Abrielle was a girl with a restless soul. She was suddenly struck with the need for fresh air and solitude. She left the feast her father was giving for one of his knights in celebration of his engagement to be wed. She often went off alone many times preferring her own company over that of others. She went to the garden and relaxed among the beauty of the flowers for awhile then decided she would take her Mysteria out for a ride.

She went into the stables and looked about for a stablehand. Just as she had hoped there was no one around. Abrielle loved to ride her spirited mare bareback. She abhorred riding side saddle like "proper maidens" do as her father would say. She smiled wickedly at the thought of ever truly being a"proper maiden" for anything other than appearances sake. She often wondered if the other girl's were as dull as they appeared or did spirit hide behind the proper exterior as it did with her? Most seemed better at controlling it than she was she did not care to control it at all.

She did so as best she could for her father's sake. On occasion though it proved impossible for her. Abrielle sometimes drove her father to distraction especially when he would come into a room and find her "matter of a factly" stating her opinion to some his knights or friends yet deep down it filled him with pride when he saw his beautiful daughter stand her ground and prove her point to whomever she may be in debate with. She was very much her mother's daughter in that regard both full of spirit and quick to defend a cause they believed in.

Everytime he saw the fire flash in Abrielle's eyes he saw his beautiful Isabelle. It was her fire and determination that drew him to his beloved wife even though at times she drove him to distraction he would have had her no other way just as he would have his Abrielle no other way. He feigned otherwise partly out of sport and partly out of it being his way to develop her abilities.

Abrielle was promised in marriage to the son of a lifelong friend. The boy was proving to be somewhat of a disappointment. He was weakhearted and given to fool hearty fits of fancy very much like his mother. Abrielle's father couldn't bring herself to annull the arrangements. The boy's father and he had fought side by side in there youth and more than once saved each others lives, so he felt obligated to stick to the betrothal. Therefore it seemed imperative that Abrielle learned strength for she would be the only competent one handling the estates and vast lands of the two older men after their passing. He hoped that with time her fiery spirit would temper some into a mature wisdom.

Abrielle led her mare from the stable and swung her feminine form upon her back. She gently pressed the mares sides and whispered softly "come on girl let's go" The mare fell into a peaceful trot. Abrielle led her toward the seashore it was her favorite place to ride. The seashore was always deserted and her soul could soar free. She led Mysteria through the path between some jagged rocks then dismounted. She smiled at her mare this part of the ride was a naughty secret only she and Mysteria shared. She gracefully lifted the silky fabric of the form fitting flowing white gown up over head and removed her feminine under things and placed them in a nook in between two rocks. She remounted her mare feeling as free as the wind she set her off at a spirited pace down the beach...

The beach was beautiful in the early evening the mist from the ocean was filling the shores. Abrielle could barely see in front of her but she and Mysteria had made this ride so many times before that there was no need for sight. Abrielle loved the feel of the mist caressing her soft, sensual curves. This was her dream world here she was free from the inhibitions of society and the responsibilities placed on her by being the daughter of a man with title. The only thing that existed was her and her beloved Mysteria and the glorious surroundings. She did not see the tall,powerfully built stranger with the dark hair and handsome face. He was bent behind some rocks gathering some clams for his dinner. She did not see him but he did see her...

The man's name was Darius he was soldier of fortune traveling from kingdom to kingdom his sword for hire for a worthy cause. In his heart he was a knight in search of his kingdom to defend and honor. He had lost his parents at a young age and there wasn't any family to care for him so he grew up in an orphanage. As soon as he was old enough to care for himself he ran away. He did not waste time dwelling on his unfortunate beginnings. They helped make him what he is. They made him strong of mind and body and filled him with determination to accomplish something with his life....

He heard hoofbeats coming towards him. His warrior instincts caused him to immediately reach for his sword. He sat quietly and watched in the direction of the hoofbeats. His eyes growing wide at what he saw riding from out of the mist. He had to be dreaming, this was a dream. It was the most beautiful vision he had ever seen. it was a young woman she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was completely nude. She had a glorious thick mane of rich red curls that caressed her long,slender thighs. Her soft, full breast danced softly upon her chest as she rode, she wore a headress of flowers in her hair and sat astride a magnificent silvery white horse. Together they seemed to be born of the beauty of the mist....

