It is an international journal which publishes research findings in pharmacology deriving from investigations that employ the disciplines of biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, structural biology, computer models and/or physiology

139. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics - If you are using Netscape 3 or higher you can enable JavaScript as follows: Version 3: Choose Options|Network Preferences, choose the Languages tab, click Enable Javascript and then click OK. Version 4 or ...

140. Springer LINK: European Biophysics Journal - Managing Editor: P.M. Bayley. Jointly owned by the European Biophysical Societies Association and Springer-Verlag. ISSN: 0175-7571 (printed version)...

141. Biophysics: Homepage - Section Biophysics, Leiden Universit

142. Yale Molecular Biophysics Biochemistry Center Structural Biology - User Guides and worked examples for software applications in structural biology

143. Biophysics at U.Va. - Biophysics at the University of Virginia, cont. Administrative People and Locations Director - Thomas Thompson Admissions and Advising Committee Chair - Mark Braiman Address: Biophysics Program Graduate Programs Office Box 456, Health Sciences Center University of Virginia Charlottesville

144. Course: Biophysics - JATE University Szeged - Biophysics Back to catalogue | In Hungarian Code: F 717 Department: Department of Biophysics Course director: P�ter Mar�ti Credits: 2 Semester: 7th Hours/week: 2+0 Prerequisities: Thermal Physics, Atomic Physics Type of assessment: K Course..

145. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics - Volume 32, 1999Published: February, May, August and November Prices (per year)Institutions Print & Electronic �168Individuals Print only �80 Special pricing arrangementsBritish Biophysical Society, �62The Biophysical Society, �62International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, �62

146. Thomas C. Jenkins Department of Biophysics - The Department of Biophysics offers programs leading to the B.A. and Ph.D. degrees, for students who are convinced that current and future developments in the biological sciences will draw on the physical ...

147. Wright State University - Physiology and Biophysics - Master's degree in physiology and biophysics is offered at the School of Medicine, with research and non-research program options.

148. Links2Go: Biophysics - Links2Go Current User Anonymous Home Log In Import Help Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon Related Links and Topics Example: http://www.links2go.com/ Directions: [Click to Show Directions] Current Topic Biophysics ADD this topic to your Personal Topics

149. ETH Zurich / Molecular Biology & Biophysics - INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & BIOPHYSICS GENERAL INFORMATION The......Research projects of the Institute Biophysics anonymous ftp-server...

150. Welcome to The Department of Medical Biophysics - � 1999 The Department of Medical Biophysics, The University of Western Ontario. Web Development J...

151. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biol - Virtual Library Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Biosciences) Information categorized first by provider, then by subject. See also: Complete list of Biomedical WWW Sites Biological Molecules

152. enter.htm -

153. Dr. Jan Hoh's Laboratory at Johns Hopkins - Studying problems in macromolecular biophysics by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Systems being studied include supported bilayers/membranes, neurofilaments and polyamine promoted DNA condensation.

154. Springer LINK: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Editor-in-Chief: A. M. Kellerer � Managing Editor: T. Roedler-Vogelsang. ISSN: 0301-634X (printed version) ISSN: 1432-2099 (electronic version) ...

155. Course: Biophysics - JATE University Szeged - Biophysics Back to catalogue | In Hungarian Code: F 507 Department: Department of Biophysics Course director: G�bor Laczk� Credits: 2 Semester: 5th Hours/week: 2+0 Prerequisities: Thermal Physics, Atomic Physics Type of assessment: K Course..

156. OSU BioPhysics Graduate Students - OSU BioPhysics Graduate Students Biophysics Graduate Students Will Ray Chuck Pearson Please send ...

157. Biophysics - Biophysics The following faculty members do research in biophysics: Brian W. Matthews; Professor ; Ph.D. 1964, Adelaide At UO since: 1969 Research Area: Biophysics Research Interests: protein crystallography Other Important Stuff: Brian Matthews is the 6 Million Dollar Man Still

158. OUP USA: Fractals in Molecular Biophysics - OUP Book Fractals in Molecular Biophysics by Dewey, T. Gregory

159. Biophysics 254 Home Page - Welcome to the Biophysics 254 Home Page !!! This page is primarily......Links Contacting People Class Slides Biophysics 254 Home Page - Last...

160. Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry Cluster - Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Welcome . . . to Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry

161. UTMB Department of Physiology and Biophysics - This site has moved to http://physiology.utmb.edu Please update your bookmarks. Welcome to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics! Department of Physiology & Biophysics Information Cellular Physiology ...

162. Univ. of Texas - Molecular Biophysics - Search the Cellular Physiology and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program for admissions details and the path followed towards the PhD degree.

163. Biophysics, Graduate Group in - http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/biophysicsfound in: Reference > Education > Colleges and Universities > North America > USA > California > University of California > Berkeley > Departments

164. Hellenic Biochemical and Biophysical Society - http://meltemi.chem.auth.gr/ebbeShow me more like this100% Life Sciences Internet Resources: Biophysicshttp://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/library/ls_biophysics.html...Show me more like this

165. PlanetClick - Click here for the top-rated and reviewed sites on Biophysics. Share what you think--rate sites and give your own reviews.

166. Saratov Fall Meeting'99 - Biophysics - Information - INFORMATION Official languages Official languages of the School and the Workshop are English and Russian, translation will be provided. Conference fee Conference fee for International participants who

167. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology ... - Information categorized first by provider, then by subject. See also : Complete list of Biomedical WWW Sites Biological Molecules Biological Journals, Current ...

168. Untitled - This is no longer the official web site for the Biophysics Research Institute at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Those pages are now here.

169. Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics - How to find us Organisation People Education (Dutch) Seminars Research groups of Medical Physics & Biophysics Local pages (mbfys) Statistics SNN: Foundation for Neural Networks To the KUN homepage Copyright � Department of Medical Physics and..

170. Welcome to the Biophysics Tutor - Welcome to the Biophysics Tutor! � Department of Physics, University of Guelph. This site is designed to help you with some problems in the mechanics...

171. Applied BioPhysics, Inc. - An electrical biosensor, Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for quantitative mammalian cell morphology, attachment, and spreading measurement in real time, e.g. for high-throughput screening.

172. Biochemistry and Biophysics Homepage - Send comments to K. Biochemistry and Biophysics About the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Related Links Department Chair's Welcome How to contact us

173. Mount Sinai School of Medicine - Biophysics & Genetics - Explore this lengthy directory of faculty and course information regarding the biophysics and genetics PhD training programs.

174. RESEARCH IN BIOPHYSICS - Department of Biophysics Cell, Membrane and Structural Biology Division Of Graduate Medical Scien...

175. What is Biophysics? - Biophysical Society Homepage - ------------ What is Biophysics? The range of interests within the Society is very broad. Biophysicists use experimental and theoretical approaches and develop new methods to address the mechanisms of biological processes at every level. The Society's membership includes biochemists

176. MedWebPlus: Biophysics & Congresses - MedWebPlus www.medwebplus.com a service of y-DNA, inc. Subjects Location Search MedWebPlus: Biophysics & Congresses (2) Broader terms: - Related terms: - Narrower terms: - Page: 1 Up Rev Go Entry A (0) GO International Conference on Biophysics and Synchrotron Radiation (6th

177. Institute of Biophysics, Ljubljana: Home Page - Institute of Biophysics Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana...

178. Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford - Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford. General Information. What goes on in this laboratory? LMB Information and Guide (including seminar...

179. Physiology and Biophysics - Peter K. Lauf, M.D., Chair In Physiology and Biophysics our mission is to teach and investigate, in quantitative terms, vital processes at the level of the whole organism, the human body, its organs, cells, and at the subcellular level such as cytoplasm and membranes.

180. Program in Molecular Biophysics - The Molecular Biophysics Program provides interdisciplinary graduate training in areas that study biological problems at the molecular level, using the tools of structural biophysics.

