Software Tidbits

blue ball Read the installation instructions and the manual (I know, I know.....but you really should). Don't expect tech support to teach you how to use it; that's your job.

blue ball Use the latest and greatest version -- though this can empty your wallet or charge up your credit card rather quickly these days.

blue ball Keep your originals! If it says don't throw it out, then don't. *g*

blue ball Run only one copy of the software at a time.

blue ball Don't pirate the software from your buddy down the street or even from your cousin. Just buy it! Lots of people worked hard on the product, and they deserve the benefit of your dollars. Anyway, didn't your parents teach you not to steal? *s*

blue ball Problems? Won't install, runs incorrectly, upgrade quirks, functions/options missing -- then call tech support.

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