If you'd like to see what the backgrounds look like on a page, just click on the image.  You'll also see what it looks like behind different colored text.

*Psssst*  I'm going to let you in on another one of my little pet peeves.  If you choose to have a background image, also choose a background color which is similar -- yes, even though it will be overlaid by the background image.  Then folks can at least start reading your text while waiting for the background image to load.  Yellow text may look wonderful against a dark green background design, but until that design loads, all we see is yellow text against a white background, making it rather impossible to read.
Full Moon
Owl Moon
Witch Moon

[ More Backgrounds ]
To Save an Image to Your Hard Drive
PCs -- Right click on the image and choose the "Save Image As... " option.
MACs -- Hold the mouse button down on the image and choose the "Save Image As... " option.

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