181. Molecular Biophysics Training Grant - Molecular Biophysics Training Grant Useful Molecular Biophysics Links. Professor Andrew Wang Program Director Chris Smith Admissions Secretary Research Facilities

182. Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University - Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics is located in the Ag and Life...

183. Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Biophysics - Official journal of the Fed. of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists offers subscription info and instructions for authors.

184. Biophysical Society - The Biophysical Society now has a "NEW" URL Please visit our new site! www.biophysics.org/biophys...

185. biophysics research, page 1 - Welcome to my new Web page! This page was built to tell you about the research that we are doing. your picture here This is your brain on research! Are any of you intested in research? What kind of

186. Genetics, Biology, Biophysics - Directory of newgroups, mailing lists, and other interactive chat groups. Listings include topic, address, and keywords.

187. Univ. of Washington - Physiology and Biophysics Program - Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics program trains PhD students for research careers in biophysics. See the schedule, and request information.

188. Biophysics: Research [Physics of Life-Processes] - Section Biophysics, Leiden University

189. Professional Biophysics - Archive of the bionet.prof-society.biophysics moderated newsgroup. Organized by month and year, and searchable by keyword.

190. Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics - Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics (SCBMB) is an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional program that offers a Ph.D. degree. The program offers student training in the core sciences and computer technology, with an emph

191. UM Biophysics Graduate Program - Biophysics Graduate Program Academic Program Faculty by Research Area Alphabetically with e-mail and phone Research Facilities Molecular Biophysics Training Program Financial Support Living in Ann Arbor How to apply? For more information, please contact: Ruby Hogue Graduate Program

192. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics at UCI - No Summary

193. Columbia University - Physiology & Cellular Biophysics - Faculty profiles, an outline of the graduate program in physiology and cellular biophysics, a seminar schedule, and an application are offered.

194. Medical Biophysics, Toronto -- Ultrasound Research - http://medbio.utoronto.ca/facultyShow me more like this100% Auditory Physiology and BiophysicsCellular basis of information processing in the auditory system. Potassium channels, modeling, synaptic transmission, and dendritic integration.

195. Wesleyan University - Molecular Biophysics - Explore the mechanism of admission to the molecular biophysics program, and find details on financial support and the faculty involved.

196. Biophysics - Biph 375, Biophysics Fall, 1996 Instructor Dr. Bob Beason, Bailey 19, phone 245-5310, e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours 10:30-11:30 MWF Tentative Course Outline Introduction Relationships between biology and physics (Chpt I-1, 2..

197. Washington Univ., St. Louis - Molecular Biophysics - Molecular biophysics program invites prospective PhD students to obtain application details, meet the faculty, and examine research projects.

198. Biophysics - Biophysics (Biofizika) Editor-in-Chief Evgenii E. Fesenko Professor, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, Russia

199. State Univ. of New York, Brooklyn - Physiol./Biophysics - Health Science Center graduate studies school outlines the requirements for the PhD and MD/PhD programs, and the courses offered in biophysics.

200. Univ. of Miami - Department of Physiology & Biophysics - Discover specifics for the PhD or MD-PhD program in physiology and biophysics. Fill out an application or review the faculty's research fields.

201. Univ. of South Florida - Physiology & Biophysics - Department of Physiology and Biophysics explains the PhD program, associated research areas, admission guidelines, and financial support.

202. The University of Iowa Department of Physiology and Biophysics - Information | Curriculum | Research | Faculty | Calendar | Postdoc. Positions | Department Directory | Department of Physiology and Biophysics...

203. Saratov Fall Meeting'99 - Biophysics - Organizing Committee - ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIR Dmitry A. Zimnyakov, Saratov State University (Russia) SECRETARY Alexander B. Pravdin, Saratov State University (Russia) Svetlana P.Chernova, Saratov State University

204. Koide Research Group - Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics University of Rochester Medical Center How to reach us Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics University of Rochester Medical Center 601 Elmwood Ave.

