The Content of the Kid's Corner
The page Content
First Story from China and Hong Kong
Second Some useful tips for living
Third Some wonderful graphic
Fourth Some songs

Stories from China and Hong Kong

Two Adopted Sons
Once upon a time, my Mom told me this tale. There are two children, one is fat and the other is thin, who were born in a poor family and their parents had to sell them to others since their parents could not afford their living. Therefore, they were adopted by two persons. When years goes by, the thin one became rich and migrated to Canada after the death of his adopted rich father, but the fat one became poor as before even after the death of his poor adopted parents.

What do you think is the real meanings of this story?

The Defeated King took the revenge There is a old story of China which admires me very much even now. Once upon a time in the Chau Dynasty of China, there is a king who was captured and kept in prison by his enemy. His enemy used every means to torture him and even threatened to kill him and the king just kept on waiting the day of revengue. He used to tell himself of the revenge and would not give up the hope.After ten years the king had to capture the capital of his enemy and catched the enemy by his own hands. This time he had told himself he had not wasted the ten years.
The Han Fei Tsz's Story
There is a famous story told by a famous person, Han Fei Tsz, at the end of Chou Dynasty of China. It is a famous lesson in which we learn logic. When a person once entered a markerplace and he saw a hawker who both sold shield and spear. "My spear is the most useful weapon in the world and you won't find any weapon in the world which can escape its attack,"the hawker said. Within a minutes later, the hawker's voice was heard. "My shield is the most useful weapon in the world which can protect the user from any form of attack." The person who ask the hawker a question and the hawker could not answer.
Do you know the question? The question is "If the spear is used to attack the shield, what is the result?"
The story of Lee Qai

Once upon a time, a great poet of Tang Dynasty,Lee Qai, was not working very hard in schooldays. He often went to play and ignore his studies. One day he went to the village and saw a woman who is just trying to peel the iron into a pin. Lee just laughed at her and told her she may never succeed. But this woman told Lee that she would succeed if she continues to work hard. At this time Lee understands the continuency of hard works may lead to success in future. Therefore, he went to study with all his effort and he became one of the grea poets in China. To measure the elepant Once upon a time, Cho Chu had a problem while he saw a foreign embrassador. The problem is "how to measure the weight of an elephant?".What is your method to solve this problem. His son just helped him solve the problem. If you want to know the answer, just click the answer

The story of Han Sin

Han Sin who was a great general in the end of Chin Dynasty. One of his stories admires very much. While Han was still very poor and nobody knew him, he was attacked by a very strong man. His enemy just tortured by ordering Han crawling under him. At that moment Han was very weak and young, he cannot fight back. What can he do then? Just guess what did he do and click here.While he became famous and later he turned to be the general of a new dynasty after Chin, he saw that man and what did he do that time? Please click here also for the answer.

A famous story of Sau Ma Kwong

There is a famous story of a great historian, Sau Ma Kwong. Every historians just regarded Sau Ma Kwong as a historian.However, a story in his younger days just showed how clever he was. Once upon a time, Sau Ma Kwong and his friends just walked in the streets and felt hungry, they saw a palm tree in the side of the street and all his friends chased to that tree for food. But Sau Ma did not even hestitate to look at the tree. Why?Please think and click here if you do not know the answer.

A famous story of Chin Dynasty

When Chin Tzu Wang died, his son Chin Ye Ci became a new king.What he wanted to do is just enjoying his life as a emperor and did not do the job of a king. Therefore, some evil servants just came to power such as Chu Koo. Meanwhile, Chu wanted to test the loyalty of the civil servant and he thought a method. One day Chu took a dear in front of the emperor and said, "Emperor, you look, it is a nice horse, isn't it?" Some servants said, "Emperor, it is not a horse, it is a horse indeed." But other servants just said, "Emperor, it is a nice horse." While they are arguing, the Emperor, Chin Ye Ci told them stop arguing and agreed that it is a horse indeed. A few days later, the servants that told the emperor that it is a horse just promoted to a much higher rank and the servants that told the emperor that it is not a horse just punished by Chu Koo. What would you tell if you are asked?

Some useful tips for life

1.Never give up your hope and also your life, things may not be as bad as what you think .

2.Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

3.God will not give you the second best.

4.Just try to do your best in everything you do even though it seems you never will succeed.

5.Try to learn the things you like.

6.Do not try to avoid the problems you face.

7.Try to tell God in your prayer.

Graphic area

There are some wonderful Graphic in the world around us. Let's have a look and fun.

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