He watched quietly as they rode closer knowing he should probably call out and reveal his presence but he could not. He did not want to shatter the dream before his eyes. As she rode closer he could see her face was of a soft delicate beauty it had an ethereal essence yet it was the most sensual face he had ever seen. her shoulders were slender, her breast her full, round and very firm. He could see her aroused delicate pink buds peaking out from behind her beautiful silken tresses. His eyes slid over her form taking in the amazingly small waist he felt his hands could probably totally encompass it. He could get just a peek of the silky mound that covered her womanhood. His eyes traveled down her lean thighs to the sensual curve of her calf her ankles her small and graceful. Her soft bare feet pressed lightly at the horses sides.He sat and watched her beauty as it moved towards him and could not ignore the stirring in his loins. When she rode past him he could see her taut round bottom was very sensually curved and rose and fell alluringly as she rode....

She dismounted a few feet from him he quickly retreated behind the rock a little more. He could hear her speaking to the horse. "Look Mysteria all of these beautiful shells" He peeked from behind the rock to see her bending over the shells like a small child excitement evident in her voice over the found treasure. "However will we get them home" she said. she rose to her feet then and turned to face him. He could not believe how incredibly sensual she was yet how delicate she appeared to be. Strange feelings stirred inside of him. They were foreign to him a woman had never affected him this way before. He had seen and been with many beautiful women in his time but none had made him feel the way this one did. He felt he wanted to protect her and to possess her completely. He was standing there staring dumbstruck trying to figure out these strange feelings when he looked up he realized she seen him standing there. She was staring at him looking as shocked as he was. He expected her to mount the horse and bolt but she didn't....

Abrielle didn't know what to think, she didn't know what to do. No one was ever on the beach when she rode. She was too busy taking in his handsome features to even care she was standing nude in front of a perfect stranger. No one but nana her mother's mother ever saw her nude. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He had dark hair and a strong handsome face. Something inside her made want to reach out and run her hands along his face. What was she thinking had she gone mad? she pushed the thought to the back of her mind as her gaze took in the rest of his body. He was strong and well muscled in a lean masculine way.She shook her head slightly trying to come to her senses. What was she doing she should be mounting Mysteria and riding off. At the very least she should at least be feeling shame at standing here nude in front of a stranger but somehow it felt perfectly natural to be standing here in front of this man nude....

They stood there for awhile just looking at one another. He could not stand the distance between them any longer and walked over toward her slowly. When he stood in front of her she slowly raised her gaze to his. She was even more beautiful close up her eyes were an azure blue and seemed to dance with just a hint of mischief. She had high fine cheekbones, her coloring was a delicate ivory. Her lips were full and sensuous they pouted so sweetly he longed to taste them to feel their touch. He forced himself to remember he was a perfect stranger to this girl and even though she was nude here in front of him he got the feeling she had never been with a man before. He didnt want to frighten her, so he cupped her chin softly and looked into her eyes and said "You donot run are you you not frightened being here alone with a stranger?" Abrielle stumbled a bit for words "Yes, no, I don't know. I don't know what I feel." She looked into his beautiful eyes and was lost. He brushed his thumb softly acrossed her lips and lifted her chin and brushed a very soft kiss acrossed it. Abrielle felt something inside of her awaken she did not know what it was or how to explain it but it felt beautiful. She knew she should be fighting this but she did not have the desire or will to. He kissed her again more erotically this time and instinctively she returned his kiss. The kiss deepened and both were engulfed with beautiful feelings and became lost in each other....

In the back of Abrielle's mind she tried to argue with herself "You are promised in marriage to that bumbling Cedric Winston" she told herself. Then thought she will spend a lifetime with a waste of a man why should she not spend a moment of her lifetime with a beautiful man such as this? She had known Cedric since childhood and the only feeling he ever evoked in her was distaste. He was a loathsome man not only was he weak he was dishonest. She put all thoughts out of her mind except for the handsome man before her. This was her dream world anything could happen here. She gave herself over to the stranger and the beauty of the moment....

Darius could not believe she was here warm and willing in his arms. Somewhere in the back of his mind he told himself he should send her away he did not have the right to be here with her like this but he could not bring himself to do it. He had never wanted a woman as he wanted this woman. His desire was too strong he longed to claim her body and soul as his own....

