The Chinese History Cartoons

There are many interesting chinese cartoons which illustrates the chinese history in a funny manner. Here are some famous examples.

The chinese view of their position in the world. They thought they live in the central of world and they thought they are more superior.

The Chinese in Ching Dynasty was weakened by the foreign powers and the foreigners just want to share the interest of China among them.

This is the typical view of China among the foreigners in the Ching dynasty.

The Chinese view of the foreigners in the Boxer Uprising of Ching Dynasty.

The first chinese characters appeared in the bone of an anaimal.

This is a famous kind of chinese form of writing.

The historians or the cartoonists' view of China after the defeat by Japan after the Sino-Japanese war.

The role of Russians played in the Sino-japanese war.

I do want the interesting persons would like to see my other web Chinese Cartoon website.(which is under construction yet.)

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