205. wiau people - wolfson image analysis unit Permanent Research Staff Chris Taylor, Unit Director, Professor and Head of Medical Biophysics Department Jim Graham , Deputy Director, Senior Lecturer in Medical Biophysics

206. European Journal of Biochemistry - This journal is devoted to the rapid publication of full length papers describing original research in the areas of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, and molecular biophysics.

207. Centenary College Undergraduate Biophysics Major - The Undergraduate Biophysics Major at Centenary College of Louisiana What is biophysics? The unde...

208. GRaduate Union of Biophysics Students (grubs) - This is the official website of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO.

209. U of M Biochemistry Molecular Biology & Biophysics Department - The Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota has 55 faculty engaged in teaching and research in many areas of the biochemica

210. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics - http://bioline.bdt.org.br/ibfound in: Science > Biology > Biochemistry > On-line journals

211. Biophysics: Publications - Section Biophysics, Leiden Universit

212. Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry Cluster - Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Biophysics and molecular structure Welcome . . . to Molecular Biophysics & Structural Biochemistry

213. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology - Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology covers the ground between the physical and biological sciences.

214. Univ. of Louisville - Physiology and Biophysics - Investigate the degree requirements and admission procedures for the MS and PhD programs in physiology and biophysics.

215. Chiropractic Biophysics - Life University presents the principles behind this technique, with illustrative radiographs, abstracts, and an view of chiropractic in general.

216. Biophysics: Revision History - Department of Biophysics, Leiden University

217. Feher & Okamura Biophysics, UCSD - Feher & Okamura Biophysics Lab Welcome to the website of the George Feher and Melvin Okamura lab in the Physics Dept. of the University of California, San Diego.

218. Lund University - Department of Molecular Biophysics - The Department of Molecular Biophysics was established in Lund in 1988. The current research is focused on the study of the relationships between function and three-dimensional structure of proteins and protein-RNA complexes. The primary method..

219. biophysics school WHAT IS BIOPHYSICS - WHAT IS BIOPHYSICS? This page is maintained by: Jesper Borg e-mail: [email protected] From H. Flyvbjerg and O.G.Mouritsen, Physics--and the Physics of Biological Systems, pp. 1-7in H.

220. British Biophysical Society - Biophysics Departments - Biophysics is conducted not only in Biophysics departments, but in departments with a variety of titles. Some Biophysics departments around the world have links here; other relevant departments can be found in the hyperlinks to Committee members homepages.

221. Building -Biochemistry/Biophysics Bldg - Select for larger photograph Welcome to the Biochemistry/Biophysics Building! General Information: Building Acronym: BICH Building Number: 1507 Building Nicknames: BioBio Location on: broad campus map, detailed campus map Adjacent Buildings: Heep..

222. Ohki Biophysics Lab. - Ohki Biophysics Lab. Invitaion to Biophysics This WWW server is experimental. Its contents are by...

223. UNIV COLORADO PHYSIOLOGY & BIOPHYSICS - Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Graduate training in Cellular and Molecular Physiology

224. Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics University of Leipzig - Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics University of Leipzig: staff, research, publications, scientific events, teaching and history.

225. Univ. of Vermont - Molecular Physiology and Biophysics - See the aims of the PhD program offered by the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, and browse the faculty listing.

226. Molecular Biophysics - Molecular Biophysics Faculty Members -- B. Chasan, K. Rothschild Research Faculty & Associates -- C. Lee, J. Olejnik, P. Rath, S. Sonar Staff Scientist -- C. FC-Ludlam Graduate Students -- M. Coleman, X. Liu, N. Patel, T. Russell Molecular..

227. FEBS Letters - FEBS Letters is an international journal established for the rapid publication of short research papers in the field of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular cell biology. Access to full text is free until 1 October 1999.

228. Springer LINK: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics -

229. Financial Aid - Financial aid is available to Biophysics graduate students in the form of fellowships, tuition and fee waivers, teaching and research assistantships, and traineeships.