He pulled her soft sensual curves to the taut hardness of his body and softly and erotically claimed her lips.He very slowly began to caress his hands over the sensual curves of her body. Abrielle felt her body respond with desire from his touch. She began to shyly at first caress his chest. Womanly instinct took over and she slowly brushed the opening of his shirt further open softly kissing each newly exposed area of skin with her supple lips then began to softly flick her tongue in warm passionate circles along his nipples arousing them to tautness. A soft moan escaped him then encouraged by this she began to get bolder and softly sucked his nipples into her hot mouth. He grasped her taut bottom tightly against him....

He was beginning to wonder with the skill see seemed to possess if he had been wrong about her ever having been with a man. She began to moan with desire and her hands roamed his body freely. The feel of her soft delicate hands caressing tenderly upon his body drove his desire to a fever pitch. He longed to be free of the constraints of his clothes. He quickly removed them from his body and pulled her back into his arms. Abrielle was in awe of his body. He was very muscular but in a lean kind of way. Her eyes took in his broad muscled shoulders and powerful chest as her hands lightly caressed up and down his well muscled arms. Her eyes traveled slowly down the length of his lean muscled torso to his long powerful thighs. He was beautiful she thought. She allowed her eyes to boldly caress his manhood curiousity overcoming her fear. She had never seen a man naked before. She knew society should dictate that she should be ashamed but she was not. She liked what she saw his manhood was beautiful she longed to touch it but was a little shy, so she grazed her fingernails softly along his torso as she looked up into his eyes seeing that his desire matched hers. She softly grazed her lips along his and molded her body close to his. Her soft breast teasing lightly acrossed his powerful chest. He pulled her tightly to him and reclaimed her soft mouth in a tender kiss. They very slowly made love to one another's lips with soft erotic kisses. He grazed his hands along Abrielle's supple form with a passionate tenderness. She traced her hands along his stomach and then grazed them lightly up his thighs and tentatively brushed them along the underside of his manhood. He moaned deeply at her soft touch and grasped her hand encouraging her to hold him completely. She slowly and shyly wrapped her delicate hand around it. She loved the feel of it. It felt like steel encased in velvet. She began to softly caress her hand up and down the length of it learning the feel of it. She reveled in the heat and strength of it in her hand. Her tender exploration threatened to cause his passion to spill forth. He bent his head to softly run his mouth acrossed her full breast while caressing them softly. He slowly and tenderly grazed a finger into the warm sweetness of her womanhood and brushed it in soft, sensual circles around the bud of her desire while he teased his tongue acrossed her soft buds drawing them to arousal. Abrielle moaned her body became weak with desire. He felt her grow weak in his arms threatening to collapse and drew her closer into his strength as he lowered them to the waiting sand....

Their desire was out of control now and raged within them as the waves raged against the seashore. The sky filled with dark clouds a storm was blowing in and a storm of passion was raging between the too young lovers. Darius laid her down softly upon the sand then slid his powerful lean body between her thighs. Feeling the need to allow his desire to cool somewhat before they became one and desiring to bring her pleasure. He very slowly and sensually traced soft kisses to her inner thighs as he softly caressed his fingers against the bud of her desire as he teased just the tip of his finger into her inner heat. Soft, sensual whimpers escaped her as she instinctively began to rock her womanhood softly against his touch. He softly kissed his way to her womanhood and brushed soft sensual kisses acrossed it then grazed his tongue acrossed the bud of her desire then plunged it deeper into her sweetness. He could feel her sharp intake of breath at the feel of the pleasure. She reached and tangled her fingers softly in his hair as she moaned passionately. He sensually teased and softly sucked her bud into his mouth with a tortuously erotic rhythm until she felt she was going to explode. He could tell her pleasure was close to overtaking her so he withdrew his mouth and raised his powerful body to rest between her satiny thighs. His fully aroused manhood resting partly on her silky belly and against her womanhood. He searched her eyes for her silent answer before he went any further....

She looked into his eyes with her soft blue eyes crying out a silent plea for him to fulfill her desire. He grasp her delicate wrists in his hands and raised her arms behind her head holding them there as he positioned himself to enter her sweetness. slight fear rose in Abrielle as she felt the head of his manhood against her opening. He saw the fear in her eyes but it was too late for both of them their passion had gone too far. He quickly took her body filling her womanhood completely. Wincing slightly at her cries of pain as he made her a woman, his woman he thought to himself. He bent to brush soft kisses along her jaw to her ear and whispered softly to her "Relax my sweet the pain will subside" He tenderly caressed her earlobe with his tongue and softly brushed his thumb along one of her nipples. He did not move within her until he felt her relax against him. Then he began to move within her with slow, sensual rhythms as he tenderly caressed her breast with his mouth softly sucking her peaks into his mouth. Abrielle moaned sensually with the sheer pleasure that ran through her body. She wrapped her arms around his back and wrapped her silky thighs around him as she instinctually matched her soft rocking to his. She teased her soft velvety tongue along his neck to his ear and nibbled lightly upon the lobe then plunged her tongue into it. Her breath was warm and sweet against his ear and her soft purrs of passion was causing his desire to reach its height. She was soft and warm under him. He thought to himself "The little vixen learns quick." She was driving his body wild with her feminine sweetness and soft erotic rocking against him....

