As my head smashed into the glass of the subway window and I heard the glass crack, I knew that it was worth it. Then I blacked out in the middle of a sea of screaming ridiculous 13 year old groupies, the last thing I heard was a muffled yell to stop the subway.

Seconds before, I had felt eyes on me, and I turned toward them, expecting any sort of English freak to welcome my acknowledgment, or a young stranger to shyly turn away behind the subway window. What met my eyes were the most intense sapphire circles I had ever seen in my life. Those eyes were incredible, cornflower blue highlights throughout. Very startling, but at the same time they were so intoxicating, so clear. The owner was definitely male, but they had this bizarre feminine feel to them, softer than any male eyes I had ever seen, but they felt demanding in a way that I had never felt. The eyes slightly turned downward, but then lifted again, his curiosity was too physical to prevent him from keeping them downward. His cheeks had turned light shade of red, almost shyly. The initial shock was quickening, I felt the kind of sudden rush of ten thousand chills racing up and down my sensitive back. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, then I focused on his whole face. He had silky blond hair, almost honey toned, only a little lighter than my own, long and flowy, about an inch or two past his thin shoulders. His delicate lips were slightly open, completing his gentle look of gazing. He was so, so beautiful. His beauty was almost feminine, no, it was feminine, his cheeks were thin, he had a light tan. He looked artistic but still active. He had three leather necklaces on, but I didn't concentrate on them. He had a delicate collarbone, not unattractively thin, but quite deliciously so. I could tell that he looked like his mother, there was no way else that he could have gotten such a delicate bone structure. My fingers smoothly touched the cold glass between us, and crept upward. My semi-long nails slid up the glass to about the height of my shoulder. His eyes quickly looked downward, then brought his own hand up to meet mine. He had long fingers, like mine. He plays the piano, I knew it by his hands. His hand made a light fog on the glass, I could almost feel his heart beating faster than my own. I carefully moved my mouth, and fragilely offered a small smile. There was a queer, faint screaming in the back of my head, almost phantom-like for a small fraction of a second I wondered what it could be, then my eyes were swept back into his. Then I realized what the screaming was, girls. A sea of screaming infatuated girls. And they were running right for me, right into me.......

"Stop the train! There's a girl out there who's gonna get trampled! Stop the train!" Taylor's intense pleasure was suddenly ripped from him by his crowd. He had been totally swept into the girl's greenish eyes.

"Oh my God, Walker, Tay's right! She could get killed, get the security out there, and stop the train!" Diana yelled to her husband. The security men quickly reacted to the parent's frantic cries, and quickly alerted the conductor. They then jumped into the masses of young girls to grab the older girl, who stuck out with her black clothes. They quickly noted that she probably wasn't a fan, her artsy attire was far more English than the mass of adolescences who were screaming at unbearable decibels. They grabbed her and her bag and loaded them onto the already moving train. They placed her in an empty cabin, and told Tay's worried parents that she was on the train.

" I don't think she was fan, she was just waiting for the next train, I think." Taylor's shaky voice surprised his parents.

"She's out cold, we've got to get her to a doctor soon." Walker spoke calmly, he didn't want his family to panic.

"But Walker, we aren't going to make the flight to Paris if we do anything else!" Diana worried about herding her large family onto another flight.

"We can't leave her...and we're NOT." Walker's voice was firm, he knew that the girl needed a doctor fast.

"I know, I know, I couldn't leave her, but what can we do?"

"Get her to a hospital, and fast. She probably has a concussion, it could become a coma soon."

"Alright, I'll get her to the nearest one, you take the kids to Paris, I'll get another flight."

"I want to come with you Mom." Taylor's voice seemed a bit stronger, and once again his parents were surprised in his interruption. They wondered what could bring the boy to want to stay and risk the chance of missing a show on their tour.

"Tay, you've got to go to Paris." His father's voice seemed stern, but he just wanted to know the reason for Tay's hasty request.

"No I don't, I have three days till our next show. I'll just tag along, with Mom."

"Do you really want to come?" Diana's voice seemed softer, and more understanding. She had seen him and this girl together before she was crushed by the crowd. She thought that Taylor probably felt responsible.

"Yeah, I really do. I want to make sure she's okay."

"Walker, let him. There are always loads of flights to Paris from London, we'll make it there soon. I promise."

"Well, okay. But if there's a problem, Tay should still come back. He can't miss this show."

Taylor gave his father a quick hug, "Thanks Dad."

He sat next to this girl who he had just seen for only what felt like a quick moment, and now she was going to be more than that endless gaze that they had shared. She intrigued him beyond belief. "So this is what I've been writing about all that time. . ." he murmured to himself while stroking back her blondish, deep gold coloured hair.

Chapter 2
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