230. Group of Theoretical Biophysics, HU Berlin - Humboldt-University of Berlin: research group for theoretical biophysics (Prof Heinrich)

231. Illinois Biophysics - Welcome to the WWW home of the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! Last updated 10/12/99 Our Faculty, Our Students, Illinois Biophysics Society, Program of Study, Research Facilities..

232. Physiology and Biophysics - The faculty members have research facilities and experitse in molecular biology of ion channels, cellular ion transport, membrane biophysics and electrophysiology, neurophysiology, mathematical modeling, and human exercise and cardiovascular physiology.

233. Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Ho... - This site uses the ISO 8859-2 encoding. The Institute of Biophysics is sponsored by the This server is running BSD/OS from: Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

234. Department of Physiology and Biophysics Home Page - of Physiology Biophysics 3900 Reservoir Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007...

235. Univ. of Notre Dame - Biochemistry & Biophysics - Research the degree requirements, facilities, and courses in the biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology interdisciplinary program.

236. The Department of Physiology and Biophysics - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO Dr. Harold C. Strauss Chairman Dr. Malcolm Slaughter Director of Graduate Studies Dr. Mary Anne Rokitka Director of Undergraduate Studies..

237. Biophysical Society Employment Service - Biophysical Society Employment.

238. Micro PH Electrode Measures Single Drop - Micro pH electrode can measure samples as small as 5 microliters in biology, microbiology, biotechnology, chemistry, biochem, forensic science, HPLC, medical research, and water pollution.

239. Institutionen f�r biofysik - Department of Biophysics Bes�ksadress: Arrheniuslaboratoriet, Svante Arrhenius v�g 10 - 12 Postadress: 106 91 Stockholm Telefon: 08/16 20 00 (vxl) Fax: 15 55 97

240. Biochemistry and Biophysics -

241. Univ. of Louisville - Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics - Pursue information about the physiology department's MS and PhD programs. Read the chair's message, view faculty profiles, and apply.

242. No Title - D�NYA'DAK� B�YOF�Z�K MERKEZLER�NE L�NKLER Biophysical Society Boston University Cochlear Biophysics Laboratory California San Francisco University The Department of Biophysics Charles University Faculty of Medicine Department of Biophysics Duke..

243. Biophysics: Request for reprints - Request for Reprints Biophysics Leiden Name e-mail Address References Here, paste the references of the articles you would like a reprint of. Webmaster ([email protected]) Revised: December 16, 1997. revision history

244. Membrane Biophysics - membrane, biophysics, BLM, s-BLM, sb-BLM, lipid bilayer, biosensor, membrane transport, membrane energetics, membrane physiology, membrane photochemistry and photophysic

245. IMB Molecular Biophysics/NMR - Department of Molecular Biophysics / NMR Spectroscopy Prof. Dr. Larry R. Brown Phone : +49-(0)3641/656220 Fax: +49-(0)3641/656225 NMR equipment Staphylokinase RNA hairpin with UUU loop motif Ribosomal protein L25 The NMR Facilities are available..

246. Institute for Biophysics, University of Linz, Home Page - chair: Prof. Dr. Institute for Biophysics University of Linz Altenberger Strasse 69 4040 Linz, Austria Austrian Center for Single Molecule Microscopy

247. What is Biophysics? - The range of interests referred to as BIOPHYSICS is very broad, as biophysicists use experimental and theoretical approaches and develop new physical and chemical methods to address the mechanisms of biologcal processes at every level.

248. Biophysical Society Employment Service - Biophysical Society Employment.

249. Physiology and Biophysics - Reports on research activities at the Physiology and Biophysic Department at Sherebrooke University, Canada

250. Biophysics - Biph 375, Biophysics Fall, 1996 Instructor Dr. Bob Beason, Bailey 19, phone 245-5310, e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours 10:30-11:30 MWF Tentative Course Outline Introduction Relationships between biology and physics (Chpt I-1, 2..

251. Biophysics: Research [Reaction Centers] - Section Biophysics, Leiden University

252. Univ. of Pennsylvania - Molecular Biophysics - Graduate program in biochemistry and molecular biophysics in overview and detail, with course schedule, faculty directory, and admission advice.

