For the time being this page will feature some of my articles and other writings from various magazines and newspapers. Eventually I will include some fiction, poetry etc. Please be patient, it will be quite a while before everything is functioning on the page. I hope to add a thing or two every week so bear with me.

All work on this and subsidiary pages is under copyright by Yuriy Diakunchak, Volodymyr Barahura or one of the individual publications or authors quoted from. No article or excerpt contained herein may be reproduced in whole or in part with out the express permission of its rightful owner.



Address any questions or suggestions to [email protected]

Coming Soon to this page (in various stages)

(new pages will be created as the sections grow, for now most of it will be found here.)

Some articles from:

  1. Zdorov!: A magazine of Ukrainian things
  2. The Ukrainian Weekly
  3. Artery
  4. Book and Art Reviews NEW NOV. 23
  5. Other publications to be added

Links to sites serving the Ukrainian community in North America

Excerpts from the writings of Volodymyr Barahura NEW STORY ADDED AUG. 16

Some writings and poetry by other Ukrainian authors