
A breath of promise...

Your touch like a whispered
caress of Ambrosia from
Aphrodite's bosom...

Would that your lips had been
cleansed in the elixir of truth.
Would your kiss have been any
sweeter than the aphrodisiac
of deception?

Would it have set my soul free
from this Gilded cage of Desire?

Would the esctasy of sorrow
have been any more euphoric?
Had you pulled the poison dagger
you have driven into my heart from
its cradle of iniquity?

Had you left the wound bare
and gaping would it's bane
have bled my lifeblood into
the calm waters of my soul
releasing my tortured heart
from this illusion of love?

Your love is like a bitter wind
its icy embrace pure enchant
ment. Your eyes eluded to the
gospel of love, whilst your heart
veiled the tender lies...

A vessel of chastity ascends
forth from its opium catacomb
of feigned delusion. A sacrificial
Ritual of blood and tears...


Medusa's touch, heart turned
to stone, Facade of Deception,
mirror image, barren
blissful Oblivion...

copyright 1998

[Main Page] [Crown of Thorns] [Alone] [The Writing On The Wall] [Silent Words] [Deliverance] [Paladin] [When The Light Shines] [Sanctify] [The Reflection of a Soul] [The Touch of a Tear] [She Was But a Dream] [Forgotten] [Remembering] [Miracle] [In Dreams Of You] [Sanctuary] [Midnight Serenade] [Wings Of Love] [A Tear Falls In The Dark] [The Vigil] [Wishes] [A Heart Stolen By Love Is Never Lost] [Awakening] [Midnight Lover] [The Wind] [Interlude] [Eternity's Song] [Mourning Dove] [Sacrifice] 1

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