253. Biophysics - JATE University Szeged - Biophysics Code: F 507 Department: Department of Biophysics Course director: G�bor Laczk� Credits: 2 Semester: 5th Hours/week: 2+0 Prerequisities: Thermal Physics, Atomic Physics Type of assessment: K Course description: Biomechanics: energetics of

254. Biophysics at Caltech - Biophysics at Caltech Caltech has a number of faculty members in each of the divisions working in the broadly defined area of biophysics. In addition, there are specific programs in Biochemistry, Computation and Neural Systems, and Computational..

255. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods - The Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods publishes research papers dealing with the development of new methods or the significant modification of existing techniques to solve biological problems.

256. Biophysics -

257. Physiology and Biophysics Molecular Analysis Server - This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority or in the excess of their authority are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel.

258. Auditory Physiology and Biophysics - Cellular basis of information processing in the auditory system. Potassium channels, modeling, synaptic transmission, and dendritic integration.

259. Springer LINK: European Biophysics Journal - Managing Editor: P.M. Bayley. Jointly owned by the European Biophysical Societies Association and Springer-Verlag. ISSN: 0175-7571 (printed version)...

260. Univ. of Texas - Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics - Glean admission requirements to the physiology department and check out the faculty's recent publications. Lists research topics and contacts.

261. Cellular and Neural Biophysics at the University of Washington: Molecu... - Cellular & Neural Biophysics Program at the University of Washington Proteins are the basic building blocks of biological systems. As such the physical properties of single proteins are a key factor in how neurons and neural circuits work.

262. FSU - Molecular Biophysics - Home page - MOLECULAR BIOPHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM Florida State University Overview and History of the Program Curriculum, Financial Support and Application Information Fill out an application online. Research Facilities and FSU Sites related to Molecular..

263. Honours Biophysics - Honours Biophysics. This is a new program starting in September 1999. It was initiated in response to explicit and perceived student demand. We are...

264. WU Molecular Biophysics - | Events | Pictures ] Molecular Biophysics Program Division of Biology......University in St. Louis Molecular Biophysics brings together elements of...

265. Home Page - Physiology and Biophysics Graduate Recruitment Site - - Physiology and Biophysics Graduate Recruitment Site - The University of Iowa

266. What is Biophysics? - WHAT IS BIOPHYSICS? The range of interests referred to as BIOPHYSICS is very broad, as biophysici...

267. MedWebPlus: Academic Departments & Biophysics - www.medwebplus.com a service of y-DNA, inc. Subjects Location Search MedWebPlus: Academic Departments & Biophysics (14) Broader terms: - Related terms: - Narrower terms: - Page: 1 A (0)GO Boston University School of Medicine Department of..

268. Biosciences at Stanford: Biophysics - Biophysics. Faculty in the Biophysics program share a common interest in understanding the physical principles that underlie biological phenomena....

269. Molecular Biophysics at the University of Virginia - Information on this site decribes the Graduate Program in Molecular Biophysics at the University of Virginia.

270. Biophysical Journal - View Future Titles Through October 1999 Current Issue: September 1999 (Next: October 1) Search for Articles January 1976 September 1999 Browse: January 1976 September 1999 By Issue By Topic

271. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - International Journal of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. This journal has ten subtitles.

272. Developmental Resource for Biophysical Imaging Opto-Electronics - http://www.englib.cornell.edu/drbio/drbio.htmlShow me more like this100% Keck Biophysics Facilityhttp://x.biochem.nwu.edu/Keck/keckmain.htmlShow me more like this

273. Univ. North Carolina MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOPHYSICS - The molecular & cellular Biophysics program's new web page is HERE

274. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - This is the official website of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO.

275. 3rd European Biophysics Congress - Official Homepage of the 3th European Biophysics Congress, Munich Sept. 10-14 2000

276. Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford - of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford. General Information. What goes on in......these pages then mail the Molecular Biophysics Webmanager ...

