
Once upon a time in a forest much like any forest one can think of. A very rare and beautiful occurence happened. Unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the forest they were to be witness to this splendid ocurrence. It all began on a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining its warmth upon the forest. Reflecting gloriously through the trees. The birds were singing their gay songs of merriment. The animals were scurrying about to and fro. The flowers were blooming. Beautiful in their own serene way, as flowers should be. The forest had come alive once again after its long slumber in the dead of winter.

Among the rebirth of the forest. A very special birth was occuring. It was the birth of two very special caterpillars. There was a tradition in the forest. The birth of all of the young was to be blessed by The "old sage" of the forest. She was a meadowlark her name was Melody. All referred to her as "Miss Melody." She was the oldest living inhabitant of the forest and known to be very wise. Every spring the inhabitants brought their young to be blessed and named by Miss Melody.

It was on such a day that a butterfly couple brought there newly born children to Miss Melody. They were twins a boy and a girl. Miss Melody looked upon the little caterpillars then at once she said "Call all of the inhabitants to witness the naming of these dear sweet "little ones." They are very special. A birth of such caterpillars only occurs once every one hundred generations. All should witness their naming." The young butterfly couple beamed with pride.

All of the inhabitants gathered to witness the naming of the baby caterpillars. Miss Melody sat looking upon the children in quiet reverence for a few moments. She then brushed her wing acrossed each little caterpillars brow and said "Bless these very special "little ones" now and always. May they always know joy and happiness in there life. As of this day forward they shall be known as Amadeus and Angelica. So it is said, so shall it be."

All of the residents of the forest then came to say their congratulations to the young caterpillar couple. Phipps a elderly, crotchety, english, raccoon gentleman looked upon the children and said "Funny they just look like caterpillars to me. Don't see one thing special about them.To be honest they are downright unattractive! with those buggy little eyes and green complexion. Miss Melody shrieked! "Phipps! you are mean spirited crotchety old man who needs to learn to keep his opinions to himself!" "I speak my mind Miss Melody! always have always will." He then shook his cane at her and walked off mumbling something unintelligible.

"Nasty old curmudgeon!" said Miss Melody."Pay him no mind you sweet little children. You are special. All little ones are special. Children are the very renewal of life itself. You two are a rare occurence . Chosen to show the inhabitants of the forest something they know but have forgotten."

Everyone listen to Miss Melody's words but were confused. What could two little caterpillars show them that they already knew but had forgotten? Time would tell. The inhabitants of the forest kept a close eye on Amadeus and Angelica as they grew. Always watching for this lesson two such tiny little creatures were to teach.

Amadeus and Angelica grew in body and spirit. Everyone loved them. Even old Mr Phipps couldn't help but smile when he heard their laughter as they played with the other forest youngsters. They were the sweetest children. They seemed to have a wisdom about them for their young age. They spent many hours with Miss Melody talking of many things.

Many of the forest inhabitants thought these were the qualities that were special about Amadeus and Angelica. They were soon to find out it was a much greater lesson they were to learn. It came the time for Amadeus' and Angelica's slumber. Mother told them it was a very special time when they would change from caterpillar to butterfly. A time they would come into their own. They would have great fun when they awoke. They would be able to fly!

Amadeus was a vibrant, boisterous, adventurous spirit. He thought this was the greatest thing and he simply could not wait. Angelica her spirit more reserved graceful of quiet, delicate beauty was somewhat fearful of this change. "I don't want to slumber Amadeus." said Angelica. "You have to" said Amadeus "It is the only way you will ever be a butterfly!"

"I don't want to be a butterfly. I want to stay as I am" said Angelica. "No you don't you silly girl. You will not be able to fly." said Amadeus. "I don't want to fly. I don't see what is so special about it" said Angelica. "Think of it Angelica. You do not know what you are saying!" Amadeus pointed up to the blue sky and said. "Think of soaring above the trees sister. The wind in your wings. It will be great fun Angelica. Don't be frightened. I will be with you."

"I am still frightened Amadeus. I will have to just get used to it because daddy says the metamorph. What is it called?" happens whether you want it to or not" said Angelica "The metamorphasis sister" Said Amadeus. Yes, that is it brother. Obviously, you have been paying more attention during Miss Melody's talks than I brother. says Angelica then begins to giggle.

Amadeus giggled then began to tickle his sister. They frollick about for awhile then hear there mother calling for them. "It is time to come in children." They all have dinner then Angelica and Amadeus get ready for bed. There parents tucks them in wishing them sweet dreams. Knowing it is time for their slumber but they do not tell them. They gives them an extra long goodnight kiss and hug. It will be while before they see there sweet children again."Goodnight children" both parents say at the same time. "Goodnight mother, goodnight father" says Amadeus. "Night papa, night mama"says Angelica.

Mother peeps her head through the door one more time to blow them a kiss. "Catch" she says. Amadeus and Angelica love mama's special night time kisses sent to them on the " wings of stardust" as she says. "Catch mama" the children say. "kisses sent to you mama on a moonbeam". Mama closes the door silent tears filling her eyes. Tears of sadness yet tears of joy. Her children will awaken adults. She will have but memories of there childhood left. Yet there will be new memories to share when they awaken.

copyright 1997

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