Technology Specialist

Are you complying with your state's technology plan??


What Your Schools Need:

Experience in Technology and Curriculum

Good Organizational Skills

Understanding, managing, and working with a knowledge of technological concepts
and people using technology


Janine is...

Experienced at working with students of all ages...

...all levels of teachers.

Understands both the experienced and inexperienced.

never forgot what it was like to be new!

Keeps close, thorough accurate, detailed records.

Looks for the positive and strengths in all situations and people.

UNDERSTANDS TECHNOLOGY! at all levels: management and operation: Novell & NT

.....system designs: from concepts to installation

.....system use at all levels in educational areas

Experienced at writing instructional materials.

One of the best at questioning activities.

Not afraid of publications, distribution of material.

Collects and distributes materials.

Can accurately assess situations in a positive manner.

Proven record of system design implementation, repair, management of

equipment and personnel.




Essential Job Responsibilities:

1. Provide or coordinate staff development activities to facilitate the integration of instructional technology for classroom use.

plan "ideals" seminars/meetings

interview to find out where the teachers are at: needs assessment

chart schools' professional development plans

2. Assist school and curriculum groups in:

a) The selection and implementation of instructional media

b) The integration of instructional technology throughout the curriculum.

c) The purchase and installation of computer hardware and peripherals

3. Remain current regarding hardware and software trends via vendor contacts, the literature and conferences. Monitor new instructional technology systems for possible use in local districts.

Invite vendors to demonstrate products, invite all teachers

see #1, #9

4. Act as the ISD's Liaison to the county school districts and other district, county or state projects.

5. Recommend resources, agencies, and personnel to assist in the solution of district problems pertaining to the uses of microcomputers and related technologies.

6. Provide a framework for encouraging and networking of district personnel involved with instructional computing and provide them with timely and relevant information.

7. plan and execute inservice sessions for individuals or groups.

8. Assist teachers in classrooms by:

a) Modeling instructional techniques.

b) Assisting teachers with instructional techniques

c) advising teachers in effective methodology integrating curriculum in technology


9. Assist administrators with:

a) Evaluation of teachers.

b) policy and procedures.

10. Initiate and/or supervise other related projects as approved by the Assistant Superintendent

Essential Job Responsibilities:


1. Provide or coordinate staff development activities to facilitate the integration of instructional technology for classroom use.

All staff activities: usage of e-mail

Basic internet

Web pages for teachers

Web pages available for all subjects

Elementary Teachers:

Establish position of all teachers in curriculum and technology curriculum

Tune to Single teachers, self-contained classroom

Aide helps all teachers, stays in lab, familiar by class

Students may be very young and inexperienced - generally games and

very early learning.

Middle School Teachers:

Establish position of all teachers in curriculum and technology curriculum

Tune to Single teachers, in self-contained classroom

Aide helps all teachers, stays in lab, familiar by class

Students may be young and inexperienced or experienced.

Jr. High Teachers

Establish position of all teachers in curriculum and technology curriculum


Aide helps all teachers, stays in lab, familiar by teacher

Students may be both experienced and inexperienced.

Typing of papers essential, knowledge must not be assumed with 15%

new students from other areas, parochial schools, home schooling

students may be starting here.

Sr. High Teachers:

By subject, by teacher

Some students need extra time, some may not be able to get enough,

college, career information, high level usage, may be on the same or

higher level than the teacher.

Dual enrollment

Advanced placement



2. Assist school and curriculum groups in:

a) The selection and implementation of instructional media

evaluate teacher needs

evaluate current equipment, spread sheets for each school

evaluate obsolescence

b) The integration of instructional technology throughout the curriculum.

topics, usage of computers, other technologies.

large screens


writeable CD's for student records:

CD's by year of entire student body - grades, pictures, evals.

(same with teachers)

CD's by student name and number containing their k-12

portfolios (could contain sound, video,(parents perm)


c) The purchase and installation of computer hardware and peripherals.

student repair force prepare students for jobs, careers using technology.

teachers, also

mouse repair

hardware repair

hardware design, implementation, cabling, installation

software updates

3. Remain current regarding hardware and software trends via vendor contacts, the literature and conferences. Monitor new instructional technology systems for possible use in local districts.

