Sovereign Grace Baptist Association of Churches


Our Name:

What's in a name? We believe a name is important as an expression of definition to what you believe and practice. To that end we offer the following:

Sovereign Grace: We believe God sovereignly bestows His grace in the lives of those He has chosen, granting them repentance and faith for Christ's sake. We preach Christ, and Him crucified. And are praying for the efficacious work of the Holy Spirit so that the word of the Lord might have free course and be glorified.


Baptist: We believe that the churches established by the Apostles in the New Testament were "Baptistic" in polity. We believe there indeed is a definitive pattern for church structure and organization and we reject the theory, which propounds historical expediency as acceptable determinative in this area. A Baptist church is one that faithfully holds and practices all the historic Baptist Distinctives as taught in the Holy Scripture.


Association: We believe that an association exists to facilitate the co-operation in ministry and fellowship between the member churches. An association has no authority over the churches but acts simply as a communication network between the local assemblies of believers. The SGBA was formed to enable the respective churches to engage in ministerial endeavors otherwise beyond the capabilities of the individual congregations.


Churches: We believe that a church is an assembly of immersed believers in Jesus Christ, organized with the Scriptural offices, in submission solely to Christ and His word. Each church is independent or autonomous, entirely self-governing, over which no external ecclesiastical jurisdiction of any sort is exercised. The Lord promised His blessing to and through the church, and for this we labor and pray that He might be glorified therein.

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