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A Former Member's Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ

Why have I created this site?

Ball and Chain
The way it was for me... my own story of entry into and eventual exit from the ICoC.

Moving On
So where am I at today? I focus on the positive, not on every little "sin" - need I say more? Maybe not, but I am so happy to have found my freedom that I just let some of it overflow here :-).

Essays and FAQs about the ICoC
A collection of my own thoughts about the process of recovery from the ICoC experience, as well as an additional perspective on some of those thorny questions about ICoC doctrine and practice.

Webring for Past ICoC Members
(Uh, well, there USED to be a webring.
This information is irretrievable as of August 2007... at this time I have no plans to create another one.)

Helpful Links
This information is also irretrievable as of August 2007, but I think it would probably be worth creating this page anew. I'll work on it at a future date. The links featured here will concern not only the ICoC, but other perspectives on religion/spirituality in general... perhaps an bookstore would be the ticket.

Close Encounters
Some people who have never been ICoC members have nonetheless had brushes with the ICoC that provided them with some clear insight into the ICoC's dysfunctional dynamics. Since they have no sacred cows to protect, I consider their insights to be valuable. Those accounts are presented here.

Overall observations and a little friendly Advice� to people who encounter the ICoC. You can take it or leave it, of course, with no hard feelings on my part - *I* am not the one consigning people to Hell in my mind for going against Advice�. ;-P

Sign the Guestbook
Here's your chance to throw your own two pesos into the pot - click on "Sign the Guestbook," above.

You may also VIEW the comments which others have posted to the guestbook.
(The guestbook was also on a 7-year hiatus which ended in August 2007, but by golly, it seems to still be working.

And finally! Some ICoC-related humor after all this serious stuff:

Awesomebro presents 'Comics for All Nations'
(Off-site link)

Click for the Triangle's Forecast

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