People Of The World,
Mac Up Your Life!

*grin* Okay, so it was a bit corny, but you'd be surprised just how many Mac users are stepping forward to defend their mechanical mates. With the Microsoft boom at its peak, Macs just aren't getting the same publicity as they used to. People have forgotten how user-friendly and visually appealing these wondrous machines are, so the dedicated users have taken it upon themselves to publicize on their own. Made with Macintosh offers some professional looking badges as well as great information on the fight for the Mac, as does EvangeList (VERY informative). Mac Rebel Bases are growing in number every day. Some of my favorites are No. 19, No. 32, although I have seen others. AppleJedi is an AWESOME E-zine for Mac defenders, too. Want to show YOUR support? Add one or more of these banners to your page to let people know that you're a Mac user, and you're proud of it!

Get a Life. Get a Mac.
Mac: Alive and Kicking.
Made with Macintosh.

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