Thanks for visiting my webpage! Send me teaching ideas or good book titles.

Odo.DS9 - 05/29/00 08:14:07
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: New World Translation
Your favorite moment ever: Baptism
5/29/00 Just a note from a fellow Southerner. What do you think of the controversy about the Confederate flag at Columbia, S.C.? -- Acts 10:34, 35.

Chesni Modisett - 03/11/00 02:07:34
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: really i aint got one
Your favorite moment ever: too many
Coffee drink of choice: DR. PEPPER !!!
Favorite composer or musician: Goerge Strait or Clay Walker
Hello Mrs. Modisett my name is Chesni Modisett i was just looking to see if there were any modisetts on the web and i found yours so i clicked on it to see what it was about and by the information you gave I can tell you are a Modisett . Most of us are ad ectied to Dr. Pepper and chocolate lol !!! and i dont but most of my family loves to read my dad loves it he reads just about anything that has words on it !!! Well I guess I will go now nice to know there are some more Modisetts around !!! Where are you rom? im from Texas and im 14 just so you no !!! bubye

Bill Modisett - 01/15/00 17:30:10
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: Tuesday with Morrie (recent)
Your favorite moment ever: Publishing my first book "J. Evetts Haley: A True Texas Legend" - 1996
Coffee drink of choice: Black, strong, cowboy-style
Favorite composer or musician: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Neil Diamond, Paul Simon
I was attracted to your home page by your last name. It's the same as mine and spelled exactly the same which is unusual. Most Modisetts put an "e" on the end. My line did not, although I understand from an aunt that it originally it was spelled with an " " at the end. That was when my ancestors were living in Louisiana before one brother, who hated being of French lineage and living in Louisiana, moved to Texas and dropped the "e" at the end of the name. I live in Midland, Texas with my wife of 23 years Kim, a 17-year-old son named Chris and a 13-year-old daughter named Claire. I work as editorial page editor for the Midland Reporter-Telegram, a daily in Midland which has a population of 100,000. In addition to my book on Mr. Haley, I've also written a history of Midland County entitled "Historic Midland: An Illustrated History f Midland County, Texas." I'm now working on a documentary about Evetts Haley that is supposed to be televised sometime in 2000 and a couple of other books, one which should be published this year. Please e-mail me and let me know something about your family. Bill Modisett

Tom Modisett - 11/19/99 17:17:50
My Email:[email protected]
Did a search on my name just for fun and saw your web site. Anytime I find another Modisett, I'm interested. Our branch is from Texas.

Travis - 10/02/99 02:19:01
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: The World Doesn't End by Charles Simic
Your favorite moment ever: Finding out Emily Dickinson knew about the Potosi silver mine. No shit!
Favorite composer or musician: Geraldine Fibbers or Bob Dylan
Found you by doing a search for Joy Harjo. Love June Jordan, Miss Emily, etc. Check out Eduardo Galeano.

WA Folks - 09/14/99 02:49:12
My Email:huh!
Favorite Book: staff manual
Your favorite moment ever: opening day
Coffee drink of choice: instant
Favorite composer or musician: ZZ TOP
cara elllen what are you doing with your life on the world wide computer system?? are ;you crazy? we are on the ask jeeves link and the question was "what is meg modisett doing with her life!" and it led us to you?!?!?! how crazy , i love you and hope you have a nice evening lovely!! takecare, meg

Clinton - 03/23/99 21:46:16
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: Animal Farm
Your favorite moment ever: Meeting my best friend Bethany in person for the first time.
Coffee drink of choice: double mocha frozen cappichino (forgive my spelling)
Favorite composer or musician: Dave Matthews
Cool page, I was searching about look to see what I could find on the net about H-burg. I live here of course! that's awesome ya know greghoward! I am the biggest DMB fan at HHS. see ya

Cara - 06/17/98 21:46:15
My URL:http://right here
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Book: 84 Charing Cross Road
Your favorite moment ever: too many
Coffee drink of choice: just a good strong cup of it, leaded
Favorite composer or musician: Brahms
Just making sure this guestbook works.

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