It was beginning to storm the cool rain falling against them added to the erotic passion that was sweeping both of them to a beautiful place only they could share. Abrielle had never felt like this. She felt warm all over, she felt alive it was as though she could feel her blood pumping in her veins. She was full of delicious pleasure driven wild with passion she pulled him tightly against her as she very sensually slid her desire up and down his length teasing herself wildly upon his head then sliding him deeply into her. Reveling in the feel of his strength as he filled her completely she passionately swayed her hips in erotic circles. He mounted her desire over and over again driving his strength deeply into her the walls of her sweet desire caressing him erotically threatening to draw his seed from him. Just when he thought he could no longer maintain his passion he looked at her and could see she was reaching hers. Thunder and lightening filled the sky as the wind swept against them they were oblivious to the elements around them. They were oblivious to everything but one another and the desire they shared. He looked into her eyes and claimed her mouth with passion as her desire swept through her filling her with sweet pleasure. She cried out sweetly as he felt the walls of her desire tighten upon him then felt her sweet essence bathe his manhood. He moaned loudly desire and passion rushing through him as he pumped into her furiously the beauty of her pleasure bringing his pleasure to him. He collapsed and shuddered against her wildly as his passion tore through him and his seed filled her in a torrid rush.....

They lay in each others arms for awhile. He tenderly brushed the rain soaked tresses from her face and kissed her softly. She softly traced her hands up and down his back as she nuzzled her face into his neck. Both wanted to stay here this way forever but the storm was not subsiding and he knew he should get her home wherever that was. Abrielle did not want to leave here, she did not want to leave this dream, but it was getting late and nana would be looking for her for her music lesson. He reluctantly rose from her and helped her to her feet pulling her into his embrace and kissing her softly then asking " Now my sweet where do you live? I need to get you out of this weather." "I live up there she said pointing to a large castle on the hill Asheford Hall." she said. "Well, let's get you home then. Will you see me again? May I call for you at the castle?" She wanted to tell him she was promised in marriage but in the middle of this storm was not the time. She did not know how she would ever go through with this marriage and live a farce of a life after today here with this man. "I will meet you here tomorrow same time" she said. He smiled "I will look forward to it milady." "I will be counting the moments until then my Lord" she said and smiled softly. He wrapped his cloak around her and dressed quickly, he helped her mount Mysteria then quickly mounted his steed. She led them back toward the rocks....

When they arrived at the path between the rocks she dismounted Mysteria and went and gathered her gown and underthings from the rock. He dismounted his horse and watched her dress thinking to himself when next they meet he really had to find out why she was riding down the beach naked. She was beautiful a vision in white. He went over and drew her into his embrace again and they kissed passionately. She said " I can make my way from here. it is just up over the hill." "Are you sure milady? I will see you all the way home." No, it is fine she said Mysteria and I ride alone all of the time." He did not argue for some reason she did not want to take him to the castle. "Alright milady I will see you tomorrow?" she smiled and said "I will be there my Lord." He kissed her softly again and set her upon her mare and set her off. "Your name milady I don't know your name." "It is Abrielle she called out softly." Mine is Darius he called back to her." She smiled and waved then disappeared back into the mist. Was she just a dream he thought? He mounted his steed and followed closely and quietly behind her until he seen she was safe within the gates of the castle....

Then he remembered the shells she had so seemed to desire. He rode quickly back to the beach to see if they were still there miraculously they were. He gathered them up and placed them in a pouch at his waist. He looked down where the water was battering against the sand and saw a small delicate flower that had fallen from her headress. He lifted the delicate blossom and fingered it lightly the softness and the scent of it reminding him of how soft and sweet she was in arms. Would she come back tomorrow? He worried over it for awhile but in his heart he knew she would come....

To be continued :)

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