by a Chemist

The author is
F.Newton Hayes, Ph.D.
Leader of the Molecular Biology Section
of the Bio-Medical Research Group
at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
He is a lay-reader and Senior Warden
of Trinity-on-the Hill,
Los Alamos, New Mexico.


I believe in one God who is supreme in the universe, and that God has endowed me with a mind capable of growth in knowledge and a will by which I control my actions.

I believe that God functions in three coequal but clearly distinguishable ways: source, activity, and link. The source originates all order and power in the form of physical law and all justice and love as moral law. The activity is the operation of Godīs laws in the universe: the presence of God in matter and life. The link is the visible bond between God and man established by the life of Jesus Christ who showed the true meaning of love in his death for us and the greatness of Godīs power in his resurrection.

I believe that, as the material part of the universe is controlled by physical law, I am further accountable to moral law; that just as my opposition to physical law may bring injury or death, when my will violates moral law I suffer a partial death reducing me to the state of an animal.

I believe that I must set my mind to the understanding of Godīs revelation and thereby come to know him so that he may enter my will and transform my life into harmony with moral law; that by beginning and continuing to practice a Christian life I can live beyond mortal death in the eternity of Godīs love.

1967 Forward Movement Publications

(Used with permission of Forward Movement Publications.)

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