277. Molecular Biophysics - Division of Molecular Biophysics Molecular Biophysics is one of the divisions constituting the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Our main research area is the study of biological..

278. Biophysical Society Employment Service - Biophysical Society Employment.

279. Untitled - Along with the growing health care industry comes the need for innovative research and technology development, and the people prepared to meet that challenge. A key element in achieving this goal is to ...

280. Springer LINK: European Biophysics Journal -

281. Physiology & Biophysics - ...

282. Springer LINK: European Biophysics Journal - Managing Editor: P.M. Bayley Jointly owned by the European Biophysical Societies Association and Springer-Verlag ISSN: 0175-7571 (printed version) ISSN: 1432-1017 (electronic version

283. Biomembrane and Biophysics Lab. in KAIST - Last updated: 2/20/99; For more information contact [email protected] Biomembrane and Biophysics Lab. in KAIST ����½� ¼�³

284. Departmnet of Biophysics. - Dpt. of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine,Charles Uni., Czech Rep.,birthplace of Tandem Scanning Microscope(TSM & TSRLM),Automatic Ctrl of Overpressure Chamber Operation,Exp. Lab. for Virtual Reality in Medicin

285. Institute of Biophysics, Ljubljana: Faculty and Staff - Institute of Biophysics, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia: list of employees

286. 3rd European Biophysics Congress - Official Homepage of the 3th European Biophysics Congress, Munich Sept. 10-14 2000

287. BIOPHYSICS - TOPICS IN BIOPHYSICS RESEARCH (1) Love, Lattman, Cone, Garcia-Moreno, Barrick, Woodson Freshmen and Sophomores only X-RAY DIFFRACTION (3) Love Taught at the Medical School

288. Department of Physiology & Biophysics Home Page - Department of Physiology & Biophysics Home Page DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY & BIOPHYSICS University ...

289. Institute for Biophysics, University of Linz, Home Page - Institute for Biophysics. chair: Prof. Dr. H. Schindler. Institute for Biophysics. University of Linz. Altenberger Strasse 69. 4040 Linz, Austria....

290. Intercampus Program in Molecular Biophysics - Intercampus Program in Molecular Biophysics 300 Jenkins Hall 3400 N....

291. Medical Biophysics - The Laboratory of Medical Biophysics. Summary. Personnel. Activities. Guests. Courses, Conferences and Symposia. Seminars. Links. Personnel at the...

292. U.W.A. BIOPHYSICS HONOURS PROJECTS - The following is a sample of researchers who have expressed interest in participating in the biophysics honours research program. Some projects would need to be established in collaboration with an appropriate bioscience department.

293. Univ. of Iowa - Department of Physiology and Biophysics - Department of Physiology and Biophysics graduate program aims to prepare students for careers in research and teaching.

294. Yahoo! Science>Physics>Biophysics>Organizations - Personalize Help - Check Mail Home > Science > Physics > Biophysics > Organizations All sites Can...

295. Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology at Dept of Physiology-- UIC - Department of Physiology and Biophysics University of Illinois at Chicago......University Deparment of Molecular Biophysics & Physiology...

296. The Oxygen Society - Oxygen '99 Information: See Conferences Section This site is maintained by: Neil Hogg Biophysics Research Institute Medical college of Wisconsin Milwaukee WI 53226 USA

297. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Content. Server Location: America. Europe. User Type: Authorized. Guest. Password. Current Issue. Back Issues. IDEAL Homepage. Sample Issue....

298. FASEB - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, including, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, immunology, cell biology, anatomy, clinical investigation, pharmacology, nutritional scienes, bone and mineral research, proteins and pathology.

299. General Information for Students - -General Information for Students Welcome to the graduate program in the Department of Physiology & Biophysics. This page introduces you to Departmental policies and procedures that lead to a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics.

300. Univ. of Washington - Physiology & Biophysics Dept. - View the physiology department's faculty interests, locate sources of financial aid, read the weekly bulletin, and find out about lab rotations.

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