MACUL, I'm on most mailing lists, on the Internet searching

Familiar with technology corporations sales and demonstration

procedures. Requests for bids...

4. Act as the ISD's Liaison to the county school districts and other district, county or state projects.

Familiar and VERY comfortable with:

board of education meetings and presentations

meeting with teachers

Governor: I keep abreast of his funding

attends meetings, MACUL, gets with other the other Educational

Technology Specialists.



5. Recommend resources, agencies, and personnel to assist in the solution of district problems pertaining to the uses of microcomputers and related technologies.

excellent at reports, collection of data, very creative from the logical to artistic and bizarre.

not afraid of any problem, hardware, software, personnel.

6. Provide a framework for encouraging and networking of district personnel involved with instructional computing and provide them with timely and relevant information.

See #9,

7. plan and execute inservice sessions for individuals or groups.

Can provide college credit through Ferris State University

Professor Hewer has authorized high school students to take basic college computer classes.

MSU has incredible courses also, advertised in VOICE.

Dual enrollment

Seminars can be held for equipment, presentations, MSOFFICE

programming, educational technology (college credit?),

Basic Internet, Advanced Internet (Schools' & teacher's Own Web pages).

8. Assist teachers in classrooms by:

a) Modeling instructional techniques.

Allow teachers to attend inservices where they proactively present as well

as learn

Be available to help in their classrooms, OR educate aides and student

assistants to help.

b) Assisting teachers with instructional techniques

Be with teachers in the classroom setting and train them individually

create a team of Para-Pros (Subs, Parents, current Para-Pros) who will

visit each teacher on a "needs" and "time needs" basis

c) advising teachers in effective methodology integrating curriculum in technology.

set up method of communication:

all teachers need e-mail, free e-mail

send newsletter ("techno news") advising teachers of up coming events

-Classroom presentation techniques - large boards, laptops for teachers.

9. Assist administrators with:

a) Evaluation of teachers.

Evaluate with rubrics the NEEDS of teachers, where they are in their

knowledge of technology, why and how they use it, what they need in the

short term and long term future.

Evaluate needs, where teachers are in their education

b) policy and procedures.

establish a curriculum, panel, who is responsible for what funding and equipment, technology committees

acceptable use , technology plan, curriculum development- where we are in technology? Where do we want to go? What funds are available,

where, who, how, what will they be allocated for.

10. Initiate and/or supervise other related projects as approved by the Superintendent:


"The County/ISD Techno-News" - keeps teachers and public aware of the technology tools, classes, funding, grants available.

Keep students, parents, and teachers abreast of the going's-on. We NEED their advice and input.

What are current inventories?

What are current teacher needs?

How are funds currently allocated for equipment?

What is the current tech PLAN?

What is current tech curriculum?

How is current budget divided amongst k-12 grades?

What part of the budget is used to repair, maintain(cleaning -summer cleaning) hw sw upgrades?

What are the needs: textbooks, new equipment, instructional materials,

What is the administrations mission, plan, vision?




First Duties:

-Determine long and short range goals with assistant superintendent.

-Survey Inventory: do not assume we know were and what is available. what and where is the technology.

- Map out systems, spread sheets , document - photographs... signout equipment etc.

-Survey Teachers: find out what they need.



Go from there:

Cheaper to spend $5000 on presentation materials than 2 PC's

everyone can use them...Are teachers most comfortable with...

Organize student work / repair force

need this for future careers, excellent experience for them

Organize Para-pros to help with technology, special needs students.

Organize a Newsletter - public version of the mission, vision, goals, goings-on


The Rolling Ball Begins - the Momentum Starts

Honors students:

To establish a program:

Begin with top level students, reliable, often Honors students, but

desiring to learn and strong instincts to be "helpful".

These students will be trained initially to fix mice, computers, keyboards:

1. clean and maintain them

2. repairing them then comes almost naturally

Summer cleaning program: students will train other students, these may be any type of students - typically the "tinkers" get involved and they may not be the top students academically, but they learn by the role models of the "honors" students, the protocols, procedures, methods, manners of working with others....

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