Intro to COBOL & CICS
14 Week Class

Week Date   Chapters       Lecture Toptics                 Assignments
---- ----   --------       ---------------                 -----------

1st           1            Intro. to COBOL
                           PC Basics & DOS
2nd           2,3          COBOL DIVISIONS
                              How to use RM/COBOL-85
3rd           4            PROCEDURE Division
4th           5            Design and Debugging
5th           6            Moving Data, etc.
6th           6            Interactive Processing
7th           7            Computing
8th           8            Decision Making
9th           9            Iteration
10th          12           Array
11th          13,15        File Processing
12th          14           Sorting and Merging
13th          16           CALL and etc.
14th                       Review

Intro to COBOL  11 Week Class

Week Date   Chapters       Lecture Toptics                 Assignments
---- ----   --------       ---------------                 -----------

1st           1            Intro. to COBOL
                           PC Basics & DOS
2nd           2,3          COBOL DIVISIONS                 HW1 out
                           How to use RM/COBOL-85
3rd           4            PROCEDURE Division              HW1in,HW2out
                           Design and Debugging
4h           6             Moving Data, etc.               HW2 in

5h           6            Interactive Processing          HW3 out

6h           8            Decision Making                 HW3 in
             13,15        File Processing
7th           9           Iteration                      HW4 out

8 th          14           Sorting and Merging             HW4in,HW5out
9 th          16           CALL and etc.
              12            Arrays
10th                       Review                          HW5 in
11                         Final

CICS Console Commands
CDBI - IMS Database Control Inquiry
CDBM - Database Control Interface
CEBR - Temporary storage browse
CECI - Command-level interpreter
CECS - Command-level syntax checker
CEDA - Dynamic addition of various tables
CEDB - Update CICS CSD data set
CEDC - Interrogate CICS CSD data set
CEDF - Execution diagnostic facility (EDF)
CEMT - All master terminal functions
CEOT - Terminal status
CESF - Signoff (previously CSSF)
CESN - Signon (previously CSSN)
CEST - Inquire or set terminals, lines, control units or tasks
CETR - Trace control facility
CIND - Indoubt Testing Tool
CMAC - Display messages and codes
CMSG - Message switching
CRTE - Route transaction to control units or tasks
CSFE - Terminal test function, trace control and storage freeze
CSPG - Terminal paging
CWTO - Write to operator

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